Last minute recipes for New Year's Eve: 7 heavenly treats - made in a flash

Still no idea what you should add to the New Year's Eve buffet or offer your guests? We have seven ingenious quick recipes ready that look like a lot of work, but succeed in no time. Amazed eyes guaranteed!

Recipe idea #1: Fan baguette with tomato mozzarella

First of all, we would like to introduce you to a recipe for a heavenly, delicious fan baguette. It's super quick and everyone enjoys it.

The best thing: you can fill the baguette with whatever you want. All you need is a baguette (and it can be from the day before), some cheese and the ingredients of your choice. We decided on a classic version with tomatoes and mozzarella.

This is what you need:
For approx. 2 people

  • Baguette
  • 2 large tomatoes
  • 2 Pck. Mozzarella
  • Basil pesto

And this is how it works:

Cut the baguette approximately every 2 cm with a bread knife, but do not cut all the way through. Wash and slice tomatoes. Season with a little salt and pepper. Also cut the mozzarella into slices.

Spread the inside of the incisions with basil pesto and then alternately place a slice of tomato and a slice of mozzarella in each.

Now on a baking tray lined with baking paper in the preheated ovenat 200 °C for about 10 minutesbake. After baking, let cool briefly, but serve warm.

Tipp:Is your baguette a little older and now very hard or chewy like rubber? Then you can sprinkle it with a little water before baking and topping. When you bake it in the oven later, it will taste fresh and crunchy again!

Also read:

Recipe idea #2: Puff pastry salmon snails

Puff pastry is incredibly versatile and can be used for both sweet and savory dishes. That's why most people always have one or two rations of puff pastry in the house.

During our search for delicious puff pastry recipes for New Year's Eve, we came across puff pastry salmon snails. The great thing: you only need four ingredients and the snails are made in a flash.

This is what you need:
For approx. 2-3 people

  • 1 pack of puff pastry
  • 100 g cream cheese
  • 200 g smoked salmon slices
  • 1 No
  • optional: some dill or sweet mustard

And this is how it works:
Roll out the puff pastry and spread it with cream cheese. Then spread the smoked salmon evenly over the puff pastry.

If you like, you can now brush the salmon with a little dill or sweet mustard. Then carefully roll the puff pastry and filling into a large roll.

Now use a knife to cut slices about 1 cm thick and spread the pieces on a baking tray lined with baking paper.

Recipe Idea #3: Tuna Dip

If you are still looking for a simple and delicious dip for New Year's Eve and also like tuna, then you should definitely try this quick recipe. The tuna dip is incredibly tasty and ready in no time.

This is what you need:
For approx. 2-3 people

  • 1 can of tuna (in its own juice)
  • 1 pack of (herb) cream cheese
  • 1 onion
  • Salt and pepper for seasoning

And this is how it works:

Place cream cheese in a bowl and beat with a fork. Then drain the tuna and pour it into the bowl too. Finally add the chopped onion and mix everything well.

Season with salt and pepper. If you want, you can garnish the dip with chives or spring onions at the end, but this is not a must.

You can take the dip with youbaguette, bread or toast,but also withCrackers or raw vegetablesessen.

Also delicious:

Rezept Idee #4 Smashed Potatoes

Are you one of those people who always buy too many potatoes and therefore always have some left over? Then definitely try smashed potatoes.

This is a super tasty potato dish that is made in a flash, is very filling and is guaranteed not to be familiar to everyone.

This is what you need:
For 2 people

  • 6-8 potatoes
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • 150g grated cheese

And this is how it works:

Boil the potatoes with their skin on until al dente. Line a baking tray with baking paper, spread the potatoes on it and mash them with a potato masher (or simply a glass). Then brush with olive oil.

Finely chop a clove of garlic and spread the garlic over the mashed potatoes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Finally sprinkle generously with cheese and place in the preheated ovenat 200°C for 20 minutesBake until the cheese is melted.

Reading material for potato junkies:

Recipe idea #5: Spaghetti muffins

Another brilliant last-minute idea for New Year's Eve: spaghetti muffins. Almost all of us have spaghetti in our pantry and the rest of the ingredients are also very manageable.

Instead of making the spaghetti muffins à la Carbonara, you can of course also opt for another (vegetarian) version.

This is what you need:
For 2 people

  • 150 g Spaghetti
  • 50 g Baconwürfel
  • 1 small onion
  • 50 g Parmesan
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 120 ml whipped cream

And this is how it works:

Cook spaghetti “al dente”. Leave the bacon in a pan, chop the onion and add it. Grease the wells of a muffin tin (preferably made of silicone). Drain the spaghetti and twist it into small nests with a fork. Then put these into the muffin tin.

Whisk together grated cheese, egg yolks and cream. Then add bacon and onions. Season with salt and pepper. Then add a tablespoon of each to the spaghetti nests in the muffin tin.

Recipe idea #6: Santa Claus chocolate fondue

Fondue is one of the absolute classics on New Year's Eve. A chocolate fondue is also the perfect opportunity to get rid of leftover chocolate that we have accumulated over the Christmas period.

This is what you need:

  • Chocolate, such as Santa Claus
  • Fruits of your choice

And this is how it works:

Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a pot. Heat very slowly and stir frequently so that the chocolate does not become lumpy. If you like, you can also melt them in a water bath to be on the safe side.

Then simply chop the fruit of your choice (e.g. strawberries, bananas, tangerines). Add the chocolate to the fondue pot and keep warm. Serve fruit with skewers or forks for dipping and enjoy!

Even more ideas:

Recipe idea #7: Tiramisu in a glass jar made from cookies

We not only accumulate Santa Claus and chocolate over the Christmas period, but also lots of cookies. If you still have a lot of speculoos and the like left over, you can easily use it to conjure up heavenly, delicious tiramisu on New Year's Eve. We'll reveal how it works.

This is what you need:
For 2-3 people

  • 250 g Mascarpone
  • 250 g Quark
  • 50g brown sugar
  • 2 packs of vanilla sugar
  • approx. 300 g cookies
  • some cinnamon or cocoa powder
  • optional: 300 g fruit

And this is how it works:
First put the mascarpone and quark in a bowl and process with a fork into a creamy mixture. Add sugar and vanilla sugar and mix well. Now prepare about 2-3 glasses (depending on how big they are).

Now start with a layer of mascarpone cream. Then crumble the cookies of your choice (for example speculoos) and add them over the quark layer. If you like, you can add a few more fruits, for example canned peaches or raspberries are particularly delicious.

Then add mascarpone cream over it again, etc. Finish with the cream. Place in the refrigerator for a few hours to allow the cookies to soften. Sprinkle with cocoa powder or cinnamon before serving.

We hope you like our recipe and wish you a lot of fun cooking, baking and trying it! Feel free to write to us tooInstagramor onFacebook: We are always happy to receive suggestions and recipe requests!

Even more recipe ideas: