This is the real crisis year in relationships - have you gotten over it yet?

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According to the study: This is the year most couples separate

The damn 7th year? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! Studies show that most relationships break up much earlier.

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There is hardly a better feeling than being newly in love. The grass somehow looks greener, we literally float through the day and wear the familiar rose-colored glasses. Especially at the beginning of a new relationship, the butterflies in your stomach can hardly be stopped.

But this feeling doesn't last too long. Because according to oneStudyAccording to Stanford University in 2017, almost 60% of relationships fail within the first year.

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Most relationships fail this early

For his study “How couples meet and stay together,” the American sociologist Michael Rosenfeld followed more than 3,000 couples over several years and repeatedly obtained updates about their relationship status.

The result of his data: Imfirst year of relationshipthe risk of separation is highest. The reason for this? The rose-colored glasses are wearing off. Psychologist Nele Sehrt also explains this in an interview withAOK health magazine.

This is what rose-colored glasses do to our brain

If we are newly in love, our brain is in an absolute state of emergency for several months. According to Sehrt, our bodies release a real cocktail of neurotransmitters during this time. But this “rush” wears off at some point. It usually lasts around two to four months. And after 12 to 18 months, the hormone secretion slowly returns to normal - in other words: everyday life returns.

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It is precisely during this period that we take off our familiar rose-colored glasses and the initial, excited tingling sensation suddenly disappears. Many couples suddenly question whether they are really compatible - now that they realize that the first rush of falling in love may have made them overlook some things.

Are relationships “safe” after a certain year?

The short answer: no. A relationship is never truly “safe”. According to Rosenfeld's study, the probability of breaking up after 15 years together was still 12 percent for unmarried heterosexual couples. After 25 years, the risk of separation even increased again.

Other studies also confirm that there is no ONE year of a relationship that needs to be survived. Scientist of theInstitute of Psychology at the University of BernFor example, have found that many relationships reach their lowest point after ten years. Afterwards, the couples' feeling of well-being with their relationship increases again. In the 20th year of the relationship, however, a renewed downward trend can be seen.

Can you prevent an early separation?

As soon as the great infatuation wears off and everyday life sets in, many relationships begin to have a crisis. Maybe there will even be an argument for the first time - this can be a real trial by fire for some couples. Suddenly you see your partner in a whole new light.

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Communication is therefore the be-all and end-all. Talk a lot, and ideally before the rush of being in love wears off, about your feelings and expectations of the relationship. This way you might be able to find out early on whether you share the same ideas about a future together.

As much as you would like to be guided by your heart during this time, the realization is painful when you simply don't function in everyday life.

In order not to put too much strain on your relationship too early, you should not make any big decisions at the beginning. Wait before you quit your job and book a trip around the world, buy a dog together or move in together. Because even if you still feel invincible now, this initial rush can quickly wear off again.

Better: Check your expectations of each other and the relationship early on. Communicate as openly and honestly as possible and don't pretend to be just to please the other person better at the beginning of the relationship. And above all, don't let any relationship years in the calendar drive you crazy.