According to the survey: Great love encounters these people in particular several times in life

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In advance in the video: Three signs that you will soon meet your great love

One of the great love is the dream of most of us. But is it true that there is really only this one love? A current study says: No.

The one great love. It is kept in mind in Hollywood romances, in novels, in the fairy tales of our childhood or in the advertising films of any brands. Curtain on: This is how luck looks. Music. Complete. And we have already put a flea in the ear and we too dream of one, great love.

According to aOpinion pollSeven of ten people in Germany firmly believe that this wonderful happiness in love exists. Only every eleventh, according to the survey, doubts to find great love for themselves.

The first great love vs. the one great love

Similar numbers provide oneStudyby elite partners. Accordingly, only 16 percent of those surveyed do not believe in the great feelings. So 84 percent think positively in terms of love happiness. And that's a good thing!

You have to differentiate between thefirst bigLove (which you usually think that it lasts forever) andthe one big oneLove, the person who suits us perfectly who is relatives with us. Both can be identical, but it does not have to.

For many people, it is above all the first great love that will be remembered for a long time. But maybe there is also a second great love that shapes us as well? And yes, according to a survey, this is even more likely than you think.

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Men in particular meet great love several times

Seajust that surveyCan meet us great love several times in life. 21 percent said: "I already had several great loved ones in my life." So this is in fact everyone fifth!

And the second good news: A great love can catch us at any age, even at 50, 60 and more years, because that also shows the survey.

And something else showed: This is how men experience great love in particular. Around 29 percent of the 60-69-year-olds stated that they have already experienced this great luck. In contrast, women in this age group were only 19 percent.

The fact that older people in particular experience this happiness can of course be explained by the fact that the older we get, it is also more likely that we have really loved several times. Accordingly, the numbers are of course high here. But - that was also the result of the survey - younger people also stated that they had made great love more than just once in their lives.

So we can be optimistic. Therefore: eyes open! It is not unlikely that something wonderful will happen to you in life in love - no matter how old you are. So if you believe in great love, you shouldn't give up hope and the doubters should also wait and see what is still happening.