»»According to the study: If you have this head circumference, you are particularly intelligent
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Can this part of the body follow the intelligence?
Researchers found a connection between head circumference and IQ.
Can we determine how smart you get right at birth? A new study has exciting knowledge.
The wildest theories about the connection between intelligence are circulating on the Internet. A correlation cannot often be scientifically proven. But be careful: because according to oneStudy in 2016 in the magazine Molecular PsychiatryCan actually be in connection with head circumference and intelligence. But what is really behind it and which head shape is considered particularly smart? Find out here whether you are one of the particularly intelligent minds!
This head scope speaks for a higher intelligence
The study examined the extent to which head circumference and intelligence quotient. The result was that people who were born as an infant with a large head circumference were more intelligent and successful than people with a smaller head scope.
According to the study, the head diameter of the particularly intelligent wasAverage between 31.75 and 35.56 centimeters. However, the average head circumference of all infants is also between 33 and 38.
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In a recent study from 2023, however, researchers found another exciting connection between head circumference and IQ. The study results were in the "American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Global Reports" published.
For the study, the researchers examined the heads of the infants by ultrasound. The results of various previous studies were also used. The result:The quotient of birth weight and head circumference (divided birth weight by head circumference) is closely related to the IQ and the psychomotor development of four -year -olds.Incidentally, the average weight of newborns is between 3300 and 3500 grams.
Both a smaller head circumference and a lower weight are related to poorer neurological development.
How intelligent we become depends not only on our genetics. According to researchers, around 40 percent of our intelligence are determined by external influences such as our environment and our upbringing. The genetics and thus our appearance make up about 60 percent of our intelligence.
So we have a large part in how smart we become.
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