Here is all information about the Labret piercing that you need to know before the jump-off: How is the piercing stung, what risks are there and what do you have to consider when caring for?
Table of contents
- Labret piercing: This is how the piercing on the lip is engraved
- Labret piercing: How painful is piercing?
- Let the Labret piercing stab: These are the risks
- Cost: Lip piercing costs that much
- Labret piercing: Everything about healing and proper care
- Labret: This piercing jewelry is suitable
Labet piercing is a piercing on the lip. More specifically, the piercing is stung below the lower lip. Whether the piercing should sit in the middle or more of the side is entirely up to your own taste. If the piercing is particularly deep near the tooth root, one speaks of a lowbret.
This is where all the important information you should know about the Labret piercing come-from the risks and pain to the right care and costs.
By the way:The term "Labret Piercing" occasionally causes confusion. Because not only the piercing on the lower lip, but basically all piercings in the area of the lip, are often referred to as a Labret. This also includes that, for example,, which is stung on the side above the upper lip and that, sits in the small groove between the upper lip and the nose. In addition, the term is also used for the rear, conical piercing rod, which can be used at many parts of the body.
Important in advance:No matter which lip piercing or piercing it is - it should always be stung exclusively by a professional and experienced piercer. If the lip piercing is not stabbed in a professional manner, bad inflammation can arise.
Labret piercing: This is how the piercing on the lip is engraved
Before the actual piercing of the piercing, the puncture site and the surrounding skin are thoroughly disinfected and the desired piercing site is then marked with a pen. Then the lip is fixed with a clamp, slightly raised and pierced with a special needle.
The lower lip often swells slightly right after the jump -off, pounds or feels hot. In some cases, the lip or the gums can even turn blue in the first few days. However, all of these complaints should disappear again after a few days at the latest.
Labret piercing: How painful is piercing?
How painfully the stinging of the lower lip piercing is of course always depends on the sensation of pain. In general, however, it can be said that the Labret is more of the painless piercings, since only through skin and not as with many ear piercings (such as thator) is stung by cartilage tissue.
Let the Labret piercing stab: These are the risks
Basically, all piercings bring whether-, ear or lip piercing, some risks. Finally, tissue is pierced and a foreign body is used.
The most common risk is that the Labret piercing is inflamed-for example if it is not properly and regularly maintained or you keep stuck on clothing and Co. with the piercing. The wearing of braces can also have a negative impact, since the clip can get caught with the jewelry and the piercing hole is exposed to so constant friction.You can find out what to do when your piercing ignites:.
But not only inflammation can occur with this lower lip piercing. For example, the piercing jewelry can grow with the oral mucosa. As a rule, however, this case only occurs with newly engraved piercings with too short plugs.
In general, the correct length of the lip piercing at the Labret is very important. Too short rod can damage the teeth and tooth enamel. In general, the first jewelry is longer than the permanent jewelry that is used after the full healing.
And the right material is also crucial. Titan or surgical steel plugs can attack gums and tooth enamel. Therefore, only piercings made of soft polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) should be used.
Cost: Lip piercing costs that much
You cannot say what costs you have to expect for the Labret piercing. The prices vary depending on which studio you let yourself be pierced. And there are also price fluctuations from region to region.
As a rule, the lip piercing costs around 40 to 70 euros. The price usually includes not only pierces, but also the first jewelry and piercing care.
Labret piercing: Everything about healing and proper care
The healing of the label takes about four to eight weeks. So that the piercing heals without problems and there is no inflammation, the right care is the be -all and end of the right after stinging, the right care is after stinging
Since Labret piercing is partly an exterior and partly an oral piercing, it must be maintained from both outside and and from the inside.
Here are the most important tips:
- In the first few weeks two to three times a day with disinfection mouth spray (there is in the piercing studio, the pharmacy orHere at Amazon*) clean.
- In addition, rinse with a mouthwash (without alcohol) or with chamomile tea after meals.
- In the first few days on, Do without alcohol and blood-thinning medication such as aspirin and protect piercing from soap and cosmetics or use pH-neutral products.
- In the first two weeks, no milk and fruit acid-containing foods should be consumed. In general, you should be very careful when biting and chewing food.
- Forego ball sports for a few days (risk of injury). Sunbathing/solarium and sauna is also taboo during wound healing.
- Every now and then easily move the Labret with disinfected hands so that it does not grow with the inner oral mucosa. Under no circumstances take out piercing.
- Any crusts that arise can be carefully removed with warm chamomile water.
Labret: This piercing jewelry is suitable
As soon as the piercing on the lower lip is completely healed, the first jewelry can be replaced by other jewelry from the piercer.
A Labret Stab is usually used for piercing, also called Labret Stud or Labret PIN. Such a rod has a small plate at the one end and at the other end over a thread on which a small ball can be screwed. The stamp is 1.2 mm or 1.6 mm as standard and is between 8 and 14 mm long. A Labret staff made of Bioflex (PTFE) is also recommended. The material is more skin -friendly than nickel or surgical stainless steel, which often trigger allergies or inflammation and can damage the teeth.
In addition to Labret plugs, Ball Cloure Rings or Hufeisen are also popular.
Sources & further information on the health risks of piercing:
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Important NOTE:The information in this article only serves the information and does not replace a diagnosis at the doctor. If uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints arise, you should contact your doctor.