With this Tchibo tool you train your waist-and burn a lot of calories!

More than just a hula hoop: The flexible fitness tire from Tchibo offers extra resistance and makes your core workout even more effective!

has established itself as a popular fitness method - but for everyone who wants to get more out of their workout, there is an innovative alternative: theflexible fitness tires from Tchibo*.

This training device combines the dynamic movement of a classic hula hoop workout with additional flexibility and resistance to target your fuselage muscles. The flexible fitness tire offers some decisive advantages over conventional tires.

Here you can find out how the training works, what advantages it offers and for whom it is particularly suitable.

What makes the flexible fitness tire special?

In contrast to rigid hula hoop tires, the flexible fitness tire consists of onemovable material, which is slightly deformed with every rotation. This creates oneadditional resistancethe oneDepth muscles demand even more intensely.

The advantages at a glance:

  • More muscle activation:The flexibility of the tire makes the stomach, back and fuselage more stressed than with a rigid hula hoop.
  • Better adaptation to the body:The flexible tire adapts to your movement, which makes training more pleasant and pressure points can be reduced.
  • More challenge for advanced:If you have already mastered Hula-Hoop, the flexible fitness tire will discover a new, more intensive training method.
  • Effective cardio workout:The dynamic movement gets the circulation going and promotes fat burning.

This tire is ideal for everyone who goes beyond classic hula hoop training andAn even more effective core workoutwant to experience.

This is how you train with the flexible fitness tire

The flexible fitness tire consists of an inner spiral made of metal and a plastic outside.Credit:gofeminin/ Tchibo

The fitness tire requires somethingother technologyas a conventional hula hoop tires. Since it is more flexible, more precise and more controlled movements are necessary to keep it stable in the rotation.

This is how the training succeeds:

  1. Stable starting position:Stand up hip width, tense the abdominal muscles and keep your back straight.
  2. Gentle starting movement:Set the tire on the waist and start with even, controlled hip movements.
  3. Rotation with resistance:The flexible tire adapts to your movement so that you keep control of speed and intensity.
  4. Additional challenge:Vary the speed and integrate different positions such as slightly bent knees or an increased body tension.

Initially, training can feel more intense than with a classic hula hoop, but with a little practice you will quickly make progress.

How effective is the workout really?

The flexible fitness tire is more than just a fun device - it can be an effective part of yourbecome.

That brings you the training:

  • High calorie burn:Up to 400 calories per hour are possible, depending on intensity and duration.
  • Targeted strengthening of the middle of the body:Belly, waist and lower back in particular benefit from the movement.
  • Improvement of attitude:By activating the fuselage muscles, the entire posture is stabilized.
  • More training effect than with classic tires:Due to the additional resistance, deeper muscles are used more.

The flexible fitness tire thus offers onemore intensive alternative to conventional hula-hoop trainingAnd is particularly suitable for everyone who wants to optimize their workouts.

Who is the flexible fitness tire ideal for?

Perfect for you if ...

  • you want to raise your hula hoop training to the next level
  • You are looking for a joint -friendly but challenging workout
  • you want to specifically strengthen and define your middle of your body

Maybe not ideal if ...

  • you prefer a classic hula hoop tire with less resistance
  • you are looking for a pure cardio training without any additional effort
  • you are pregnant

Common questions about flexible fitness tires

Is training more difficult than with a normal hula hoop?

Yes, since the flexible tire offers additional resistance, training can be more challenging. With a little practice, however, you will quickly make progress.

How long should I train?

Beginners start with five to ten minutes a day and gradually increase to 20 to 30 minutes.

Can I lose weight with it?

Jein, the fitness tires boost fat burning because it can be considered cardio training. Only in combination with healthy diet and strength training can he help reduce body fat and thus lose weight.

An upgrade for your core workout

TheFlexible fitness tires from Tchibo* offers an ideal way to further develop classic hula hoop training and to strengthen the middle of the body even more effectively. The flexibility of the tire creates an additional resistance that demands the muscles more intensely and makes training more demanding.

If you are looking for a new challenge and want to train your abdominal and trunk muscles in a targeted manner, this tool is guaranteed to get your money's worth.

Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet and which training form suits you best. Don't let others put you under pressure. Basically, however, the following applies: a active lifestyle with a balanced diet and a lot of movement is still the best way to stay fit permanently and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. If it is difficult for you to achieve your ideal weight or if you suffer from health consequences of your overweight or below, please let yourself be supported by your doctor or nutritionist.