Workout plan for at home: How to stay fit!

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Just because you spend a lot of time at home doesn't mean you have to be lazy. With simple exercises that are solely your ownyou can stay fit even in the smallest of spaces - without the need for expensive equipment. The best part? You can adapt the training individually to your fitness level and preferences.

The following training plan is aimed specifically at beginners who want to start their training at home. If that's not enough for you, you can increase the intensity by choosing heavier exercise variations, doing more repetitions or adding small weights. There you go – have fun with this full-body workout plan for the entire week!

Dumbbells are available here on Amazon, for example*

In the video: Effective 5×5 lightning workout for the whole body

5 x 5: The lightning workout for the whole body

10 minutes a day is enough

You need about 10 minutes for each workout. It's best to do a short warm-up beforehand. To do this, jog in place for 1-2 minutes, do jumping jacks or jump ropes.are also a great warm-up that really gets your circulation going.

If you don't feel like doing sport every day, you can also design your home training plan so that you always combine two training sessions. For example, do a workout for your stomach, legs and buttocks on Monday, for your arms and stomach on Wednesday, and for your legs, buttocks and arms on Friday.

And: You can modify this training plan at home at any time. If you can't handle an exercise, swap it for another. If you can't do the number of repetitions at the beginning, simply do fewer repetitions, or more if you're fitter.

Tipp: With a training book (Shop here on Amazon*) you can document your exercises and record training progress.

Nutrition tips:By the way, whether you're trying to lose weight, build muscle or have a healthy lifestyle, your diet is an important factor that you can positively influence. Find out more about here.

Home workout plan: Monday, belly & waist workout

Tip for home workouts:With an exercise mat (Shop here on Amazon*) you can do the exercises much more comfortably!

1st exercise: folding knife

Sit upright and tense your muscles in your stomach, legs and buttocks. Now take your arms straight up, lift your legs bent so that your calves are parallel to the floor, tilt your upper body back a little and then bring your legs and arms together and apart.
3 x 15 repetitions

Variant:Stretch your legs out, this makes it harder.

2nd exercise: side support

Lie on your right side. Tighten your stomach and buttocks and then push yourself up on either your right forearm or your right hand and release your body from the floor. The weight is only borne by the forearm or hand and the edges of the feet. Make sure that the body forms a line.
Hold for 3 x 10 seconds on each side

Variant:Advanced users rotate their left arm under their upper body or lift their left leg.

3rd exercise: abdominal rotation

Sit upright. The legs are bent, the feet are on the floor some distance from the bottom. Take a dumbbell or a pillow between your stretched arms. Tense your stomach tightly and rotate your upper body alternately to the left and right side with your outstretched arms.
3 x 12 repetitions per side

Variant:Advanced lifters lift their legs at a 90 degree angle so that their calves are parallel to the floor.

Don't miss:

Training plan for home: Tuesday, training for legs and buttocks

On Tuesdays we focus on the lower part of the body, i.e. legs and buttocks. We'll show you a super effective workout that you can easily do at home:

1st exercise: squats

Stand upright, tense your stomach muscles and buttocks. You can stretch your arms forward or support them on your hips. Now bend your knees deeply, push your butt backwards, and bend your upper body slightly forward, but remain straight.
3 x 15 repetitions

Squats, jumping or standing, are a great exercise for the butt and legs.

2nd exercise: lunges

Stand upright, tense your stomach and buttocks. Take a large step forward with your right leg, bending your left leg. Make sure that your right knee does not extend beyond the tip of your foot. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise.
3 x 12 alternating per leg

Reading tips:Kettlebell exercises: full body training with the power ball

3rd exercise: bridge

Lie on your back with your feet a little distance from your bottom. The arms lie relaxed next to the body. Place your right foot on your left knee, tense your stomach and buttocks and then push your buttocks and pelvis up. When coming down, do not rest your back completely on the floor.
Repeat 3 x 12 times

Variant:To make the exercise more difficult, you can extend one leg at a time and raise it to the same level as the other leg.

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Professional workout at home:For anyone who needs a little more fitness motivation but doesn't feel like going to the gym, we recommend an online fitness program like Gymondo*. A coach will guide you and literally give you a leg up.

Home workout plan: Wednesday, arms & chest workout

With the push-up you train your arms, shoulders, chest and upper back.

1st exercise: push-ups

Get on your knees. Place your arms slightly wider than shoulder-width and push your upper body forward a little. The closer it is to the knees, the easier the exercise becomes. Tense your stomach tightly and then bend your arms deeply. Push your elbows outwards, making sure that your bottom doesn't slide up or down.
Perform 3 x 10 times

Variant:If you are fit, you can of course also do the exercise with your legs stretched.

2nd exercise: dips

Sit on the edge of the sofa, bed or chair. Support yourself on the edge with your outstretched arms and walk your feet forward so that your butt is in the air just in front of the edge of the sofa. Now bend your arms and push your bottom down.
3 x 12 repetitions

3. Exercise: biceps curl

Take a dumbbell or a filled 1.5 liter water bottle in each hand. Bend your arms 90 degrees, palms facing upwards. From this position, push your hands towards your upper body.
3 x 15 repetitions

There are more here

Home workout plan: Thursday, belly & waist workout

The plank is an absolute classic and a full-body exercise.

1st exercise: plank

Comes in the prone position. Support yourself on your forearms, your elbows under your shoulders. Pushes the body up so that the weight is supported only by the tips of the toes and forearms. Make sure that your stomach is tightly tense and your bottom doesn't slide up or down.
Hold 3 x 15 seconds

Reading tips:

Variant:Advanced users alternately lift one leg.

2nd exercise: oblique crunches

Lie on your back with your feet a little distance from your bottom. Place your right foot on your left knee. Tense your stomach tightly, take your fingertips to the back of your head and push your upper body diagonally up towards your right knee.
3 x 15 repetitions

3rd exercise: leg sliders

Lie on your back with your arms stretched out to the sides next to your body. Tense your stomach tightly and lift your stretched legs up into the air. Press your legs together and let them sink down as far as your lower back remains on the floor.
3 x 12 repetitions

Training plan for home: Friday, training for legs and buttocks

Donkey kicks or less dynamic “thigh presses” train the butt and the back of the thighs.

1st exercise: thigh presses

Get on all fours. The hands are under the shoulders, the knees under the hips. Tense your stomach tightly, now bend your right leg 90 degrees, the sole of your foot pointing towards the ceiling. Lift your leg up to hip height and push it towards the ceiling in small, controlled movements.
3 x 15 Mal je Bein

2nd exercise: Leg lifts for the inner thighs

Lie on your left side and support your upper body on your left forearm. Push the right straight leg forward and then lift the left straight leg in small movements. Make sure that your toes are pulled together.
Repeat the exercise 3 x 15 times on each leg

3rd exercise: Leg lifts for the outer thighs

Lie on your left side and support your upper body on your left forearm. The body forms a line. Release your right leg from the left and push it up and down.
3 x 20 repetitions per side

Variant:Make circular movements with your straight leg, then it becomes harder.

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Home workout plan: Saturday, arms & chest workout

Bye-bye waving arms: This exercise for the triceps makes it possible.

1. Exercise: Triceps curl

Stand upright and hold a dumbbell or a filled water bottle in each hand. Now bend your legs slightly, bend your upper body slightly forward and lift your arms, bent at 90 degrees, so that the upper arms are parallel to the upper body and the hands point to the floor.

Now stretch your arms backwards. Make sure your upper arms stay close to your body. If you like, you can also train your arms alternately and kneel on a stool with one leg to do the exercise.
3 x 10 Evil I Arm

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2nd exercise: chest press

Stand upright. Take your open hands in front of your chest as if in prayer and squeeze them tightly together. Forearms should be parallel to the floor, elbows pointing outwards.
3 x 15 seconds

3rd exercise: Butterfly

Stand upright. Take a dumbbell or a filled water bottle in each hand. Bend your arms 90 degrees and stretch them to the side at shoulder height. The upper arms are parallel to the floor, the forearms including the dumbbells point towards the ceiling. Now push your forearms together and apart in front of your head.
3 x 12 repetitions

Relaxation on Sunday

Of course, you can also take a break every now and then with a clear conscience. It is recommended to get some exercise at least 3 days a week. For a little more relaxation on the weekend, we recommend gentle training such as yoga. You don't have to be flexible like an experienced yogini and you don't have to be afraid of acrobatics. Yoga is above all a path to yourself. There are the right exercises for everyone. Discover now.

Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet and which form of training suits you best. Don't let others put pressure on you. In principle, however, the following applies: an active lifestyle with a balanced diet and lots of exercise is still the best way to stay fit over the long term and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.