Here you can find out which 8 objects you are guaranteed to have in abundance and how you will start to get rid of them!
A decent apartment is important to many - but in everyday life there is often only time to clear away the worst. The actual chaos hides behind closet doors and in drawers. A real inventory? We rarely do them.
In particular, these little things take up a lot of space - and are often hardly used. Here are 8 things that really everyone has too much. Perfect for your next rainy weekend to make out and create space!
1. Shampoos and shower gels - less is more!
Clear,S and shower gels belong to the bathroom - but who doesn't know it? A new product sounds exciting, so you buy it even though the old one is not yet empty. The result? Half full bottles collect and dust.
The solution:Before you buy something new, first use the existing products. If you no longer want to use something, ask friends or family - many are not picky as long as it cleans!
Reading tip:
2. pockets and bags - the unwanted collection campaign
Since the ban on disposable plastic bags in Germany (2022), the plastic flood is to be contained. But if you have forgotten the reusable bag again, you can buy a new bag-and so a mountain from fabric bags, paper and reusable straps grow at home.
The solution:Onefoldable bagAlways have in your handbag, in the backpack or in the car - this is how you are prepared for spontaneous purchases. Three to four bags as a reserve in the kitchen cabinet are sufficient. The rest? Can be gone away or given away!
3.Pins-less culinary chaos, more order!
A few good pens are always practical. But honestly: advertising peaker in everyone? Definitely too much! There are also dried markers and empty pens that have long been sorted out.
The solution:Test all the pens once andOnly keep those who really still write. The rest can be donated - or, if still useful, in schools or social institutions.
4. Make-up-time for a beauty check!
Crumbling eyeshadow, dried mascara or a foundation that no longer fits the skin tone - many cosmetic products are stored unused for years.
The solution:Cosmetics often last longer than the best before date, but as soon as consistency, smell or color change, it belongs in the trash. Everything you no longer use? Sort out - your bathroom will thank you!
Reading tip:
5. Cups - less is more!
Can't you walk past beautiful cups? Then a considerable collection has certainly been accumulated in your kitchen cabinet. But let's be honest: mostly you only use one or two favorite cups.
The solution:Everything that is never used sorting out and donating - social department stores or charity organizations are happy about kitchen utensils!
6. Socks - time for more space in the drawer!
As with the cups, it is also here: the drawer swells over, but only a fraction is worn. Many socks are whirled through, have loses holes or have long since lost their partner.
And then there are the cuddly socks - cozy, but often in abundance and a space -eaten.
The solution:Sort out broken socks (e.g. use as plaster flaps, make dog toys) and give away excess cuddly socks - they are often needed in dormitories or emergency shelters!
7. Batteries- Avoid chaos and arrange sensibly!
Having a few batteries in stock makes sense. But distributed lots in the drawer? Then you often no longer know which one is still full and which have long been empty.
The solution:Take 20 minutes and sort your batteries. With aBattery tester(there is for around 5 euros at Amazon*) Can you check them. Alternatively, the case test helps:
- Does the battery jump after the impact?→File.
- Does it fall directly?→Still full.
💡Extra tip:Keep batteries in the future or immediatelyrechargeable batteriesChange - that saves money and protects the environment!
8.Towels - less is enough!
Most of us have more towels than necessary. Old specimens from the first own apartment often remain as a "replacement", while the new, beautiful models are used in everyday life. But honestly: how many replacement towels do you really need?
Reading tip:
The solution:Two sets per person are normally sufficient. You can use the remaining towels to clean or donate - many animal shelters are happy to take on the animals. It is best to call beforehand and ask!