What do you do with? Tear out and throw away, of course! After all, no hobby gardener wants the unsightly plants to suppress their own. But there is a weed that you shouldn't throw carelessly on the compost: nettles.
Reading tip:
Ui, how did I fear nettles as a child. Not only once I got my legs on it in summer and shortly afterwards I had painful whispering on the skin.
In the meantime, however, I know that the weeds can be used incredibly versatile (and can be touched painlessly even without gloves if you reach for a slight upward movement). Because you can not only cook delicious tea from nettles, but also make an effective organic fertilizer.
Use nettles as fertilizer
Nettles are true nutrient bombs. They contain a lot of nitrogen, potassium and iron, which is why they are perfect for fertilization of vegetables and flowers as a mug.
Step-by-step: Make the nettle already
What you need:
- approx. 1 kg of fresh nettles
- approx. 10 l (rain) water
- A large container with a lid
1. Cuts about 1 kg of fresh nettles (preferably before flowering or seeding) with a garden scissors into rough pieces for the nettle flar.
2. Put it in a large container, for example a clay vessel or a plastic bin, and fill it up with about ten liters of water. All parts of the plant should be covered. Place the bin on a sunny but somewhat remote place in the garden.
Tipp:Adds some rock flour (Order here from Amazon*) to the broth. This can help against the resulting stench.
3. Cover the container with a lid and let the muck go for 10 to 14 days. Stir the broth with a stick every day. As soon as no bubbles climb up, the jaise is finished. Now pour them through a sieve and store them in a cool, dark place so that they do not ferment.
4. For watering, the nettle smaise must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. For sensitive plants, e.g. B. Setzlingen, who better dilute 1:20 with water. So you can fertilize your plants once a week.
Nettle sow against aphids
It takes too long to start a mowling or you have no space for such a large container? Then you can make a fast nettle sud instead. This is particularly effective to combat aphids and spider mites.
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To do this, fill a bucket about half with nettles and pour boiling water. Leave the bucket for 12 to 24 hours. After that, the brew can be used directly for garden and balcony plants, but this is only effective for about 3 days.
Tipp:Also mulch your plants with the soaked nettles in order to achieve a similarly strong effect as in the mug.
As a pesticide, dilute the brew 1:10 with water, fill it into a spray bottle and thus spray the affected plants once a day for three days. Important: Only inject when the sun does not shine on the plant, otherwise burning will occur.
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Which plants can you fertilize with nettle boobies?
Particularly strong-consuming plants that need many nutrients benefit from the homemade fertilizer. These include:
Vegetable plants:Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkin, melons, zucchini, eggplants, leeks, garlic, potatoes, cabbage, rhubarb, corn.
Flowers:Hardensia, roses, clematis, knight's spur, asters, rhododendron, oleander, forsythia, geraniums, sunflowers, chrysanthemums, lion mouth, cherry laurel.
You can also fertilize the lawn with nettle flall. Dilute the yaucation in a ratio of 1:50, for example 100 ml of nettle jewels to 5 l of water.
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But not all plants are good for fertilization with the nitrogen -rich manure.
The yaward isnot suitableFor these vegetables: beans, radishes, peas, garlic, onions.
The yaward isnot suitableFor these flowers: tulips, begonia, primroses, petunia, azaleas, steps.
Fruit and herbs usually also belong to the middle to weak consumers and should therefore not be fertilized with nettles.