Fertilize lavender: You should know that

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Fertilize lavender: You should consider that

Find out here which fertilizer is ideal.

Maintain the lavender correctly: why you shouldn't fertilize it in the bed - and what makes it really lush.

One of my absolute favorite plants for balcony and garden is the lavender. The mint green stems and the purple flowers remind me of summer and Provence.

Lavender is not only pretty to look at and has a pleasant fragrance, it is also quite useful. Because he gives bees and butterflies food while he has a deterrent effect on wasps and ants.

Dried lavender can also be used in the interiors because it sells spiders andKeep away, which I personally find really brilliant. Lavender also helps fall asleep.

Reading tip:

Lavender loves sun and only needs a few nutrients. In nature, lavender can be found on sunny, rather dry locations. The plant does not like waterlogging and an excessive environment.

Lavender in the garden: better not fertilize in this case

The ultimate tip for fertilization at lavender is very clear: less is more.The lavender should be in the potmaximum twice a yearbe fertilized. The first time in June at the beginning of the growth time and for the second time after the first blooming.

If lavender is fertilized, there is only increased length growth, but the shrub grows less tightly.

In the case of lavender, it is not the fertilization that is crucial, but only the substrate or the soil in which the half -shrub grows. The substrate should be relaxed, permeable and calcareous. The fertilizer should be low in nitrogen. It is best suited more naturalCompound. This should simply be mixed in the earth.

Incidentally, lavender should not be fertilized in the bed.Fertilization has no advantages here. On the contrary, the lavender also loses its original growth shape here and grows much less tightly.

Therefore, rather do without fertilization. Especially since lavender quickly forms a comprehensive root system and can therefore optimally supply itself with all nutrients.

Expert tip:So that lavender flourishes lush, not only the nutrient supply and the soil are crucial. You have to give the lavender a cut at the right time. Read with our colleagues from Landideee.de how youCut lavendershould.

Even more exciting about gardening:

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