Researchers reveal asthma and allergy myths

Asthma andAllergies are among the most common diseasesworldwide. More and more people are affected. In June, researchers in the United States sat down and summarized numerous studies on the subject. These are the most common asthma and allergy myths that just are wrong.

Common asthma and allergy myths that are wrong

1. Only children develop allergies.That's just not true. TheHave researchersFor example, the patient files of over 40,000 patients in the United States analyzed and found that 10.8 % of the subjects had food allergy. Half of the allergy sufferers developed at least one allergy in adulthood.

2. There are no therapies for allergies.That's right (only to a limited extent). An allergy cannot be healed, but there are different therapy options that can reduce the symptoms. This includes antihistamines and allergy immunotherapy, which prevents an overreaction of the immune system through hyposensitization.

3. OneAllergy remains for life.Fortunately, that's not true. Because often allergies become weaker in old age. In many children, allergies disappear against eggs, soy, wheat, fish and seafood.

4. The peanut allergy is the most dangerous.The peanut allergy is one of the most common allergies. How dangerous an allergic reaction is depends on the immune system.

5. Pets with short hair cannot trigger allergies.Incorrect! Because allergies are not triggered by the hair, but of dead skin cells and saliva. The dog's hair can bring home pollen and trigger a pollen allergy.

8. There are hypoallergenic dog breeds.Not true. The hair length itself doesn't matter.

9. If an allergy sufferer comes into contact with pets more often,Then the symptoms can be alleviated. Incorrect. Hyposensitization should only be carried out after consultation with a doctor.The researchers showBut it is that when children without allergies grow up with pets, the risk is significantly lower for them to develop such an allergy in adulthood.

10. Allergies have no serious consequences.Not true. Although most allergy sufferers only have mild reactions, anaphylaxis occurs in individual cases. The allergies also have a negative impact on work ability. A study carried out in 2012 showed that allergy sufferers were less productive than people with high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

11. Flowers can trigger an allergy.Surprisingly, that's not true. The flowers produce large pollen that stick to the flowers and do not float in the air. Because the flowers try to attract with these pollen, bees and other polluting insects.