Real buckwheat stimulates the production of a protein that increases life expectancy

According to the studyreal buckwheatextend life. It stimulates the production of a certain protein in the body that is known that it can increase the lifespan of a person because it slows down cell age and makes it more resistant to stress. Researchers in Krasnoyarsk found this capacity of grain based on an examination.

Real buckwheat is healthy and extends life

The proteins are the so -called Sirtuins (Sirt1), which is usually produced by the body when the calorie intake is reduced at the same time. That is why it is also a sign of hunger. Even those who comply with diets improve the production of the sirtuins in the body. However, this is not necessarily a healthy way to extend your life, at least not if you don'tis overweight. The healthier variant, as a new study has now determined, is a real buckwheat.

Real buckwheat in experiment with rats

Biologists at the School of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology of Siberian Federal General University added 30 % buckwheat to the food of rats, in order to then observe and analyze their health. For this purpose, the researchers divided the rats into three groups: the first group received the usual amount of food, in the second group the amount was reduced by 30 %, while the third group got their usual ration, plus 30 % real buckwheat. The researchers made sure to offer the third group the same nutritional values ​​(calories), such as the second group.

The results

After 8 weeks, the researchers examined the blood, liver, kidney and stomach values ​​of the rats and checked their weight. It turned out that the rats of the third group increased more in weight. This was compared to the second group, although both consumed the same amount of calories. This indicates that the buckwheat supports the right growth and development in the long run.

The researchers found the highest amount of Sirt1 in the second group who got less food, but at the expense of a lower body and organ weight. The third group (with buckwheat) showed a higher amount of Sirt1 than the first group, although the weight did not change.

Conclusion on buckwheat effect - how healthy is buckwheat?

DieResults of the studyshow that a diet that contains buckwheat can have the same effect as a low -calorie diet. This is mainly due to the fact thatEffective buckwheat graincontains many indigestible fiber. Buckwheat is a low -calorie product that increases the production of Sirt1 as part of the diet. The protein in turn protects the cells of the digestive system without causing hunger or loss of growth in animals. The researchers believe that other herbal products have a similar effect. These would affect the production of Sirt1 and health in general. This was announced by the author of this research work called Shubhra Pande.