Eddie Redmayne forms a team of wizards against Mads Mikkelsen in new trailer for “Fantastic Beasts 3”

The third “Fantastic Beasts” film, starring Eddie Redmayne and Mads Mikkelsen, promises even stranger, canon-reversing revelations. However, in the sequel called “Dumbledore’s Secrets” takes placeJohnny Deppno longer the evil wizard Grindelwald. This time the role was taken on by 56-year-old Dane Mikkelsen.

New trailer shows Eddie Redmayne fighting Grindelwald

The trailer dives straight into the subtitle as Newt (Eddie Redmayne) and his friends uncover Dumbledore's secrets. A ragtag team of unlikely heroes – a magizoologist, a teacher and a Muggle. They band together to save the world from certain doom as Grindelwald's power grows. Also, Newt does a little crab dance between the major actual threats. Katherine Waterston, Jude Law and Ezra Miller also star. However, Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore's Secrets is not scheduled to hit theaters until next year. As for the actual big bad of the film, Mikkelsen is the third actor to portray the main villain. Johnny Depp last did it in 2019, but was replaced for the third film after he became embroiled in a personal controversy. The Fantastic Beasts series will reportedly include two more films for a total of five. There is also a chance of at least two more Grindelwalds.

The muggle is Fogler's Jacob, a baker who is given his own wand by Newt. Jessica Williams plays Ilvermorny professor Eulalie “Lally” Hicks, while Alison Sudol (Queenie Goldstein) and Katherine Waterston (Tina Goldstein) reprise their roles from the previous films. Also returning is Ezra Miller as Credence/Aurelius Dumbledore, who will be seen dueling Albus in battle. The trailer also confirms that actor Richard Coyle will be playing Albus Aberforth's brother. The film series has become a controversial franchise partly because of the Depp situation, but also because of Harry Potter author JK Rowling. She has used her platform to express what many in the LGBTQ community consider anti-trans views.