Enzymes in bread to improve blood circulation and vascular function

A small addition during bread making unlocks enzymes in the bread and provides them, according to researchersothers Superfoodseven. During a published clinical trial, participants who ate such a fiber-enriched bread saw the same short-term improvement in their vascular function as from eating blueberries. The research team added an enzyme commonly used in the beverage industry to the bread. The content of the micronutrient ferulic acid increased more than fivefold.

Health-promoting enzymes in bread and other foods

Similar circulation-improving compounds can be found in foods like cocoa, green tea and red wine. However, the study authors hope that improving an everyday food like bread with fiber will benefit health to a greater extent. This could have positive benefits for human health due to the presence of polyphenols. Researchers recognize that there are barriers for much of the population to consume amounts of it that have a significant impact on their health. So this study shows that there are ways to subtly change the properties of staple foods like bread. In this way, the beneficial micronutrients it contains increase.

Nineteen healthy young men were selected to participate in the clinical trial. They were randomly divided into groups, with one group receiving enriched enzymes in the bread. These participants showed higher levels of ferulic acid and a significant short-term increase in blood flow linked to cardiovascular health. To account for differences between breads with higher and lower fiber contents, two control groups were also tested. One group received white bread with a low fiber content and the other group received a product with a higher enzyme content. The latter had an inactive version of the enzyme. The results show that the free ferulic acid contained in the treated bread was most likely responsible for an increase in blood flow. According to the study authors, all whole-grain and high-fiber breads contain similar amounts of phenols to blueberries and other superfoods.

Study results

One of the reasons to see benefits from regular consumption of whole grains is the slow release of enzymes in the intestines. Processing with an enzyme to release ferulic acid before bread making changed this. This effectively unlocked the goodness of whole grains and instant availability. The effects on blood flow observed in the study are very clear. They show that with a little added, enzymes in bread can be as good for health as those in blueberries. The enzyme used is already approved for use in food. It is used by commercial brewers as part of a mixture of enzymes that break down such fibers during malting. So the hope is that bakers could soon adopt the additional ingredient.This researchfocuses on obtaining benefits from bread. However, the technology could also be applied to various snacks and energy bars, which often contain wheat bran or whole grains.

Find out more about the healthiest types of breadin this article.