Do you want to experience the worst decision fatigue of your life? Look in the bread aisle of a grocery store and try to find the healthiest bread. With the seemingly endless shapes,Flavors and types, each promising their own health benefits, deciding which bread to add to your shopping cart can be very difficult. Read on to find out which bread is healthy and low in calories and which you should leave at the store.
Bread is considered a “bad carb,” but it definitely isn’t. But the type of bread you choose will determine how many vitamins and nutrients you get with each slice.
1. Whole wheat bread / whole wheat bread
Whole wheat bread and whole wheat bread are often the same thing. Whole grain refers to whole grains of an unspecified type, while whole wheat refers to whole grains of wheat.
If you are looking for a healthy bread, whole wheat bread is the first choice because it offers higher nutritional value than most other types of bread. Unlike breads made from refined flour, this bread contains the bran, endosperm and germ of the seed of the grain. All of the grain's vitamins and nutrients are stored in it, including B vitamins, magnesium, fiber, iron and protein. These nutritious carbohydrates are associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Whole grains can even help with weight loss and inflammation.
However, to find a good whole grain bread, you have to look closely at the ingredients list. Sometimes the bread packaging says multigrain (more on that below), which is not the same as whole grain. The proportion of whole grains can also vary from bread to bread. If the ingredient list says “100 percent whole grain,” you can be sure that your bread does not contain refined flour.
2. Sprouted bread is particularly healthy
The bread made from sprouts can be found in some natural food stores or health food stores and is also called Essener bread. Most sprouted breads are made without flour and instead use sprouted grains that are baked into bread. As a rule, these breads contain a little more protein and less fat than other types of bread. According to Harvard Health Publishing, sprouted grains also have more nutrients than mature grains, including folate, zinc, iron, vitamin C and magnesium.
3. Mehrkornbrot
Don't be fooled by similar names: multigrain bread and whole grain bread are not the same. Multigrain bread can be whole grain, but not necessarily. Multigrain simply means that the bread is made from several types of grain - but these may be processed and stripped of nutrients. Make sure the bread consists of at least 90% wholemeal flour.
Multigrain bread may not contain as much fiber or nutrients as whole-grain bread. Because fiber plays a role in keeping blood sugar levels steady, you may not feel as full after a multigrain bread made from processed grains as you would after a whole-grain bread.
4. Roggenbrot
Rye bread is also good for the intestinal flora, especially when baked with sourdough starter. At the bakery it is mainly made from refined rye flour, but there are also whole grain rye breads. Although darker breads like rye and pumpernickel (more on that below) seem healthier and more nutritious than lighter varieties, that's not always the case. It all depends on what is on the ingredients list.
Don't assume that the darker the color, the better the bread. Some breads are colored with molasses or dyes. Many people assume that they are buying a dark bread, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Here too, pay attention to “whole grain” in the list of ingredients.
5. Pumpernickelbrot
Pumpernickel bread is made from whole grain rye and is considered a typical German bread. (It's great as a basis for aAvocado-Toast.) Pimpernickel is often heavier and sweeter than most breads, so you should carefully check the sugar content of the bread you choose. Sugar is a master of hide and seek. It doesn't necessarily have to say 'sugar' on the label - it can also come in the form of molasses, sugar cane juice, or high fructose corn syrup. Sometimes there can be more than one source of sugar in your bread without you realizing it.
6. Sourdough bread
What exactly makes sourdough so sour? This is due to the fermentation of flour and lactic acid bacteria in the flour. Unlike many other types of bread, sourdough requires a starter, a combination of flour and water that is fermented over several days. But despite the sour taste, sourdough bread is not much different from other types of bread. Find out what makes sourdough bread healthy for the intestinesin this article.
And which bread is not healthy? These are the least nutritious types of bread
Although these breads are often considered not as nutritious, they can still be part of a healthy diet. Many specialty breads are also part of various traditional cuisines, which means you shouldn't discount them just because they might not be as healthy as other varieties. You can still enjoy these fine breads as part of a healthy diet, but in moderation.
White bread
White bread is not very popular in terms of nutritional value. It is believed that sliced white bread contains little whole grains and therefore few nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber.
As mentioned, it's okay to enjoy the bread you like best. However, as often as possible, try to pair a white bread sandwich with more nutrient-dense foods like high-fiber vegetables and lean proteins.
Special breads: Ciabatta, Pita, Focaccia and Brioche
Most specialty breads such as ciabatta, pita bread, focaccia and brioche are made from refined white flour. Higher fat ingredients such as butter or eggs are often used for this purpose. To ensure that the dough rises well, these breads are also combined with very gluten-rich flours. This is important to know if you are gluten sensitive or have gluten intolerance.