“Game of Thrones” finale: The final season of the most successful TV show of all time began yesterday!


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Now, after more than two years of waiting, the time has come for fans of the cult series “Game of Thrones”: the final season finally began yesterday. The first episode of “Winterfell” was broadcast at 3 a.m. and could be seen live streamed on Sky Atlantic HD. The war between undead and humans has already begun and the Stark family castle is the first that the White Walkers encounter on their way south. But before this danger threatens the existence of humanity, the wars for the iron throne continue.

Fans are already looking forward to the “Game of Thrones” finale. The new beginning is also bittersweet for the main actors. Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa, the elder Stark daughter, and Maisie Williams, who plays Arya Stark, the younger daughter of the Stark family, have grown up over the eight seasons. Kit Harrington, who was unknown before the cult series began, owes his great popularity to his role as John Snow. The series was not only a success for him professionally, but also personallyhe found happiness in loveon set and married his colleague Rose Leslie two years ago.Emilia Clarkewon the hearts of fans with her role as Daenerys Targaryen, successfully survived two brain surgeries and is finally healthy again for the show's finale.

In contrast to the other seasons, little is known about the plot this year. The producers filmed several versions of the finale as a distraction. So we can only assume that at some point there will be a battle between the undead and the humans, not all of whom will survive. Anyone who can't get up at 3 a.m. on Monday can watch the episode at 8:30 p.m.