Travel healthily: Tips for a relaxed flight

Cuts, blood clots in the leg veins, colds and diarrhea: in anticipation of their upcoming vacation, most travelers forget to protect themselves from illness. The likelihood of contracting the flu on a plane or bus is high. So if you want to travel healthily, you should take several rules into account.

Travel healthily: There is a risk of infection when traveling by air

There is a high risk of infection, especially when traveling by plane. Doctors therefore recommend avoiding crowds as much as possible. Whoever gets on the plane last doesn't have to wait in line with the passengers with colds. It is also recommended to disinfect the seat belt and the folding table.

If you sit on a plane for too long, a blood clot can form in your leg veins. The risk of thrombosis is particularly high in chronically ill people, pregnant women and people over 60 years of age. You should stand up more often during the flight and do special exercises to promote blood flow. The experts also recommend supplying the body with sufficient fluids.

When small children on the planebecome sick, then it is particularly difficult for the parents. You should be aware of the most common illnesses and always have a travel pharmacy with you with the most important medications for your little patients. The first aid boxes on planes can rarely provide suitable medication for young passengers. Even if the medicines on board are suitable for children, it is very difficult to estimate the appropriate dosage for the child.

Another risk of injury should not be underestimated when traveling by air: If violent turbulence occurs unexpectedly, travelers can sustain injuries. That's why the experts recommend that you always wear your seatbelt if possible.

These medications belong in the travel pharmacy

A travel pharmacy is a must on cruise ships, bus trips and long-distance trips to exotic countries. The first thing that goes in is all the medicines you take every day. Painkillers, fever-reducing agents, medication for acute diarrhea and vomiting, anti-allergic eye drops and lozenges, nasal spray, remedies for sore throats and insect repellents should also not be missing.