At Christmas the family finally gets together and often even good friends are there. It's a wonderful idea, a fewChristmas gamesto play and really have fun, right? You can even make such games yourself. You will be amazed at how simple you can make really entertaining Christmas games yourself! And today we will show you a few such ideas that do not take much time and effort to create. Or are you still missing a Christmas present for a few friends or colleagues? Then you can give them a game for Christmas that they can then play right away on Christmas!
Make your own Christmas games with cups – Santa Claus hat
SearchChristmas games for children, which are just as fun for adults and can therefore be used perfectly as family games at Christmas, this idea might be just right. All you need are red plastic or paper cups and small white pom-poms (if you can't find red cups, just paint them or wrap them with red paper) if you want to make this Christmas game idea yourself. All materials are then placed on the table and the game can begin:
A cup is placed upside down on the table. Now the first player places a pom-pom on the cup, the next player puts a cup over it, then another pom-pom comes, and so on. This creates a leaning tower that sooner or later falls over (or the pom-pom falls down because it is too crooked). The player to whom this happens is eliminated. The game continues until there is only one player left, who is of course the winner.
Alternatively, only one player can stack initially and as soon as the tower has fallen over, it is the next player's turn. Count the number of cups reached. Whoever has stacked the most cups wins. This game can also be packaged (several cups stacked together andwith the pompomsfilled) and then given away. But don't forget to pack instructions for the game.
Ring toss game with a difference
A game for Christmas that is guaranteed to get a lot of laughs! On the one hand, you need reindeer antlers for your head. Headbands with felt antlers can be found everywhere and are perfect. Alternatively, you can also use large, inflatable antlers, which are available on Amazon, among others. Thenyou still need pipe cleanersin red and/or white or green. Make rings out of two of them by first twisting them together and then forming them into a ring. Now all you have to do is put on the antlers and the Christmas game for children and adults can begin!
Make your own Christmas games – snowman bowling
Take advantage of a free afternoon to spend togetherto do crafts with the children. And you can also make creative Christmas games yourself. This snowman bowling, for example, is also a great idea. Make the snowman out of simple shoe boxes. Paint the boxes with white paint and let them dry. Cut out a pointed triangle for the carrot nose from orange paper and paint the eyes and mouth (mouth can also be red) using black paint. The buttons are made from white pompoms and the arms are made from real twigs. If you want, you can also make a hat or cap out of paper.
Tic Tac Toe – Make the classic for Christmas
So simple and yet so addictive –Tic Tac Toeis one of the best time-passers and games for two people because it doesn't require any special materials to play - just draw a grid and then take turns drawing either a circle or a cross in one of the resulting squares. The first person to place their symbol in a row diagonally, vertically or horizontally wins. So this is an option if you want to make Christmas games yourself spontaneously and without any preparation.
However, you can invest a little time in advance and prepare a game board with game pieces. You will need 10 corks, one half of which you will paint with white acrylic paint and the other half with beige or brown acrylic paint. It will probably take several coats to get an opaque color. Then glue googly eyes on the brown corks and draw snowman details on the white ones. You can then cut out antlers and some hair (like for Olaf) from feltto the corksstick. The game board is also made of felt. You can design the fields or the grid with a simple zigzag seam (draw the lines with a pencil). However, a simple textile pen or a sharpie marker is also suitable if you make a game board yourself for these types of Christmas games.
Idea: You can tooa bagUse it as a game board and paint the grid there with textile paints or a sharpie (or glue pieces of string). The game board can then be conveniently used to store the game pieces.
Funny Christmas games for groups – Don’t be angry
Man-don't-get-annoyed is a game that you either love more than anything or simply hate. If you belong to the first group and are looking for Christmas games as gifts for rolling dice, you can make this classic yourself as an idea for Christmas games by making it in a Christmas-themed version. Not classic game characters, but ones that remind you of Christmas. The perfect idea for a Christmas gift for family, friends or if youcheat with colleagues! You need:
- Air-drying craft clay
- Acrylic paints
- Paint brush
- Shish kebab skewer
- Korkplatte (20,5 x 20,5 cm)
- Cutter or carpet knife for cutting the cork board
- Lineal
- Paper and pencil
- black Edding
And this is how you can make this unusual idea for Christmas games yourself:From the craft clayyou can make any shapes of toy figures. You can choose one figure and paint it a different color for each player, or you can make it even more interesting and choose a completely different figure for each of the four players (like in Monopoly). In the example, snowmen, Christmas trees, candy canes and Santa Claus hats were chosen. Maybe you can think of other ideas too. In the instructions you can see which elements the example figures were made from. It is important that you create a flat surface so that the playing figures can stand upright later. Once the clay has dried, you can paint the figures with acrylic paints.
Make a game board
Then make the game board. Paint itthe cork boardwith white acrylic paint and let it dry. Then apply another coat or two if necessary. Once the paint has dried thoroughly, you can paint the playing fields. We recommend that you first draw these on a piece of paper the same size as the cork board. You can then cut this out and use it as a template for the plate. Transfer paper, which you should find at a craft store, is also suitable for transferring. If you have drawn the playing fields with the Sharpie, you can color the fields where it is necessary (in the example: red for the Santa Claus hats, white for the snowmen, green for the Christmas trees and white and red stripes for the candy canes). Complete! Isn't this a really wonderful gift idea? Perfect for Christmas games for family and friends.
Christmas games for toddlers
Children also want to be busy at Christmas and that is trueespecially for small childrenwho cannot yet take part in the game ideas already mentioned. So you need games for Christmas that are suitable for them too. So that the adults can play in peace without the child getting bored and constantly interrupting everyone, make sure that they have fun too. How about this sorting game?
- cardboard
- Craft paper in green and in the colors of the balls
- wooden pole
- Cable ties
- 2 wire baskets
- Glue
- Scissors
- wide tape
- Plastic balls of different colors
Either cut out two equal right-angled triangles from the cardboard, which you can then use to put together the Christmas tree, or one large isosceles triangle. Place it on the green paper, trace the outlines and cut out the resulting triangle. Now mark the points on the cardboard where the holes should be and cut them out. Place the cardboard back on the green paper and trace the outline of these holes. Cut them out on the green paper too and use the cut out elements to make the colored rings of the correct size.
Glue the green triangle to the cardboard and then the colorful rings around the holes.Made of paperYou can now cut out a star in yellow and glue it to the top. Use adhesive tape to attach a wooden pole to the middle of the back of the Christmas tree and then attach this pole and the tree to the wire basket using cable ties. This way the balls end up in the basket after being put through and don't roll all over the room. Fill the other basket with the balls. Complete!
Christmas games with presents – throwing cans with snowmen
This idea for Christmas games for adults and children is just as quick to make and can be expanded by “hiding” small gifts in the Christmas game. For example, you can put candy under all the cups or just under one of the cups. The thrower can then keep the candy under the knocked over cups. Others toosmall giftsare suitable. Would you like to make this simple Christmas game idea yourself? Then you need:
- 6 white cups
- Foam rubber, felt or craft paper
- white socks or large white pompoms
- Glue
- Scissors
Made of foam rubberCut out the elements for the snowman face from felt or paper and then stick them on the cups. Stack the finished cups on top of each other in a pyramid shape and the game can begin! Since balls are not necessarily suitable for playing indoors, you can use soft pom-poms to throw them or rolled up socks.
Make Christmas games yourself – paint a snowman on your own head
A paper plateand a felt-tip pen per player - that's all you need for this super fun game. Everyone holds a paper plate on their head and then has to use the pen to draw a snowman (or another predetermined design). However, you don't just start drawing. One of those present does not play along directly, but instead reads out the tasks:
- Draws a line for the ground/snow.
- Draw a large ball for the snowman's body, a medium-sized ball on top of it and a smaller one for the head.
- Now draw a carrot for your nose.
- Adds two eyes and dots for the mouth made from pieces of cabbage.
- Now a scarf is missing.
- Now the arms come out of branches.
- And finally you draw the hat.
The finished pictures will look so funny that everyone will definitely have a laugh!
Distribute Christmas presents in the game
Pack the present and the wrapping paper full of excitement and curiositytear apart – because of! This year, unwrapping Christmas presents will be a real challenge that will increase the excitement even more. Everyone is given oven mitts and has to unwrap their present this way. It's harder than it might sound. The whole family will be in tears, we promise!