The healthy intestinal flora can strengthen the immune system, regulate metabolism andDepression and anxietyalleviate. Researchers at the University of California and San Diego in the USA have found a connection between intestinal flora and mental health.
Can healthy intestinal flora affect our mood and emotions?
The research team summarized the results of other studies on the topic of “mental disorders and intestinal flora”. These are mostly experiments with rats. During one such experiment, the researchers discovered that when the intestinal flora becomes unbalanced, the animals become depressed or anxious.A study, published last March in the Human Microbiome Journal, also suggests a connection between anxiety, depression and intestinal flora. The doctors examined blood and stool samples from 184 participants between the ages of 28 and 97. All subjects were then asked to fill out a questionnaire on topics such as social engagement, loneliness, friendships, mood changes, etc. The scientists then evaluated and analyzed the test results.
As part of the study, the researchers found that the subjects with healthy intestinal flora rarely suffered from depression. In comparison, participants whose intestinal flora was out of balance often suffered from anxiety disorders. What is very important is that the researchers were only able to determine one connection. It remains unclear whether the intestinal flora is a cause of depressive states or vice versa: depressed people eat unhealthy foods and this upsets the balance in the intestines.
Can probiotics be used as an adjunctive therapy against depression?
If healthy intestinal flora has a positive effect on our mental health, then the question arises: Can intestinal cleansing help in the fight against depression and anxiety? The researchers believe that such a therapy can be developed in the future. Attempts are currently being made to replace the harmful bacteria in the intestinal flora of patients with depression with healthy bacteria. The researchers want to use this to build up healthy intestinal flora step by step and then check whether this also has an impact on mental health.