Mold is a natural byproduct of a damp environment. However, that doesn't mean you should share your home with the harmful spores. Instead of resorting to harsh chemicals like bleach, you can remove mold using natural methods and home remedies that won't harm your family, pets, or the environment.
How to remove mold from any area of the home with home remedies
When it comes to mold growth, some areas in the home are affected more often than others. So you have, among other things, mold in the bedroom, bathroom, basement, etcat the windowto fight. The reason? These areas tend to be poorly ventilated or prone to water condensation. The basic rule is: where it is damp and the moisture cannot evaporate easily, mold forms.
Fight mold spores with vinegar
Whether in the basement, in the bedroom or in the kitchen, the walls are the most mold-infested areas of the home. And if you want to find a natural solution to the mold problem, household vinegar is the best home remedy you can use.
Although you can dilute it with water to reduce the pungent smell, vinegar works best as a mold killer when sprayed directly from the bottle onto the affected area. Let it sit for a few hours and then scrub the mold away with a brush. If the smell of vinegar bothers you, add a few drops of essential oil. However, the strong scent will be gone when you return after a few hours or after work. Studies have shown that white vinegar kills 82 percent of mold spores as well as viruses and bacteria. Vinegar can also prevent mold if you spray it on surfaces and let it dry.
Tipp:You can use vinegar to remove mold from almost any surface. It works perfectly on walls and windows, as well as on wooden furniture and in the bathroom.
Remove mold from wallpaper with rubbing alcohol
If youMold on the wallpaperIf you discover it, you can either renovate and install new wallpaper or try an effective home remedy. To kill mold spores on this sensitive area, you can effectively use spirit or high-percentage alcohol (over 70%). Dilute 3 parts spirit with 1 part water and pour the home remedy into a spray bottle. Spray the affected areas and wipe with a cloth or sponge.
Tipp:To avoid discoloration of the wallpaper by the alcohol, test in an inconspicuous area first.
Home remedy duo removes mold from bathroom joints
The best way to get mold-infested joints in the bathroom clean is to use a powerful home remedy duo. We are of course talking about the classic baking soda and vinegar combination. Use this to make a thick paste, which you apply to the silicone joints using a joint brush (an old toothbrush also works) and scrub off the mold spores. After allowing it to take effect for 5 – 10 minutes, rinse the home remedy thoroughly with water.
Use hydrogen peroxide as a mold remover
Hydrogen peroxide is not a chemical agent, but a liquid compound made of oxygen and hydrogen. It's also easy to find and fairly inexpensive, which is why it's often referred to as onepractical home remedy for various purposesused.
This antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial solution is also an effective anti-mold agent. You can safely use it on a range of surfaces such as: B. on kitchen appliances and counters, bathroom faucets and tubs, hard floors and even on certain wall surfaces (please do not use on wallpaper).
To use, pour a 3% concentration of hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle. Test an inconspicuous area of the surface first to avoid discoloration or damage. Soak the moldy surface and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then scrub the area with just enough force to remove the black mold and mildew stains. Once the surface is free of mold and stains, wipe it dry.
How to remove mold from the mattress without chemicals
There can be many reasons why your mattress is covered in mold. Sweat, humid air, untreated spills and damp spots can contribute to its appearance.
The best way to combat mold in the bedroom is prevention. To do this, you can take a few simple measures: avoid drying clothes in closed rooms, ensure good air circulation and ventilate your room regularly by opening the windows. You can also use a dehumidifier to keep humidity in the bedroom as low as possible.
There is an easy way to get rid of mold on a mattress. However, keep in mind that it may not work well enough if the fungus has penetrated deeper into the foam. This technique is most effective at removing surface mold.
Important NOTE:Preferablyclean your mattresson a warm, sunny day as you will need to place them in the sun to dry.
You need:
- Vacuum cleaner
- Rubbing alcohol
- warm water
- two clean towels
- Disinfectant spray for upholstery
How to proceed:
- Vacuum both sides of the mattress to loosen and remove dirt.
- Prepare the cleaning solution by mixing equal parts rubbing alcohol and warm water.
- Dip a clean cloth into the mixture, wring it out, and scrub the stain in a circular motion.
- Rinse the area with a new cloth dipped in warm water and wrung out. Make sure the cloth is not too wet, as this can only encourage mold growth.
- After rinsing, spray the entire mattress with an upholstery disinfectant.
- Place the mattress in the sun to air dry. Exposure to sunlight speeds up drying time and prevents additional mold growth.