2 healthy summer fruits: Why are these varieties beneficial for the body, especially in the heat?

There are two particularly healthy summer fruits that can turn into real natural medicine for adults and children in the warm months. Here is some useful information about the two most popular fruits in the summer season and why they could be beneficial for everyone!

What healthy summer fruits are melon and watermelon?

Heat waves in the summer season can put the bodies of young and old to the test. High temperatures and intense sun often cause sweating, which could lead to dehydration. small children orBabies are particularly sensitive to heatand can overheat very quickly due to the relatively large skin area. For example, a baby could become dehydrated from high temperatures and sweating alone without vomiting or fussing. In such cases, delicious and healthy summer fruits such as watermelons and melons can help. It is no coincidence that these types of fruit ripen at the time of year when you need fluids and trace elements the most.

Furthermore, existMelonsand watermelons consist mainly of water, various sugars, vitamins, mineral salts, fiber and organic acids. These give them a particularly specific, fresh and pleasant taste. The sugars it contains, such as glucose, fructose and sucrose, are very useful because the body absorbs them easily and quickly supplies vital organs with energy. This is particularly important for the rapidly growing child's organism. Since all children have a sweet tooth, it would make sense to give them such delicious alternatives instead of white, refined sugar. When consuming 250 grams of these fruits, the body receives 100-120 kcal, which is equivalent to 1-2 slices of sirloin.

What nutrients are contained in such melons?

Other beneficial and valuable ingredients that melons have as healthy summer fruits are fibers such as cellulose and pectin. These can therefore act as a brush for the intestines, which contributes to faster emptying of the stomach. In addition, they regulate digestion and help remove toxic substances from the body. For this reason, the two types of fruit could prove to be natural antidotes for constipation.

In addition, eating such fiber-rich foods can lower cholesterol levels. Healthy summer fruits also create a feeling of satiety and are therefore highly recommended as part of weight loss diets. The vitamins contained in melons and watermelons belong to the group of water-soluble nutrients, including vitamin C and those in the form of beta-carotene. In addition, vitamin C can strengthen blood vessels, bones and gums and promote wound healing.

As for beta-carotenes, they neutralize the free radicals that cause cell damage. Through such mechanisms, they may be able to prevent some types of cancer in humans. Another health benefit of beta-carotenes is that they strengthen the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and thus protect it from viruses and colds. You can cover your daily vitamin C requirement with 300 grams of watermelon or 150 grams of melon.

In addition, watermelons contain a lot of iron, ranking third after spinach and salads. Although iron in fruits has lower biological activity than in meat and egg yolks, it is also very useful for children and is easily absorbed. The magnesium it contains is just as valuable and ensures a good mood and the smooth functioning of the nervous system.

How does consuming water through healthy summer fruits like melons help?

Since water is a major component of such fruits, this can also be beneficial because it is bound to glucose. This means the body can quickly absorb it in the intestines and quench your thirst efficiently. This could be particularly beneficial on sweaty days when you have an increased need for quick-absorbing fluid. In addition, melons are powerful diuretics and quickly remove fluid from the body through urination. This also stimulates the metabolism and purifies the stomach.

These benefits make such healthy summer fruits an excellent food for all ages and risk groups. At high temperatures they are also a perfect means of rehydrating the body. The water it contains quickly reaches all organs and in this way quickly drops the body temperature. This can be particularly useful for kidney disease as it increases urine output, thus cleansing the kidneys.

What other health benefits or risks are there with melons?

Healthy summer fruits like watermelon can help not only with kidney stones but also with urinary tract infections. They also have a positive effect on inflammatory diseases of the liver and bile. For example, eating watermelon can be very beneficial for those who are overweight and obese on fasting days. For toddlers, parents could also replace desserts or some of the meals with watermelon or melon.

However, if you have diabetes, you should be careful about consuming such fruits and give them in limited quantities due to their high sugar content. Since they contain a lot of water, they are also contraindicated in people with edema, regardless of its type. In addition, such fruits should only be given to children with nocturnal enuresis (wetting) in the first half of the day. This allows the body's needs for water, vitamins and salts to be met, as well as stimulating kidney function and normalizing the daily rhythm of urine excretion. In this way, the ban on not drinking liquids in the evening can be tolerated more easily.