Dress babies properly in summer and protect them from the heat

During heat waves, it would be useful to learn how to properly dress babies in summer and protect them from strong sunlight. Summer temperatures are pleasant for adults, but pose some dangers for small children. Therefore, when you enjoy cozy and warm days with your little ones, there are a few factors you should consider to prevent heat stroke or other problems. Additionally, it can become almost impossible for a small baby in a stroller on hot days. With a constantly warm diaper and strong sun, it's important not to get overzealous. Here are some steps you can take to provide your little ones with the comfort they need.

What should you consider if you want to properly dress and protect babies in summer?

As a rule, the body temperature of newborns is much higher than that of adults. The main reason for this is that infants have a more intensive metabolism, and their sweat glands are underdeveloped in the first few months. This means that little ones do not maintain their body temperature like adultsRegulate sweating. This often leads to them overheating easily, as well as developing skin problems such as rashes or becoming dehydrated.

In addition, in severe cases of overheating, babies' temperature can increase significantly, which usually also leads to vomiting. However, the risk of heat stroke on hot summer days is not the only problem. Another risk is that high summer temperatures put a strain on the body, causing the immune system to suffer and becoming more susceptible to viruses or summer flu. But can this be prevented by dressing babies correctly in summer and how else can you help your little ones?

Avoid warm thermal baths and do not overdo it with clothing

Although this can have a beneficial effect on them, you should not take small children or babies into mineral pools when it is hot. You don't need any additional heat in the summer heat, which also applies to the winter. Another factor to consider is the presence of dangerous bacteria and mold anywhere that is humid and warm. This can be an important preventive measure if you want to minimize the risk of pathogens. Some parents like to immerse their little ones in such waters, which is usually not a good idea.

In addition, you should be careful with clothing if you want to dress babies properly in summer. It is very unlikely that your child will catch a cold in the heat, but overheating can lead to the symptoms described above. Therefore, you should dress small children and babies in thin, light-colored cotton clothing. If your stroller is also covered, you don't need to put a hat on him, as this will not protect him from the sun, but will only warm his head further.

Also, in hot weather, try to change your little one with only a diaper and dress them in sleeveless baby clothes such as bodysuits. Also use a thin diaper while he sleeps and change it more often if possible so that his pee doesn't lead to additional heat. It also makes sense to leave your baby without a diaper for a few minutes each time he goes to the toilet so that his bottom can air out. Baby skin is very sensitive and becomes more susceptible to infections or rashes when exposed to constant moisture or heat.

Stay hydrated and walk at cooler times of day

You shouldn't justBabies in summer rightdress, but also provide them with enough drinking water. The rule of thumb that no water should be given in the first 6 months actually applies more to cool seasons. Instead of giving your little one boiled water, you can opt for specially designed bottled water. In addition, in summer heat it is best to store it in a thermos or glass bottle. Some plastic bottles can release toxic substances at temperatures above 25 degrees. This is especially true for vehicles parked under the sun's rays, where the temperature can rise above 60 degrees and would heat plastic bottles.

Another important protective measure is to only walk with your little one in the morning and evening to avoid hot parts of the day. The right location can also help by choosing shady areas such as parks or similar places. Also try to avoid shopping malls as they are cool but also have a lot of people. This increases the chance that the child will become infected with a virus.

Dress babies properly in summer and use air conditioning when necessary

If the temperatures in your apartment or house are pleasant, you can adapt your toddler to the appropriate climate. Air conditioning also helps, but you should clean the filters every two weeks. It is also important not to let the cooling air blow directly into the child, although this can be easily regulated. In addition, the difference from the outside temperature should not be more than 10 degrees. This means that if the outside temperature is 35 degrees, you should set your air conditioning to around 26 degrees.

Fans can of course also be used as an alternative, but only if it is not too hot in your area. For example, if the temperature inside is over 34 degrees, the fan will only circulate a hot wind through the room as if you were roasting a chicken in a convection oven.