Ornamental grasses have experienced a huge surge in popularity over the last decade. They are highly valued as easy-care plants and many grow well even in poor soil. They are interesting almost all year round. Grasses are hardy, resistant to pests and diseases, and grow quickly. There is an ornamental grass for almost every garden situation. The plants can be annual or perennial, evergreen or deciduous and reach a height of 30 cm to around 4 m. They are often used to create breathing space in busy flower borders, for containers or as specimen plants. Read on to find out how to plant grasses and what you need to keep in mind!
Types of grasses
Ornamental grasses include both real grasses and grass-like plants such as sedges, which are used for similar purposes in the garden. Most ornamental grasses are perennial plants that live for two or more years. Due to their natural growth habit, annual plants only last one growing season or they are not hardy in our climate.
The plants grow either clumpy or sprawling. Itselfspreading grassesspread quickly through above- or below-ground stems. Care should be taken when planting spreading grasses as they can crowd out unwanted plantings. Clumping or bentgrasses grow in a clump that gradually increases in diameter.
Planting grasses: how to do it correctly
When do you plant grasses? Plant ornamental grasses in spring or fall. There are many species, all of which have different location requirements - some thrive best in moist but well-drained soil, others prefer dry or water-retaining soil. Most plants grow best in the sun, but some can also tolerate shade. Make sure you grow the right grass for the right location.
Dig a planting hole, place the plant in the hole so that it is at the same depth as the original pot, backfill and tighten. Water the plants well. The plants do not need to be fed regularly. Deciduous grasses should be cut back in early March. Bring everyoneevergreen grassesOK by pulling the old shoots out of the plant. Wear gloves when “combing” grasses as some grasses are sharp.
- Watering: Once grasses are established, moisture needs vary depending on grass type, soil type, temperature and other factors. MostOrnamental grasses growbest if they receive at least an inch of water per week from rain or irrigation. Drip irrigation is an excellent method of watering grasses. It saves water by directing it directly to the roots and reduces the risk of leaf diseases. For plants that thrive best in dry soil, improve drainage by incorporating horticultural grit before planting.
- Fertilization: Most ornamental grasses require very little fertilizer. It is best to base your fertilization on the results of a soil test. Too much nitrogen in the soil can lead to disease susceptibility, overgrowth and weak stems that cause the plant to fall over.
- Pruning: Prune plants before the new season begins. Therelots of grassesare attractive in the garden in winter, they are usually cut back in late winter or early spring. Cut the stems to within a few inches of the ground for best appearance. There are various ways to cut back grasses. They can be cut back by hand, with garden or hedge trimmers, an electric hedge trimmer or a weeder with a brush cutting blade. Some evergreen grasses such as sedges (Carex) or flagweed (Acorus) do not recover quickly from pruning. Comb the foliage of these plants in spring with gloved hands to remove old leaves.
- Division: Most plants should be divided every 3 to 4 years. If ornamental grasses are not divided, over time they will become thin or die in the middle. It is best to divide the grasses while they are still of a manageable size. Overgrown grasses are very difficult to dig up and divide. Dig thosegrassesof the warm season in early spring, just before new growth begins. Divide cool-season plants in early fall. Most grasses have a tough, powerful root system and may need to be divided with a shovel, saw, or axe. Hose off the soil to make it easier to work the roots. Then cut off the strong growth on the outer edges of the clump and replant it. Replant in good time and do not let the roots dry out.
How to plant grasses from seedlings
You can also grow ornamental grasses from seeds. Ornamental grasses are expensive to purchase. So why not try growing them from seeds? Some grasses, such as Nassella tenuissima, self-seed easily. Look for the seedlings and plant them. Planting grasses is so easy.
Plant grasses in pots
- Find a suitable shallow container with good drainage.
- Cover the bottom of the container with about half an inch to an inch of gravel or small pebbles to aid drainage.
- Sprinkle the soil with the grass seeds.
- Use your spray bottle to lightly water the seeds until the soil is moist.
Great varieties to plant
- Micanthus 'Flamingo' - a popular deciduous grass with plumes of late summer pink flowers. Ideal for a sunny spot. Reaches 2 m.
- Acorus variegatus – an attractive, evergreen, variegated grass. Grows well in medium to moist soil in sun or partial shade. Height 25 cm.
- Briza 'Golden Bee' – stunning flower heads in summer. A golden, semi-evergreen grass that thrives in sun or partial shade. Reaches a height of 50 cm.
- Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' - a striking, deciduous grass with a wonderful architectural habit. Lush flower stalks that hold up well even without support. Ideal for a sunny spot. Height 1.8 m.
- Stipa tenuissima (now Nassella tenuissima) – a popular evergreen grass with soft, fine foliage and flowers. Moves well in the wind. Prefers a sunny, well-drained spot. Height 50 cm. Seeds itself easily.
- Pennisetum villosum – a deciduous perennial grass with rabbit-tail-like flowers that just have to be stroked. Height 60cm.