Seasonal fruit and vegetables recommended during the cold months

There's nothing better than eating seasonal fruits and vegetables to do thatto strengthen the immune systemand staying healthy all year round. You can also easily integrate the seasonal natural products into your daily menu. Additionally, this type of food is better for the planet because it is not grown in greenhouses or imported from other countries. So, focus on a small list of seasonal fruits and vegetables to prioritize in January or February and enjoy the benefits.

Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables

Why is a diet with seasonal products actually so healthy for people? The foods grown this season are packed with all the nutrients you need for good health. They are rich in minerals and vitamins and combat both the cold and the lack of light during the winter season. So let's reveal these in the following sections, starting with vegetables first.

Beetroot is a true vitamin concentrate known for its many health benefits. In addition to purifying the blood and detoxifying the body, this vegetable plant strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and has an anti-stress effect. It also finds a place in countless diets.

Broccoli is a vegetable that is often hated, especially by children. However, it's part of our seasonal fruits and vegetables list for good reason. This type of cabbage is very important for heart health, circulation, eyes and memory.Broccoli also contains antioxidantsand many minerals and vitamins that allow us to survive the winter.

Carrots are rich in carotenoids, vitamin A and fiber and have beneficial effects on cholesterol levels and intestinal health. They reduce the risk of strokes, cataracts and cancer.

Recommended fruits for the winter months

Oranges, grapefruits, clementines, lemons - all citrus fruits are welcome in winter. Due to their high vitamin C content, we simply cannot ignore them to strengthen our immune system. The benefits of pomegranate are known worldwide and are almost endless. This fruit holds the record for antioxidants and also has anti-inflammatory properties. It is at the top of the list of good foods for the skin.

However, there's nothing like persimmons that can really brighten up your winter. This orange fruit, valued by many people for its nutritional benefits, contains many vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.