Celery juice is being hailed as a new miracle drink, but does the vegetable actually make you slim and healthy?

Celery juice is a vitamin bomb that is said to have a health-promoting effect on the body. Among other things, it is celebrated as a remedy for high blood pressure and irritable bowel syndrome. The miracle drink is also said to have an anti-inflammatory effect. The American writer Anthony William, who successfully popularized the juice, swears by the positive effect of celery on the human body. His theory that vegetables regenerate the cells in the body is finding more and more followers. Stars like Kim Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow and Sylvester Stallone start their day with a glass of the healthy drink. But what is actually behind it?

Celery juice: a real slimming agent?

William claims thatSuperfood celerycan improve the complexion, promote cardiovascular function and stimulate digestion. He recommends making a juice and drinking at least 500 ml in the morning on an empty stomach. But does it really work? Rachel E. Scherr, an assistant researcher at the University of Davis, California, explains that the positiveEffects of celery juicehas not been scientifically proven. There are currently no studies that can clearly prove this effect. The researchers believe that the high water content of celery (over 90%) hydrates the body in the morning and thus contributes to well-being. A new study conducted by scientists at Alabama University in the USA also clearly demonstrated that eating celery does not burn more calories than the vegetables provide. Nevertheless, celery juice is still considered a real slimming agent, especially because it fills you up and is low in calories.

Squeezed or as a smoothie: which is healthier?

Is the juice actually healthier than a smoothie? There is no scientific evidence on this either. Basically, the following applies: whatever tastes better to you. If you want, you can vary the taste with other vegetables. Carrots, for example, contain vitamin A and taste good with celery. What is particularly important is that celery is part of a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables. But it should definitely not be the only vegetable on the menu.