Andalusia is a popular tourist destination. However, Spain had to issue a warning for the region after 18 people caught viral meningitis from mosquito bites. The cases are currently concentrated in the province of Seville and in the districts of Puebla del Río and Coria del Río. Both districts are located on rivers, which promotes an increased mosquito population. 16 of those affected are currently in hospital, 5 of whom are in intensive care.
Viral meningitis – outbreak in Andalusia
Nevertheless, the warning applies to all tourists and residents. They are also asked not to stay outside between dusk and dawn. Furthermore, theUse of insect repellentRecommended on windows and doors. You should also avoid turning on the lamps if possible so as not to attract insects.
Protection against infections
The health department further advises that “appropriate personal hygiene should be maintained daily. Avoid strong perfumes, wear clothing that covers as much skin as possible and shake it well before putting it on if it has been left outside for a long time. Use insect repellent, strictly following the manufacturer's instructions on how and frequency of application. If you use sunscreen, apply it first, let it absorb for 20 minutes and only then use the insect repellent”. This is how you can get viral meningitisAvoid mosquitoes.
“All necessary samples have been taken and sent to the reference laboratory to determine the cause,” says a spokesperson for the Ministry of Health. Investigators are also trying to establish a connection between the individual cases. Additional tests are being done to determine whether people have been infected with a more serious form of the virus, such as Nile fever or lymphatic chorimeningitis. 4 of the tests were negative while the others are still ongoing.
Viral meningitis – infection with Nile fever
Nile fever has a 10% risk of death in patients with nervous system symptoms. Lymphatic chorimeningitis, in turn, is usually transmitted by rats. Meningoencephalitis, also known as encephalomeningitis, is an inflammation of the brain and its surrounding protective membranes and is similar to both meningitis and encephalitis.
Typical symptoms of viral meningitis “meningoencephalitis” are body aches, diarrhea, fever, headache and nausea.