Losing water weight: Why are there water retention in the body and how do you get rid of it quickly?

How does it suddenly come to the rapid weight gain and what should you do in order to be able to lose water weight as quickly? Here are some of the main causes of water storage in the body cells and healthy measures to prevent!

What signs to be able to lose water weight?

Sometimes the water content in the body can be frustratingquick weight gainindicate when they are on the scales. Fortunately, it is not about fat, but if water accumulates, you can feel more difficult within a day. This happens due to excessive water storage in the body cells, whereby there is quickly swelling in certain parts of the body. The first signs of this can usually be observed in the ankles, which is due to various factors and sources.

Water retention often occurs with excessive consumption of carbohydrates. The body converts it into energy through a form of glucose. However, if the absorption predominates the burning of calories, the body stores carbohydrates as fat to use it later. This process leads to excess water retention. It takes three to four grams of water for every gram of carbohydrates that the body has to process. But if you burn all carbohydrates before they are converted into fat, there is no excess water. With excessive absorption of carbohydrates, you save both fat and excess water, which could cause you to lose such water weight.

What can water retention work?

In addition to the carbohydrates, there are also other influencing factors to be taken into account, whereby the increased salt intake can typically also cause excessive water weight. This is because the body constantly tries to maintain the same salt-water ratio. If you consume a lot of salt, your body automatically starts saving water to prevent dehydration. Other factors that can contribute to their water weight are age, stress and hormones. Of course, everyone is different and if they are not sure what could be the cause of their water weight, it is always the best to consult a doctor before taking steps to get rid of it.

In addition, the water required by the body differs from the water weight, which is only an excess liquid. The former is essential for the body and usually accounts for 50 to 60 percent of the total body weight of an adult. The water weight, on the other hand, is the amount of water stored in the body, which goes beyond the amount required for the proper function of the organs.

Water retention can also make up to 4.5 kilograms of a person's weight fluctuations. Although you don't necessarily have to lose water weight, it can lead to flatulence, feeling of difficulty and general discomfort. Usually it disappears by itself, but you can do a lot to accelerate the process. Here are some effective measures that can help you get rid of excess water as soon as possible.

Make changes and quickly lose water weight

  • The intake ofReduce carbohydrates- The so -called low carb diet would be a common strategy if you have to leave excess water quickly. The body stores carbohydrates in the muscles and the liver as glycogen, which also pulls water with it. 3–4 grams of water can be saved for every gram of glycogen that you save. This explains why people take off immediately when they make a low -carbohydrate change in diet.
  • Dietary supplements withTake magnesium- Magnesium also plays a crucial role in weight control in the body as an important electrolyte and mineral. Magnesium preparations have recently been very popular, with research results showing that magnesium fulfills over 600 tasks in the human body. One of them is the removal of excess water retention, which means that you can lose your water weight faster.
  • Potassium -rich foodsTake in - potassium is an equally important electrolyte that is involved in the regulation of the fluid balance in the body. This counteracts the negative influence of sodium by increasing urine production. This allows excess water and fluid retention to be prevented in a natural way. In addition, an increased potassium absorption can have a positive effect on weight loss. Many types of fruit and vegetables contain potassium, including apricots, bananas, potatoes, spinach and tomatoes.
  • Reduce salt intake- Although sodium is important to the body, it can lead to increased water storage in tons of increased water. Make a balanced sodium level to prevent fluid accumulation.
  • DieIncrease water intake- It may sound strange, but you can quickly lose water weight by absorbing more water. This is because water retention is largely due to dehydration. So if you consume enough liquids, your body will not save every drop, but will simply leave water in a natural way.
  • Regularlyto do sports- Finally, sport would be one of the best ways to lose water weight at short notice. Every form of movement promotes sweating, which accordingly contributes to the faster water outflow.