Are watermelon seeds healthy? Tips for consumption and possible positive effects on the body

Would you like to know whether watermelon seeds have a healthy effect on the body as a byproduct? Here is some useful information!

What can happen if you also eat the seeds of summer fruits and could the actually edible watermelon seeds be healthy? Even if you consume a watermelon that is sold as seedless, you are sure to come across some black seeds when you bite into it. Although this type of fruit, as the name suggests, is mostly water, there is essentially no such thing as a seedless watermelon. But can you eat watermelon seeds and benefit from them? You can find out more about it below.

Are there any side effects and why are watermelon seeds healthy?

You probably don't want to eat a whole bowl full of watermelon seeds, do you? Think again because apart from minimal side effects in certain cases, they can actually prove quite beneficial. But what happens if you eat watermelon seeds? While you have a pieceSnack on watermelon, it's bound to happen that you also swallow some watermelon seeds. This is completely fine and they are safe to chew.

If you eat them raw, i.e. when they still have the black coating, the seeds will not be digested but will pass through the entire body. This way, after a certain amount of time, they simply end up in the toilet, similar to swallowing chewing gum. If you have a sensitive stomach or digestive system, you may experience stomach problems such as flatulence if you consume too many of them.

In addition, in rare cases, but only with excessive consumption, constipation could occur. Such side effects therefore depend primarily on the amount consumed. Usually the seeds are also high in insoluble fiber, which can lead to slower digestion. But this would only happen if you don't drink enough water to move them further in the intestines. And since it's watermelon, this is almost impossible to happen. However, if you eat watermelon seeds cooked, sprouted or roasted, the body absorbs them completely and can benefit from their numerous health benefits.

What are the benefits of eating watermelon seeds?

So it turns out that watermelon seeds are edible and cause almost no harm. On the contrary, they can be very useful for the body, although watermelon seeds only have nutritional values ​​if you consume them in a certain way and in larger quantities.

One of their health benefits is that the seeds have a goodSource of magnesiumare. This is a mineral that is involved in more than 600 chemical reactions in the body. In addition, a serving of about 30 grams of watermelon seeds can provide a healthy supply of about 30% of an adult's daily magnesium needs.

They even have some heart-healthy benefits, thanks to an antioxidant called lycopene found in the seeds, which gives red fruits and vegetables their bright colors. This nutrient is therefore associated with numerous positive effects on the body. These range from preventing cardiovascular problems to preventing cancer. The kernels also contain other essential ingredients such as vitamins or minerals such as folic acid (vitamin B), manganese, zinc, protein and some iron.

Can you eat watermelon seeds roasted or otherwise?

If you have any watermelon seeds left over after snacking, you can use them by seasoning the seeds with a little olive oil and salt. Then simply put them in the oven at 200 degrees for a short time and then enjoy a healthy and crunchy snack for in between or as breakfast.

In addition, you can also add roasted watermelon seeds to salads andhealthy oatmealAdd to give it a little more bite. It is also possible and even recommended to try watermelon seed oil. It has a creamy and peanut-like texture. This makes whole grain toast taste great, or you can use it as an ingredient in dips or add a spoonful to your smoothie.