Children understand the world around them through play and are always curious about new things. With simple materials such as building blocks, Lego bricks, rods, etc., children at an early age slip into the role of architects and engineers. You experiment with materials and figures, learn about the properties of different shapes and unconsciously discover some of the basic rules of statics. Building with children as an interactive activity shapes creative thinking and much more.
Construction and building games tend to befor children aged 4 and oversuitable. At this age, they have already mastered basic motor skills and can stay focused longer. The following playful ideas are aimed primarily at boys, but some girls also find them interesting and exciting.
The main advantage of this type of game is that it does not require any complex materials or accessories. However, you can make some of the equipment yourself or have it made by a craftsman you know. Building blocks and elements made of wood are best suited. The natural material is particularly child-friendly and also environmentally friendly.
Cups are also used. You are welcome to use disposable cups, but make sure that they are not too thin or light. Choose these made of relatively hard plastic as they are more stable and also allow for better posture. However, this turns into towers and complicated structures that have to hold up.
As building blocks, it is better to use ones with the same size and weight. The whole construction process will support and certainly make it easier. Wooden cubes are best, as are cuboids, as they can be easily stacked and arranged on top of each other. In addition, the square is a basic element in real construction.
First, the child should be shown how the game works. Try to give an example and important explanations. You can build a tower that is stable in height if you put at least a few horizontal lines in between.
Children learn through experiments and that's how it should be. Explain that failed attempts have value and the next one is sure to succeed. You can also learn a lesson from it and avoid repeating the mistake next time.
Building with wooden cubes is easier than building with cups. This is due to the light weight of the plastic and the fact that the cups fall down with the slightest unbalanced movement. Wooden spatulas will certainly support and stabilize the complex construction. These will serve as the basic structure on each floor.
The same clothes pegs, made of wood, can also be used in children's play. Creative constructions can hold properly and be built stably. Note the linking elements. These are basically weak points and must be properly taken into account.
Apply a little pressure to the structure and test whether it holds properly. It is imaginative to place different objects, such as books or others, on it and gradually increase the weight.
Towers can be built from any materials and elements. Be creative and, if possible, offer several of the same components that can be used imaginatively. The shape of the building blocks is crucial to whether they are suitable for building and constructing. As a little tip, we'll tell you that each part should have at least two flat, even sides so that the structure is successful.
For beginners in construction or smaller children, we would suggest starting with simpler constructions. Play around with how the elements can be stacked on top of each other, whether they can overlap sustainably and which ones can be used to construct heights. Experiment!
Chain reactions are equally exciting for young and old alike and are worth dealing with. Of course, you can all test the domino effect together and have a lot of fun. Remove the first plastic cup to start the chain reaction.
Sometimes it's fun to destroy what has been built so that something new can emerge from it. Offer the child enough scope to learn to build and construct on their own and be there to encourage them to make a new attempt after a failed attempt.
*all playful inspiration comes from‘Frugal Games für Boys and Girls’