Build your own Indian tipi tent for the children's room

If you would like to furnish the children's room creatively and atmospherically, you can create a cozy cozy corner and build an Indian tipi tent yourself. There the little ones can play, read or even take a little nap. In this article you will find many playful ideas for a teepee play tent, as well as practical instructions for building it yourself.

The Indian tipi originally comes from America and was used by the Indians as a family home. It was usually constructed from buffalo hides and a sturdy framework of several wooden poles. The teepees were also very quick to assemble and dismantle, making them perfect for the Indians who were constantly hunting buffalo. Now you can build small play tents in the children's room or in the garden to create a cozy play area for the children.

If you have a free space in the children's room, you can think about a teepee tent. It doesn't take up so much space and is very popular with the children. ThePlay tentstimulates children's imagination and is perfect for many different games and small adventures.

The play tent should be tailored to the size of your children. If these are small children up to 3 years old, you can build a smaller play tent. For older children, however, higher teepees are more suitable, especially if the children also invite friends to play.

If you want to build an Indian tent for the children's room yourself, you will need around 4-6 wooden poles, the length of which depends on the desired height of the tent. As a rule, this is around two meters. You will also need rope, a drill and fabric for the tent tarpaulin.

Then you should think about a suitable subfloor. If you have carpet as floor covering, the play tent can be built directly on it. For floors with parquet, laminate or tiles, however, you should consider a suitable carpet for under the tent.

Once you have collected all the necessary materials, you can start building. Our first instructions use round wooden poles. Take one of the wooden poles, measure 12 centimeters from the top to the bottom and drill a hole with the drill. Then pull the rope through the hole and tie a tight knot.

Now you should place the poles so that they form a kind of pyramid to get an idea of ​​the design. You can place the front two poles slightly apart to leave room for an entrance. Consequently, you should drill holes in the other rods where they join the first one. Then pull the rope through it and wrap it tightly around the poles. You can tie the structure with a second rope to make it even stronger.

For example, you can use blankets or large jute bags as a tent tarpaulin. When the wooden frame is finished, the blankets are hung from top to bottom. They can be easily attached to the wooden poles with screws.

The construction should usually take 3-4 hours. Once the construction is finished, you can think about a suitable setup for the play tent. Cuddly blankets and pillows are almost always included, and other options include stuffed animals, popular toys or children's books.

If you are good with a sewing machine, you can sew a playful tent tarpaulin from various fabrics especially for the play tent. It's best to choose a color and pattern that goes well with the decor in your child's room.

You can also build the play tent yourself from square wooden sticks. The length and number are the same as the round wooden pole construction. Here, however, no holes are drilled in the rods; they are simply tied with twine.

You can first tie the individual sticks in pairs and then tie them together again. To create a sturdy construction while hiding the ugly twine, you can also tie the wooden sticks together with a piece of fabric.

To make a play tent with a playful design yourself, you don't necessarily have to sew the tent tarpaulin. You can design the play tent creatively using different materials by attaching the individual pieces to the wooden frame with thumbtacks. Wrap the entire structure with fabric, leaving one side free as an entrance.

With matching fabric colors, you can design the children's tent for both girls and boys. You can also make beautiful interior decorations with the children, such as paper pompoms or bunting.

A simple way to attach the homemade tent tarpaulin to the wooden frame is to use a hand stapler. This means that almost all fabrics can be quickly and easily attached to the wooden poles.

If you don't want to buy fabric or damage the blankets with holes, you can make the tent tarpaulin out of bed sheets. They can then be attached to the wooden sticks with clothespins and removed from the scaffolding at any time.

If you build a play tent for the children's room yourself but don't want to lose sight of the child, it is best to use a transparent fabric for the tent tarpaulin. Possible variations include lace, tulle and chiffon.

The play areaThe children's room should be cozy and invite you to linger. A great design idea for the Indian tipi in this room is to decorate it with fairy lights. Children like colorful lights both during the day and in the evening and would love to play in a lighted teepee tent.

A small play tent can also be made from a few bamboo poles using the same procedure. This way you can make the tent a little narrower and higher and use it to set up a small spot in the children's room. You can also take it out into the garden in summer and offer the little ones an outdoor play area.