Crafting in winter with children: 8 great winter craft ideas for children aged 2 and over

Christmas may be over, but winter is in full swing! When it's cold and wet outside, there's no better activity for the little ones than an interesting craft project. Because winter time is craft time! We have some great ones herewinter craft ideascollected for children that are perfect for home, daycare, kindergarten or even elementary school. With these ideas, crafting with children in winter is guaranteed to be fun!

Animal crafts with children in winter

Children of all ages are enthusiastic about animals. If you would like to expand your knowledge of the animal world and the seasons, you can make winter animals together. The most popular of these include, for example, the inhabitants of the South and North Poles such as penguins,Polar bears, walruses, etc. We have provided two craft ideas for winter animals that are intended for kindergarten-age children.

Make penguins out of egg cartons with children

Sometimes no special craft materials are necessary for a creative craft project. Beautiful creations can even be made from household items and recycled materials. We will now show you how to make these cute egg carton penguins with children. What you need:

  • Eiercarton
  • Scissors
  • black color
  • white and orange paper
  • self-adhesive googly eyes
  • Glue

First, cut the egg carton to size. To do this, use scissors to cut out the “cups”. You need one cup per penguin. Then cut out a beak and feet from orange paper and a belly from white. Then have the child paint the egg cups with black paint. Once the paint has dried, glue on the belly, beak, feet and eyes. Complete!

Make a polar bear out of a paper plate

Polar bears inhabit the polar region around the North Pole and are a species that symbolizes winter. Tell your child all about these interesting animals as you make a paper plate polar bear together. What you need:

  • a large paper plate
  • a small paper cup or half a Styrofoam ball
  • pink construction paper
  • Cotton wool
  • Scissors
  • Googly eyes
  • small piece of black yarn
  • black pompom
  • white glue

First, cut out two pink circles for the polar bear's ears and glue them to the edge of the paper plate so that about two-thirds of them stick out. Then turn the paper plate over (curve side up) and tape the cup to the bottom edge to create the bear snout. Then apply white glue all over the paper plate (except the muzzle) and the edges of the ears and glue cotton wool on them. Then glue the googly eyes over the snout, the black pompom to the bottom of the cup for a nose, and a small piece of yarn underneath for a mouth. The paper plate polar bear is ready to play and admire!

Making snowmen with toddlers

Winter and snow simply belong together. And what do the children like to do when it snows? ABuild a snowmannaturally! However, if you are afraid of catching a cold, you can make funny snowmen at home with the little ones. Below are some ideas to try.

Make snowman window pictures in winter

Looking for winter craft ideas for toddlers? How about some beautiful window pictures? Even small children can create pretty window pictures using contact paper and cut-out pieces of paper. Simply cut two rings out of cardboard and glue them onto clear contact paper. Then have the child cover the inside with white and blue paper strips, stick on the eyes, nose and other elements of their choice and you're done!

Snowmen made of paper and modeling clay

Even if there is no snow outside, you can make a snowman with the children at home using various materials. Or, in this case, several snowmen. Have fun with these cute paper snowmen - they are very easy to make and can later decorate the shelves in the children's room or the windowsill.

First, print or trace the template (available at the end of the article). Fold a sheet of paper or white cardboard into 4 layers like an accordion, with each layer the width of a snowman. Place the stencil and draw the snowman. Cut all the layers at once (excluding the side edges) and unfold the snowmen. Then cut out hats from colorful paper and provide colorful play dough for the children to create facial features and buttons.

Make a snow globe with a snowman in it with children

Here's also an easy and fun winter craft for the kids! ThisCardboard snow globewith a snowman inside looks great hanging in the window.

Materials and tools required:

  • Contact paper
  • 2 sheets of white and 1 sheet of black construction paper
  • Yarn
  • Glitter/scatter decoration snowflakes/sequins
  • Black and orange pen
  • Scissors

First, cut out a white circle and make a slit in the middle. Cut out the inside of the circle to form the snow globe. Then also cut out a stand for the snow globe.

Now cut two rectangles of contact paper the same size (make sure the circle you just cut fits on top).

Peel off the backing of the first piece of contact paper and place it in front of you, sticky side up. Then glue the white circle and the bottom. Cut out a snowman from paper and glue it on. Add a black yarn hat and scarf and sprinkle the snow globe with glitter.

Draw the snowman's face with felt-tip pens. Then peel off the second sheet of contact paper and place it sticky side down. Smooth the paper with your hands. Finally, trim off the excess contact paper around the snow globe. Hang the finished snow globe in the window to beautify it in winter.

Making snowflakes with children in winter

Snowflakes are small ice crystals that enchant us with their beauty and grace. In this section we have collected some wonderful ideas for making snowflakes in winter with children that the little ones will simply love.

Snowflakes made from popsicle sticks

Celebrate winter and snow with these beautiful popsicle stick snowflakes! Depending on the age of the child, you can use the small wooden sticks in different ways to make pretty ice crystals. The first variant is ideal for small children in daycare or kindergarten. To do this, you need four popsicle sticks per snowflake, which you glue crosswise on top of each other. The child can then paint and decorate the snowflakes as desired - for example with paint, glitter, decorative stones, sequins, etc. If desired, you can also make hangers out of string and hang up the finished snowflakes as decoration.

For the second variant you can follow these picture instructions. This creates large snowflakes that can even be used as door decorations. The little ones will certainly want to join in and will be happy to see your shared craft project hanging at home every day.

Make paper snowflakes with paper cuts

Beautiful snowflakes can be made from a simple sheet of paper. They are not only an interesting craft project, but are also wonderful as winter decorations for the home. All you have to do is fold the paper, cut out figures and then unfold it again. Here is a quick folding guide:

  • You take an A4 sheet of paper, fold it into a triangle and cut off the excess edge.
  • Fold the square paper diagonally in half (house roof shape).
  • Then fold it in half again.
  • You take one corner of the triangle and fold it to the opposite side a little further than the middle.
  • Then place the other corner on top of it exactly.
  • Cut off the excess tips. Then draw the motifs on it and cut with scissors.

Children ages 3 and up can make these magical paper snowflakes themselves. All you need is the folded paper and a pair of children's scissors. An adult first shows the child how to cut the paper to create a snowflake. Smaller children can just cut a few slits in the paper, although older children can also make more complicated designs themselves.

Tip: After folding, ordinary printer paper becomes too thick and is difficult to cut with children's scissors. You can use white baking paper or a coffee filter instead if you are making these snowflakes with children in winter.

Make snowflakes with children out of pipe cleaners and plastic beads

You can make beautiful snowflakes with the children without gluing or cutting. Instead, you can make a kind of threading game yourself and make decorative snowflakes at the same time. So this craft idea is a wonderful oneExercise for children's fine motor skills.

Necessary materials:

  • Pipe cleaners, white or blue
  • colorful plastic beads
  • Scissors

The first thing you need to do so that the snowflakes don't get too big is to cut the pipe cleaners in half. For each snowflake you will need 3 pipe cleaner halves.

First, fold a pipe cleaner cut in half in half. Then twist the first together with a second at the bend. Finally, wrap the third pipe cleaner around the first two. Now the children can attach the beads. You can also practice counting. After the beads are threaded, you can bend the ends of the pipe cleaners slightly inward and insert them into the hole of the last bead. This way the beads stay in place. Finally, you can tie a piece of ribbon to one end so that you can hang the snowflake on the window, for example.

* Snowman templateprint here