Handicrafts with aluminum foil for Christmas: 5 unique ideas for shiny tree decorations

Do you fancy a homemade Christmas decoration that is made easily and quickly? Would you like to give your Christmas tree a shiny and metallic touch? Then you are exactly right here! We have put together a few fabulous ideas for tinkering with aluminum foil for Christmas, which you should definitely try!

Foto: Shutterstock/ lermont51

Handicrafts with aluminum foil for Christmas: Simply create 5 shiny works of art

Foto: Shutterstock/ lermont51

Almost everyone has aluminum foil in the kitchen. The packaging material is used for various things in the household, but did you know that you can also create unique decorations with it? Today we explain to you how you can make shiny works of art from aluminum foil.

To make a beautiful garland, you only need aluminum film and scissors. Cut wide strips out of the film and shape a circle from the first piece. Crunch the next strip, pull it through the first circle and connect its ends to get a new circle. Make on until you have received the desired length and put the garland to your tree or fireplace.

Winnotastry ornaments from tealight covers

Foto: Shutterstock/ lermont51

Tealight covers are made of aluminum and if you collect the burned-out covers instead of throwing them into the container for metal cans, you can make unique Wundersernern ornaments. You need 6 empty covers for each individual ornament.

Take the first, carefully cut out the edge and leave it aside. Use the lower part as the basis for your poinsettia. Then take the remaining 5 tealight cases and flatten them, as in the picture to form the leaves. Attach them with a hot glue gun on the base. Form a star from the cut edge and glue it in the middle of the flower. Use a bracket to hang your beautiful poinsettia.

Ball garland and simple ornaments tinker with aluminum foil

Foto: Shutterstock/ lermont51

The simplest tree decorations that you can make out of aluminum foil are these round ornaments. Use a 2-euro coin to draw even circles on the film and then cut it out.

Now it only remains to hang them up properly. In order not to tore the delicate material torn, use a needle and thread. Then attach decorative loops to the thread after your choice.

Combine the aluminum foil ornaments with a ball garland. Cut out several strips and form tiny balls from it. Use the needle and thread again to thread it and form a chain. Make as many balls as you want. The longer your garland, the brilliant your Christmas tree.

Read too:Christmas cards are easy: these creative handicrafts are also perfect for children

Star ornaments made of golden aluminum filling

Foto: Shutterstock/ lermont51

Let the Christmas spirit shine through these golden star ornaments. Hang the golden stars on your Christmas tree to give it an elegant touch.

Collect a few empty golden aluminum places and make a cut into the edge. Then flatten the shell and shape rectangles with scissors to form the tips of the star. Use a punch to make a hole and thread a cord for hanging. If you have no gold covers, don't hesitate, silverTo make stars.

Make Christmas bells from aluminum foil and egg carton yourself

Photo: littlebinsforlittlehands.com

These sweet, simple Christmas bells are not only suitablePerfect as tree decorations, but you can hang them anywhere in the house to bring the festive mood. You need aluminum foil, egg carton, bell from the handicraft shop, loop band and scissors.

  • Cut out two cups from the egg carton and two 20 cm large squares from the aluminum foil.
  • Then wrap the aluminum foil around the cups by first placing the flat bottom of the egg cup into the middle of the square.
  • Make a hole in the top of the bell and thread an end to the band. Make sure that the ribbon should be long enough to attach two bells.
  • Make the second bell from aluminum foil in the same way, tie the little bell to the tape and you're done.

Also interesting:Tinker snow crystals: These beautiful DIY decorations create a Christmas atmosphere immediately!