The scent of the lavender is slowly but surely enchanting us in many gardens and possibly also in your own. Don't you really know what to do with the beautiful, fragrant flowers? We recommend that you dry them and then something creative and useful tinkering with lavender flowers. What can you make beautiful things?
Once they have dried lavender flowers, numerous projects can really be implemented with them, starting with simple but beautiful dry bouquets to flashacks to pretty handicrafts, where the children can also participate. What can I do with the beautiful, fragrant flowers?
Tinker with lavender flowers - dry them in advance
The following projects can also be made with fresh lavender stems, but with dried people they can even develop their aroma better. How to harvest and dry flowers, you canRead here.
Wall decoration with driftwood and flowers
If you like a hint of beach feeling, you will surely love this idea.From simple driftwoodAnd dried lavender flowers are given an accessories with which you can bring the atmosphere of summer, sun, beach and sea into your four walls. Very uncomplicated!
- 6 pieces of driftwood
- Dry lavender or also fresh stems
- Blumendraht
- Fishing line
- Scissors
Connect a kind of window frame from the driftwood. From four pieces, make the outer frame, a grille inside the other two so that the window looks even more interesting. At the intersections, tie the sticks together with the floral wire. Tie it across the cross several times.
As soon as everything is firm, tie small lavender bouquets on the outer frame with the fishing line. Simply cut off protruding stem ends with the scissors to sock and shape your decoration a little. Now you can hang up the decoration. It is wonderful as a wall decoration and door decoration. But it can be used as a window decoration.
Crafts bookmarks with lavender flowers
A romantic,homemade bookmarkWe sweeten the reading even more and is also wonderful as a gift. Due to the transparent look, the flowers come into its own. A great handicraft idea on the subject of summer, but also if you only want to use your dried lavender blossoms later for tinkering in late summer.
- Template for a frame
- Pressed lavender flowers
- Adhesive film
- Glue
- Scissors
How to proceed:
- Print any template for the bookmark on the cardboard and cut it out. Here you can also remove the inner part, which should be transparent.
- Place a piece of film with the adhesive side in front of you and distribute the flowers in any way. Make sure to concentrate the flowers on an area that will later be located in the transparent window of the bookmark.
- Glue another piece of film with the adhesive side down to seal the flowers. Make sure not to add any air bubbles if possible.
- Now glue the frame over it and cut excess film on the sides.
- If you want, you can punch the sign in one place and tie a piece of cord or band.
Golden frame for cutting out
Dark lavender as a color for a vintage frame
Nice, free frame to print out in purple
Cut out along the lines for a mint green flower frame
Lavender sticks weave with ribbons
Everyone knows fragrance bags, but have you ever seen fragrance sticks? For this beautiful DIY alternative from Grandma's time, you need nothing more than dried lavender blossoms with stems, a beautiful band in any color and a shish lock. That's a great one tooIdea for tinkeringWith children in summer with natural materials.
- It is best to take flowers with flowers about the same length and a plunge length of about 15 cm.
- Remove the leaves from the stems so that only the bare stem with the flower remains. You can also snap off buds.
- Cut one meter of the tape and fold it in the middle. 10 centimeters below this fold, tie a knot from both band parts.
- Take some of the flowers together to form the same as possible bouquet.
- Place the tape down in the bouquet with the loop. The two band ends protrude from the flowers, the knot is located below the flowers.
- Tie the bouquet together with a cord tightly.
- Hold the flower part down in the hand and bend the stems outwards so that the tape's knot appears.
- Now start interweaving one of the bands with the stems. To do this, take it alternately under one stem, then over the next, again below and so on. Work your way by series. If the tape does not sit well, you can send it with the SchaschliSchieb.
- If you are satisfied with the length, tie the stems together with the two bands. Then wrap the tape a few times and the rest of the flower stems and also bind a knot below.
- Cut off the stem ends that still survive. You can hang the fancy lavender bag on the loop.
You can have a few more fragrance accessoriestinker here.