Ideas for crafting with paper rolls for Christmas and instructions for children and adults

It's almost time to prepare and get in the mood for the cozy Christmas season. Of course, this works best with the right Christmas decorations and as you know, homemade things are particularly beautiful. So it's time to sit down with friends, the children or even alone and start the next DIY Christmas project. Our idea today is to make crafts with paper rolls for Christmas.

In order for you to get started with the decorations, a little preparation is necessary, but you will quickly complete it. Of course, you first have to make the paper rolls. Paper that is as thin as possible is particularly suitable. This means you can also recycle newspaper or get thin craft paper from the craft store. Ready-made paper straws are also suitable. By the way, the ideas are not just great for at home. You are welcome toocrafting in kindergartenwith paper rolls for Christmas.

How do you make the rolls?

You need:

  • thin paper
  • a stick (e.g. crochet hook, thick popsicle stick, straw or whatever else you can find)
  • Scissors
  • Glue

First, cut strips out of your paper. These can be 4 to 5 cm to hand-wide. Just try out which size fits best. Then start wrapping the paper around the stick, starting at one corner. So the paper is not wrapped parallel to the stick, but at an angle.

Just before the end, put some glue on the paper and continue wrapping. Your first roll is ready and you can soon start making paper rolls for Christmas!
Note:You can also apply the glue to one of the long sides of the paper before rolling it up, as shown in the pictures.

Tipp:If you don't have a purchased, colored orpatterned paperFor crafting with paper rolls at Christmas, but rather newspaper, you can color your decorations with any spray paint after the craft project.

Once you have made enough rolls, you can process them straight away. We have a few very simple ideas that you can recreate with children. Whether angel, star or Christmas tree, the followingCraft ideas for Christmaswill create the right mood in the house.

Instructions for a Christmas tree as a tree decoration

  • Paper rolls, homemade or purchased
  • Scissors
  • Nadel
  • Stickgarn
  • Paint brush

Before you see the pretty onesMake treesWith paper rolls for Christmas, you have to think about how long the bottom roll should be. This determines the size of the Christmas tree. In the example it is 10 cm. Arrange two more rolls on top in your hand, making sure to hold each roll an inch or two apart from the previous one. Cut the paper rolls there. Be guided by the desired length of the first one.

Arrange the roles or themake strawsagain as before and cut it off at the other end too (where the bottom straw ends). Repeat these steps until you have reached the desired height and the Christmas tree has a beautiful top. You can now use the handle of a brush to touch up edges that were dented during cutting. Then you can make and finish the Christmas tree out of paper.

To do this, thread the thread through the needle and tie a knot at both ends. First, thread the beads that are meant to be a tree trunk onto it. Then pierce the largest paper roll. You can measure the center precisely for this, but you don't have to. Then thread a bead, then another roll and so on until you reach the tipfrom a pearlconsists.

Tie one or more knots just above the last bead. Then think about how much yarn you want to have for hanging. Then tie another double knot at the desired height and cut off the excess yarn. The rolls can move and shift freely, which gives the Christmas tree decoration even more charm.

You can have as many of theseMake decorationswith paper rolls for Christmas, as you like. A small Christmas tree made of rolls is also great for decorating Christmas cards. Instead of using beads and yarn, simply glue the rolls across two vertical ones.

Idea for crafting with paper rolls - star as decoration on gifts

One verysimple staryou will receive with these instructions. You can determine the size yourself. In any case, all rolls should be the same length. For each star you need:

  • 5 paper rolls in Christmas colors
  • Bindfad

After you do thatGift wrappedyou can make this star decoration with paper rolls for Christmas. It's best to use more neutral wrapping paper so that the star can be shown to its best advantage. All you need to do is tie the star to the gift properly with the twine. First, thread the rolls onto the thread one after the other. Tie a double knot and cut off the remaining thread. You get a pentagon.

Now the rolls just have to be folded over and moved several times. You can clearly see how exactly in the instructions. Once the star has been formed, you can either simply stick it onto the Christmas present or you can thread additional yarn through the paper rolls and use this to tie the star in place. By the way, you can do that tooPaper Christmas treeUse from above as a gift decoration or any other figure.

Star and snowflake

These winter and Christmas pendants are beautiful and yet quick and easy to makeUse DIY Christmas tree decorationscan. Would you like to make them with paper rolls for Christmas? Then get started right away!

  • equal-sized paper rolls
  • Hot glue and gun
  • Scissors

For the star:

Take the paper rolls for the star and fold each one about a third of its length. Then use hot glue to glue two of them together as shown in the instructions. In this way you get elements for the poinsettia, which you then glue together. You need 7 of them per star. Finally, tie or glue a loop for hanging.

For the snowflake:

DieDIY snowflakeIn principle it is not more complicated, but the preparation of the individual elements takes a little more time. You will need one long roll (about 20 cm), another six that are about 10 cm long and 16 pieces that are 2.5 cm long. If you would like to make smaller stars with paper rolls for Christmas, simply adjust the lengths to your liking.

Place the long roll in front of you and glue two medium-long rolls together to form a cross. Then cut the resulting quarter circles in half again with the remaining medium-length rolls. Attach the small pieces to the ends as shown in the picture. If you want, you can cut a few more rolls to embellish the middle of the snowflake.

Wreath made of paper rolls - instructions with beads

  • Paper rolls
  • Compass or two different sized bowls for drawing the ring
  • Hot glue and hot glue gun
  • Cutter or carpet knife
  • foam board
  • Pencil
  • Can closure or tape

Would you like this one?Make a wreathUsing paper rolls for Christmas, draw a ring of any size on the foam with a pencil. If you use bowls for this, first draw the outline of the larger one and then the smaller one in the middle of the larger ring. In the example, the large circle has a diameter of 15 cm and the small one 9 cm. Cut out the ring with the cutter. Depending on the diameter of the rolls, you will need a total of around 90 for this wreath size.

Now glue the first four rolls in place with hot glue, cutting the ring into quarters. Choose one of the four sectors and glue the next roll of paper in the middle again and fill in the two spaces in the same way (halve the eighth sectors, then the sixteenth sectors, etc.). After that, move on to the next sector, then the third and fourth. This is how you design the first row.

For the second row, shorten the rolls and glue them to the first row, but not directly to the bottom row, but always between two of them. Do the same again for a third row of even shorter rolls of paper. So that you can finish itHang Christmas wreathyou can now glue the can closure to the back of the ring. Alternatively, you can tie a loop out of a ribbon and glue it to the back.

Mini Christmas wreaths for children

While the wreath above can be a little elaborate for children, small versions like this are the perfect alternative. So would you like thatChildren doing craftswith paper rolls for Christmas, choose this idea.

First cut your paper rolls into smaller pieces. Take the first pipe cleaner and bend one of the ends a little so that the beads don't fall off on the other side when you thread them on. And the little ones can design their wreaths as they wish with beads and rolls. At the end, only enough pipe cleaner should be left free so that the ends can be knotted. Then tie a loop of yarn for hanging and hide the knots with a pretty ribbon.

Make creative Christmas decorations yourself

In addition to these ideas that we have shown, which are wonderful for children, there are also more elaborate projects with which you can make entire figures to put up. We would like to show you some of these using some video instructions. One canChristmas angels, Christmas trees, pyramids and other things made from homemade rolls.

You can then design the decorations with any color you like. Especially gold or silver color looks very attractive and Christmassy. If you want something more minimalistic, you can also choose the Christmas trend color white. If you feel like making some nice decorations with paper rolls for Christmas, try out the following projects:

Make a Christmas tree with paper rolls for Christmas

Make your own star