Crafts for Christmas with children aged 3 and over: Try these creative and easy ideas!

A situation that all parents are only too familiar with during the dreary season of the year: your child is bored because the weather is not suitable for playing outside, but the toys at home are no longer as tempting either and so it's getting on your nerves, so you can't do anything yourself. There is an urgent need for an interesting activity that is not only fun, but ideally also productive. Now is the best time for your first Christmas crafts! What could you make for Christmas with children ages 3 and up?

Simple paper Advent calendar

The Advent calendar is simply part of the Christmas season! But in addition to the variant withsweets or small giftsYou can also make such a variant for Christmas with children aged 3 and over, with the design even continuing after the crafting.

All you have to do is cut out a Santa Claus head complete with hat and beard. You can use templates from the Internet for this, but freehand shouldn't be a problem either. The children can glue the individual pieces together with your help. You then number the beard with the numbers from 1 to 24. From the first of December, the child can then stick a cotton ball on the respective date every day to create a cuddly, soft Santa Claus beard.

Crafts for Christmas with children aged 3 and over - Santa Clauses with paper plates

Such Santa Claus craft ideas for Christmas are easier to make than you might think at first glance. It's even the case that 3-year-olds can help cut them out because they are simple figures. All you have to do is draw the shapes for you. You need:

  • red and white construction paper
  • white paper plate
  • Acrylic paint in a skin tone and brush
  • scissors, glue
  • Pom pom (or red paper too)
  • Googly eyes

Cut out a triangle from the red paper that is larger than the paper plate and possibly a red circle for the nose if you don't use pom-poms. Cut out two circles from the white paper, one of which you cut in half, and a narrow strip. Cut off the top edge of the plate and paint the inner part with the skin color. Then the children can glue all the elements together, using the picture above as a guide.

Feel free to come up with other motifs. With the same materials you can:also snowmen, reindeer and similar crafts for Christmas with children aged 3 and over. Just customize the colors!

Craft idea for a Santa Claus without cutting

You can also turn the paper plate into a Santa Claus without cutting out elements from paper. Simply draw the outline on the plate with a pencil, creating a sort of coloring picture that the children can then color. They then use cotton wool to create the hat and beard once the colors have dried. A pompom can also be used for the Santa hat.

Paint your own window pictures for Christmas

You can draw any image on a normal slide using a Sharpie marker. You can also print out a motif beforehand and use it as a stencil if you're not that good at drawing. Then comes the part that the children can do. Color the picture with acrylic paints. As soon as the colors are dry, this can be donePicture on the windowcan be hung (or stuck with adhesive tape). If you want, you can also cut out the motif. By the way, Christmas tree balls are also easy motifs to color in for children of this age.

Another way to create window pictures is to take normal paper and color it with colored pencils. Then brush it with cooking oil or baby oil, but don't go overboard with the amount. The oil makes the paper transparent, allowing light to shine through beautifully. Tape the picture to the window or punch holes in it and tie string to hang it.

Make a spiral Christmas tree for Christmas with children aged 3 and over

You can also use a paper plate for this Christmas tree. It turns into a cute Christmas decoration that you can use, for exampleDecorate children's roomcan. Would you like this ideacrafting for ChristmasWith children aged 3 and over, you can prepare the individual elements by drawing them on the paper so that the little ones can then cut them out and punch holes. Alternatively, punches can also be used. You need:

  • paper plate
  • Craft paper in any color
  • green acrylic paint and brush
  • Scissors
  • cord

Paint the plate green on both sides. Multiple layers may be necessary. Then cut it in a spiral shape. If you now lift the plate at its center, the rest automatically falls down and forms a Christmas tree. Now cut out the Christmas tree balls (and other shapes if you like), punch holes in both these and the spiral and tie them with string. Also tie string to the top of the tree for hanging. You can do thata Christmas tree topper(e.g. a star) by gluing the string between two identical motifs.