Make a Christmas tree topper: These craft ideas round off your Christmas tree decorations wonderfully

The long-awaited Christmas season is approaching and the festive mood increases with each passing day. Enter the start characterthis year's Christmas craftswith our great craft ideas for Christmas tree toppers. Whether the classic variants such as stars and angels or a more unusual alternative - you have many options to choose from. You can use different materials such as paper, wood or wire when making the Christmas tree topper. Stay tuned, because we have collected many exciting DIY projects for you.

A Christmas tree without a matching decoration at the top looks somehow incomplete. The tree top is the icing on the cake and should not be missing when you have yoursDecorate the Christmas tree. But which motifs are suitable for crowning the Christmas tree? Although the poinsettia and Christmas angel are considered classic tree topper decorations, you can make a Christmas tree topper in any shape you like. Nowadays, a wide variety of designs are becoming increasingly popular, such as flower arrangements, hats, large pom-poms, plush toys and many more. When it comes to decorating the modern Christmas tree, there are no limits to your imagination.

The classics never go out of fashion. The traditional star is still one of the most popular options when it comes to Christmas tree toppers. In principle you could give one starcraft from almost any material. The only important thing is that the design matches the rest of the Christmas tree decorations. The color and style must be coordinated with the rest of the jewelry.

Are you currently looking for ideas on how to make the star for the top of the Christmas tree? Below you will find some great craft instructions.

Make a 3D star out of paper for the Christmas tree topper

You need these materials:

  • printed template*
  • colorful paper
  • Lineal
  • Glue
  • Scissors

Cut out the printed template and trace it on pattern paper of your choice. Mark the locations of the folds exactly like the dotted lines on the template. Use a ruler for this.

Now cut out the star from pattern paper and fold it like a harmonica along the dotted lines. The red dot lines are folded outwards (pattern side) and the blue ones are folded inwards (white side of the paper).

Finally, tape a thin strip of paper to the back of the star to attach it to the Christmas tree.

* Paper star templatedownload here.

Make a Christmas tree topper – a star made of wood

For this project you will need:

  • Birch bark
  • Cardboard
  • Star template
  • small branch slices
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue
  • Spring (for example an old bed spring)

Draw the star template on the birch board and cut out the star with scissors. Cut out a second star from the cardboard that is a little larger than the first so that you can glue the branch discs to the prominent edge. Finally, glue the finished poinsettia to the spring and attach the DIY tree decoration to the top of the Christmas tree. So simple, but so beautifully rustic!

Wooden golden star as a DIY Christmas tree topper

Did you like the rustic wooden star Christmas tree topper? Then try this variant made from wooden sticks and jute. This project requires the following:

  • 5 wooden sticks, 20 cm long
  • golden color
  • Malerpinsel
  • Superglue
  • Jutegarn

Arrange the five wooden sticks to form a five-pointed star. Then glue the ends and the joints together with superglue. After the glue dries, paint the star with gold paint and let it dry well. Finally, wrap the Christmas tree top with jute twine, tying the ends together and gluing them if necessary.

If you like it even more rustic, you can leave the wooden sticks natural instead of painting them. Instead of gluing them together, you can also tie them together with jute twine. A Christmas tree topper like this would be perfectChristmas decorations in a natural lookto fit.

Make a shining star for the top of the Christmas tree

This is needed:

  • 2 packs of wooden skewers
  • a Styrofoam ball, approx. 120 mm diameter
  • PVC-Rohr, ca. Only 8 cm
  • gold spray paint

First insert the tube into the Styrofoam ball. To make the Christmas tree top more stable, you can also glue the tube. Then start inserting the wooden skewers into the Styrofoam ball until the entire ball is covered. Finally, spray the Christmas tree top with gold paint, let it dry and attach it to the top of the Christmas tree.

Sewing a Christmas tree topper from felt

You don't have to be a sewing expert to make this simple star for the top of your Christmas tree. You need these materials for this quick craft project:

  • Felt of any color
  • Stickgarn
  • fiberfill
  • a star template
  • Pin

The procedure is really simple. Cut out two identical stars from felt using the template and sew them together. Leave the bottom side open so that you can fill the felt star with cotton wool and put it on the top of the Christmas tree.

Upcycled Christmas tree topper made from a whisk

Do you already have ours?Ideas for upcycling for Christmasseen? We offer you another exciting craft project here – a DIY Christmas tree topper made from a whisk. What you need:

  • 9 whisks
  • 6 cable ties
  • Primer paint and gold spray paint
  • Flower binding wire

Place the bottom eyelets of three whisks together and secure them on either side of the middle whisk with two small cable ties. Repeat this process two more times so that you have three sets of three whisks. Cut off the excess ends from all cable ties. Use the remaining cable ties to connect all the eyelets together. It may look a little awkward, but don't worry - none of the ties will be noticeable when the finished star is on the tree. Tighten each uncut cable tie as tightly as possible. Then use scissors to trim off the excess ends from each one.

Now spray the whisk Christmas tree topper with gold paint and let it dry completely. To attach the finished Christmas tree topper to the Christmas tree, thread a piece of floral wire through the two cable ties into the eyelets at the very top. Use the wire to wrap the star around the upper branch of the tree.

Crown the top of the Christmas tree with an angel

Angels offer another classic variant for the top of the Christmas tree. The angel is seen as a messenger of Christmas and is one of the most popular Christmas symbols. Families with children in particular choose to have a guardian angel on the top of the tree who watches over all family members during the Christmas season.

Make angels out of paper for the top of the Christmas tree – 3 craft ideas

Make angels out of paper

To make a simple angel out of paper, you should first form a cone out of paper. Then glue a small Christmas ball to the top to make the head. Finally, cut out wings from paper and glue them to the back of your angel. The cone then fits perfectly on the top of the Christmas tree and no additional attachment tools are required.

On our site you will find more beautiful ideas on how to create onelittle angels made of different materials, or oneMake Christmas angels with childrencan.

DIY angels made from paper cups and muffin cups

Made from a paper cup and three white onesThe muffin tinyou can make a cute Christmas tree topper. You also need a small Styrofoam ball and a toothpick. Place the cup upside down in front of you and cover it with a muffin tin, also upside down. Then stick the toothpick through the middle of the cup and stick the ball on top. Place the second muffin cup on top and tie it around the ball with a golden string. Make the wings from the third paper mold and glue them to the back. Finally, make a small halo out of the golden string and attach it to the angel's head. As an alternative to muffin cups, you can also use white coffee filters.

Transform a doll into an angel for the top of the Christmas tree

If your daughter's old dolls are just gathering dust, you can turn them into beautiful Christmas angels and use them to decorate the Christmas tree. This Christmas tree topper was made from a Barbie and really rounds off this classically decorated Christmas tree. To make such a tree decoration yourself, first make a cone out of paper and place it around the doll. Then make a dress out of any white fabric that completely covers the cone. Instead of sewing a real dress, you can simply glue the fabric to the doll's body. The angel should definitely have wings. For example, you can glue two white feathers to the back. All you have to do is attach a halo made of gold wire to your head and the angel for the top of the Christmas tree is ready.

Make a large bow and decorate the top of the Christmas tree

Bows are also popular as Christmas tree toppers. The perfect bow to top the Christmas tree should be big and eye-catching. You can easily tie a bow from a wide decorative ribbon, or sew it from velvet (or another fabric) as in the picture above. Be creative!

Make alternatives to the classic Christmas tree topper

Unusual Christmas tree toppers have become increasingly popular in recent years. If you would like to decorate your home in a modern way for Christmas this year, then the alternative Christmas tree toppers are a suitable craft idea for the Christmas tree decorations. Now we'll show you two simple craft projects.

DIY Christmas tree topper made from clothes hanger

A Christmas tree topper made from a coat hanger? Yes, you read that right. Actually, the clothes hanger is only used to attach the decorations to the top of the Christmas tree. Floral wire and good old pipe cleaners are used for the motifs. Here are all the materials:

  • Blumendraht
  • Wire clothes hanger
  • glittery pipe cleaners in any color
  • white tape
  • Wire cutters
  • small needle nose pliers

Cut the top section off the hanger (see above). Bend the wire into a spiral shape with a longer top. This is the bottom of your Christmas tree topper. It is best to use the pliers to bend the wire. Depending on the color of your tree, wrap this piece with white or green pipe cleaners.

Use the floral wire and white tape to create an outline of your design. You can create a shape (star, pineapple, cactus, reindeer) or a word. Wrap the pipe cleaners around the created outline. To make the Christmas tree topper a little more stable, you can use a second layer of pipe cleaners. Then simply wire the two parts (top motif/word and bottom spiral) with additional pipe cleaners.

Large pompom as a Christmas tree topper

You need these materials:

  • large Styrofoam ball
  • Bunte Pompoms (here we showhow you can easily make these yourself)
  • Hot glue
  • drill

Drill a large hole in the Styrofoam ball so it will fit on the top of the tree. Then glue the colorful pompoms close together on the ball to create a large pompom. The unusual Christmas tree topper is ready!

We wish you a wonderful Christmas time!