When it suddenly turns white again in winter and there is snow outside, then the time of the snowman has come. It's a lot of fun, especially for childrenBuilding a snowman in the garden. But if there is no snowfall this year or the weather is so unfavorable that you don't like being outside, then there is only one thing left: make a snowman out of Styrofoam balls and socks. We explain how it works.
Make a snowman out of Styrofoam balls and wool yarn: instructions
For the first oneDIY-Ideeyou need Styrofoam balls in two sizes. For each snowman you need one ball with a diameter of 4 cm and one with a diameter of 6 cm. You will still need several old socks made of plush fabric, white wool yarn, black pins or beads for the eyes, orange cardboard for the nose and several size 8 blouse buttons. You will also need craft scissors and hot glue as accessories.
First, make a hole through the center of the Styrofoam ball with the pin and then wrap it with the wool yarn. Proceed similarly with the second Styrofoam ball and glue the two Styrofoam balls together.
Then make the hat out of an old sock, shape the nose out of orange cardboard and stick two pins into the head as eyes. You can also make a scarf for the snowman from the sock. Tie it around the snowman's neck.
Make a snowman out of Styrofoam balls and natural materials
For the next idea you will need the following materials:
- a small styrofoam ball with a diameter of 4 cm for the head
- a medium-sized polystyrene ball with a diameter of 6 cm for the body
- a large styrofoam ball with a diameter of 8 cm for the body
- Pin for the eyes and for the buttons
- Two small wooden branches for “poor people”
- an orange nose made of modeling clay
- small cylinders from the craft shop
- Ribbons
- Fineliner or marker
Proceed as follows:
- First, glue the three Styrofoam balls together with hot glue.
- Then insert two pins into the head as eyes and four others into the body as buttons.
- Glue the modeling clay nose into the center of the “face”
- You can next paint the mouth and put the top hat on. If desired, you can decorate it with narrow decorative ribbon.
- Insert the tree branches into the body as arms.
- Cut a 15 cm long piece of fabric ribbon and tie it around the snowman's neck. Make a loop.
To ensure that the snowman stands stable on the ground, you can glue it to a piece of cardboard. Decorate the slicewith artificial snow. If you don't have fabric ribbons, you can make the hat and scarf out of felt fabric.
Make a snowman with the children
The next DIY idea is very simple and suitable even for daycare-aged children. You will need a white sock, two Styrofoam balls, two pins for the eyes and one for the nose, a black and an orange marker, a pom-pom and a fabric or felt scarf.
Proceed as follows:
- Glue two Styrofoam balls together.
- Tuck it into the white sock and tie it at the top.
- Make the hat out of the sock and pompom.
- Paint the pins and insert them into the head.
- Tie a scarf around the snowman's neck.
Make several snowmen and arrange them in a group. You can design each snowman differently. For example, provide the first with a scarf made from leftover checked fabric, the other with a green scarf made from satin ribbon. You can also choose pompoms in different colors. The more colorful, the better.
Not only can you make the eyes out of beads or pins, you can also paint them on or attach wiggly eyes.
For the arms, you can use tree branches, toothpicks, or pipe cleaners.
As a scarf, you can tie wool thread, satin ribbon, scraps of fabric or felt around your neck.
Matching accessories include a broom made of toothpicks and satin, a cylinder made of cardboard and buttons.
You can also decorate the snowmen with fake snow, glitter and self-adhesive rhinestones.
Depending on what you want to decorate the snowman with, the time it takes to make a snowman is between 40 and 60 minutes. The children can easily make the winter decorations themselves, provided that you have already explained how to use the scissors and hot glue correctly. However, never leave the children alone while doing crafts. For children under 3 years old, you will have to change the craft idea a little. Avoid using pins and buttons and instead draw the face and clothing with a marker. You can also glue the Styrofoam balls in place first and let the children do the decorating.
The little snowmen are a fitting oneWinter decorations for the windowsill, the mantel or the coffee table. You can also give these as gifts. The snowmen are not toys. Children could swallow small parts.