Making a polar bear with children in winter

Search for yourswinter craft projectsthe right theme or motif, you are making exactly the right choice with the polar bear. We will show you some creative ideas on how to make the polar bear, using different materials and which you can make with children in winter. Gather everything you need, gather your kids, and head out for a fun-filled afternoon in bad weather.

Make a polar bear on a canvas with newspaper

You probably collect the newspapers you read for a few weeks before throwing them away. And every time you do it, you may also think to yourself what a shame it is to have paper and whether it couldn't be used for something. Yes, you can! For various craft projects, for example. Not onlyfor papier-mâchéThis paper is ideal. How about making a polar bear and then taking a cool picture and giving it away?

  • Canvas (or normal sheet of paper or blue cardboard)
  • Newspaper
  • black paper or felt
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Acrylic paints (for painting the canvas)
  • Googly eyes
  • black Edding or felt-tip pen
  • optional circle

First, cut the individual elementsfrom newspaperout of. You can use a compass to record this if you value straight circles. But free-hand drawn and cut-out parts also look good in the end. For the nose and the inner part of the ears, cut out the respective elements from the black paper. Then place them together on the selected surface (canvas, paper or cardboard) and then stick them on. In the example, a background for snow was previously created and snowflakes were added. But that is optional.

Polar bear craft kindergarten with handprint

Making a polar bear couldn't be easier. Even children of kindergarten age can make this polar bear with a little help from their parents or teachers. You need a template and getting it is easy and simplewith your child's hand! Then you can make a polar bear as follows:

  • white paper
  • dark and light blue paper
  • Pencil
  • felt-tip pens
  • Snowflake stickers (alternatively you can paint the snowflakes)

Make a picture with a polar bear motif

If you want to make this polar bear, trace the outline of the child's hand on the white paper and then cut out the resulting hand. Next you need the head and small ears. Stick these on your thumb. Then the bear is designed. Draw the claws and the face. If you want, you can cut out ice floes from the light blue paper. These have an irregular shape, so they are perfect for smaller children who are not yet very skilled at cutting straight. Glue a few floes onto the dark blue paper and then the polar bear onto one of the floes. Decorate if desiredwith snowflakesand a few waves.

Make with paper plates and cotton wool

Are very popularPaper plate animals. So if you want to make paper plate animals, add a polar bear to your list too. These instructions also give you a template for the small elements (eyes, snout, ears), but you can also trace and cut them out yourself instead. You need:

  • paper plate
  • cotton balls
  • Template (or white paper + black or felt-tip pen for drawing yourself)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • optionally blue paper or cardboard as a background

That's how it's done

Print and cut out the template or draw the details yourself. Then put glue on the inner part of the plate and spread the cotton balls on it. Before you cover the edge, glue the ears in place first. Then you can continue with the cotton wool so that it overlaps the ears a little. Then stick the face onto the cotton. You can then glue the finished bear head onto a background if you wish. More ideas with cotton woolcan be found here.

Make a polar bear – printable template.

Funny polar bear figure made of paper

Would you like to make a polar bear that you can display? How about this fun model. As simple as the project looks, it actually is. What you need:

  • white paper
  • Pencil, crayon or felt-tip pen
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick

Make a polar bear – instructions

You can see the items you need for the bear in the instructions. They are so easy to trace that even the kids can do this task. Then cut out the elements and glue a small amount of cotton wool (or a cotton ball) to the C-shaped element. This will be the tail. Glue the head again to the arch-shaped element. Now all you have to do is attach these two elements together. To do this, cut onePaper stripsand fold it like an accordion. Then stick the strip between the two elements and you're done!