Simple painting ideas that look professional but can also be copied by beginners

Surely everyone has thought about painting something beautiful themselves. But many people don't dare to take on such projects because they believe that they have no talent for it and that it is something for true artists. A beautiful picture doesn't necessarily have to be difficult to paint. Quite the opposite! With the help of a few tools, tricks and ideas you can reallycreate interesting works of art, which you will proudly hang on the wall afterwards. Still don't believe us? Then read on and find our simple painting ideas with instructions that will convince you. Then all that's left is to get canvas, paints and all the other necessary accessories and tools and you're ready to get started.

Easily copy ideas

  • canvas
  • Foam brush
  • Craft paints

An old canvas picture was redesigned for this idea. But you can also use a new canvas. It's best to choose different shades from a color group, as they look particularly good when combined. In general, it is advisable not to combine colors that could clash. Spread several blobs of paint on the canvas. Alternate the tones.

Now use the brush to stroke through the colors in vertical directions. This creates stripes as shown in the picture. Make sure that the canvas is completely covered with the paints. You can now leave the image as it is or experiment with different movements. In the example, V patterns were designed. But zigzag patterns, circles, wavy lines and much more are of course also permitted. But don't brush over the colors too often, because over time they will mix more and more. You can also add new colors after the fact if you feel your image could use them.

Flower painting ideas with instructions

  • canvas
  • Colors
  • Texturmalfarbe (optional)
  • Sponge brush
  • Malspachtel

If you're looking for simple painting ideas, you can't go wrong with flowers. You don't necessarily have to choose a specific type of flower, you can come up with your own flower shapes and colors. However, a template from which you copy the flowers can be helpful for beginners. First prepare a color palette by mixing around 5 to 6 different colors according to your ideas. You need different colors for the flowers and about two to three shades of green for the leaves. If you also add texture paint, your colors in the image will have texture and appear three-dimensional.

As in the instructions above, now distribute different blobs of coloron the screento design the background. Use a dry sponge brush to drag this vertically across the canvas until it is completely covered with paint. Using a painting spatula or knife, pick up the first color for a flower and use it to create petals anywhere on the canvas.

Create some flowers, then add leaves and fill in the centers of the flowers. These can be a little more clustered to show off well. Finally, fill in any gaps between the leaves and flowers with dots and smaller leaves. This way, your artwork will look more like a lush bouquet of flowers. Remember, all of our painting ideas serve as inspiration and can be modified as desired.

Trees as painting ideas with watercolors

  • Paper for watercolors (e.g. Strathmore)
  • several brushes (preferably soft and with a tip)
  • toothbrush
  • Watercolors
  • Palette or old plate for mixing colors
  • Cup with water

Watercolors are wonderfully easy to work with, so these paints are perfect for painting ideas for beginners. Dip the brush in water and then pick up a little of the desired color. Dab this onto the paper to create the treetop. Imagine clouds and create several such clouds on the upper half of the sheet. Before these colors have dried, pick up a little more of the same color with the brush and paint it over the first layer of color. If the paint is already too dry, you can moisten the sheet with a clean brush and water.

In addition to the first color, you can also choose a second and even third. Yellow, orange and olive green were used in the example. You get the latter by mixing yellow, green and red. With the olive green you can design part of the crown, as well as the trunk and branches that peek out here and there between the leaves of the crown. It's also best to use a lighter shade for the trunk first and then a darker shade on top.

Now add interesting splashes of the same colors to the treetop using the toothbrush. Moisten them and rub them in the respective color. Then rub the bristles again with your finger so that the paint splatters. Start with yellow, then move on to orange and then olive green (or whatever colors you choose.

Finally, you can add even larger splashes with a brush. To do this, dip a brush in water and then pick up paint. Tap it onto another brush, pen or stick. For the finishing touches, you can now create a floor and darken some of the branches if necessary. Trees as painting ideas can be designed in a wide variety of colors.

Ideas for cacti

Once you get the hang of it, you can try out any motif. For example, these cacti that you see are very likeableBeing able to easily implement ideas. Just in case, you can follow the instructions below. In the video below you can see step by step how to work with watercolors to get beautiful shades.

Painting pretty daisies with watercolors

  • Paper for watercolors
  • Adhesive tape to hold the paper in place
  • masking fluid
  • Paint brush
  • Soap
  • Watercolors
  • Salt
  • Pencil

For flower pictures like this one, use a pencil to thinly sketch some daisies (or other white flowers) onto the piece of paper. Wet a bar of soap and thoroughly rub the bristles of your brush before dipping them into the masking fluid. Now carefully coat all the flowers and stems of the flowers with this liquid. You will probably need to re-soap the brush several times and use new masking fluid. Now let the liquid dry thoroughly.

Choose the colors for the background (yellow, blues, grays and greens in the example) and mix them on a palette. Then wet the entire paper. Then roughly apply the first color, which should be the lightest of all the colors chosen (yellow in the example). A brush number 12 works well for this. Then add the darker colors (here blue, green and light gray) by moving the brush from bottom to top. This should create a grass-like background.

Now take a number 3 brush and add some additional strokes imitating blades of grass. To make the colors stronger, you can use a special thickener for watercolors. Add blue, green and gray as well as yellow strokes. Before the whole thing has dried, sprinkle some salt over the picture. This absorbs the liquids and creates interesting patterns. But don't overdo it with the amount of salt. Alternatively, you can add splashes as described in the instructions for the trees. Allow the picture to dry thoroughly. You can speed up the process with a hairdryer.

Finally, remove the masking fluid with your finger or an eraser. Be careful not to rub the paper. Now use a brush number 2 and the yellow paint to create the pollen of the daisies. To do this, first moisten the center with a little water and then add a yellow circle. Add a small brown line to the bottom edge of the circle to create shading. Moisten and paint one flower at a time rather than all at once.

Edges that do not flow evenly into one another can be traced with a little bit of clear water to blur them. Now all you have to do is visually separate the petals from each other by adding shading. For this purpose, each yellow center should be well dried. Using the same size brush and a little water, go along the areas where the petals overlap. You start with the blue-green background so that this color is picked up by the brush. Don't use new paint! This would be too strong. There should only be a hint of color visible. The picture is ready and you can use it as inspiration for many similar ideas.

Ideas for beginners – marble pictures without painting

Such pictures look complicated, but are super simple and can be recreated by absolutely anyone. Even if you have never worked with brushes, paint and canvas before, you will be able to successfully implement ideas like this. The great thing is that no two pictures are the same and you get a truly unique piece every time. It's also the perfect gift idea!

You need:

  • Acrylic paints in any color (one of them should be white)
  • Canvas of any size (smaller ones are sufficient for beginners and for practicing)
  • Floetrol
  • Hair beer
  • Paper cups and plastic spoons
  • Wax paper, old newspaper or other types of documents

Line your work area with a pad. First, add a little of each color to a separate cup. Then mix these with the Floetrol. For this project, a ratio of 2:1 is best, such as 30g Floetrol and 15g paint. Stir everything well and add 4 to 5 drops of oil to each cup, then mix everything together well again. Ultimately, the colors should be thick but still suitable for pouring (like honey).

Now take a clean cup and pour all the colors into it alternately. This should create layers that do not mix with each other. Now the colors have to be transferred to the canvas, because there is actually no painting for this time. Instead, place the canvas in the middle of the mug. Now carefully turn both over. Make sure that you press the cup firmly onto the canvas and that no paint runs out of the sides. Now let the cup stand upside down on the canvas for a while. You can also tap the bottom of the cup to give the paint a little nudge.

If you now lift the cup, the paint will begin to melt. This creates a beautiful marble effect, while the oil creates interesting cells in the paint. Rock the canvas back and forth over the base to evenly distribute the colors and allow the finished painting to dry. Marble effects as painting ideas can also be used for pictures that are asLast Minuteshould serve as a gift.

Easy to paint pretty poppies

These poppies are our last time ideas. The blue colors really stand out against the neutral background. Of course, you can also play with the colors and experiment with this idea. For detailed instructions, see the video below.