10 ideas that you can tinker with the children as a gift for grandma

Soon will be Mother's Day and on this special day you can not onlyhonor the mother. After all, grandma is also a mom and earns a loving gift. And what is better than a do it yourself gift from the grandchildren? Of course, you can also make a nice gift for Grandma for other occasions such as your birthday, Easter or Christmas. So it is best to sit down with your children and try out one of the following craft ideas for children that we have put together for you.

Gift for grandma's handicrafts made of paper flowers

With simple paper flowers made of tissue paper, beautiful gifts can be made. Not only bouquets that keep forever, but also small terrariums and greeting cards can be tinkered with them. They are also great for decorating other gifts or gift packaging.

The flowers can of course also vary in their size. But one thing is certain - if you use them and make any gift idea for Grandma, she is guaranteed to be happy. The delicate flowers made of tissue paper fit into any furnishings and can be wonderfully used by the grandmother as decoration.

Greetings with paper flowers

Homemade picture frames as a gift for grandma

With the quilling techniqueYou can do such a gift for grandma's handicrafts with children. For this you only need a simple picture frame of any size and paper strips. Instead of the romantic colors from the example, you can of course also use happier colors such as yellow, green, orange or light blue. Paper strips for quilling are sold tailored in the handicraft shop, but of course you can also cut them yourself.

Then take a strip and wrap it around a toothpick, a shish lock, a thin knitting needle or a similar object. Then take the finished spiral between the thumb and index finger and press one of the pages together so that a drop shape is created. With two such elements that you glue you together, you get a heart. Spread the finished hearts with glue on the frame and finally add simple, small spirals in the spaces.

Tinker gift for grandma of grandchildren - candle with a homemade picture

Candles are always a great idea andHomemade candlesWith the service technology, it is not only easy to tinker, but are also great fun. But would you have come up with the idea of ​​transferring your child's self -painted picture to a candle? In this way, the candle will be really unique and is great with the grandmother. You need:

  • white candles
  • Tissue paper
  • Permanent fields
  • Wachspapier

Place a surface and spread out a piece of tissue paper that fits around the candle. The children then paint this as desired. You should know that you are making a gift for Grandma together so that you can also paint something suitable. Then put the painted paper on the candle and wrap wax paper around it. Hold the wax paper well.

With a hair dryer, they are now blowing warm air against the image that is on the candle. The candle wax melts slightly and absorbs the colors of the image. Until the image is transmitted, up to a minute can pass, depending on how hot the air is. Now remove the paper and the gift is ready!

Make oven gloves yourself as gift ideas

If you want a gift for grandma tinkering with toddler, hand and fingerprints are always a good idea because you do not yet demand much crafting skills from the inexperienced little ones, but you can still be proud of the work. And since Omis usually likes to cook and bake, personalized oven gloves are great!

Simply buy finished oven gloves in any color, as well as textile paint in a nuance that will be clearly recognizable on the fabric of gloves. With a brush (preferably with a sponge brush), apply the color to the child's hand and press on the fabric. It is important that it does not apply too much color so that the impression receives more texture.

If you also want to design a heart in the middle, just paint it with a brush and color after the first color is well dried. Finally, fix the colors as described in the manufacturer's instructions. After making the gift for grandma tinkering with a child, you can also print out and add a card with a greeting, congratulations or a nice poem.

Tipp:You can tooOther textilesdesign in this way.

Crafts painted wooden spoons as a gift for grandma yourself

Since we are already on the subject of “cooking”: This idea is implemented by the children together with an adult, because a fire piston is also used. The childrenpaint the spoonsFirst with a pencil in any way. Patterns and motifs can of course be chosen freely. An adult then simply traces her creations with a fire piston to burn them into the wood permanently. At another point, the names of the children and the year can be noted.

Make gifts yourself for the grandmother - self -painted pictures embroidery on fabric

Like to embroider, this gift idea is a great idea. If not, you finally have a reason to try it out. You need:

  • Any picture of your child
  • Any cloth to embroider (e.g. fabric napkins or tea towel)
  • iron -on pen
  • Stickgarn
  • Stick
  • Embroidery

Let your child draw a picture. This can be colored. Then draw the outlines with the iron -on pen. Press up vigorously. Then place the desired fabric on an ironing board and then the sheet of paper with the image (the picture points downwards). Now iron over the paper. Due to the heat, the outlines that you have traced with the pen are transferred to the fabric.

Fix the fabric nowin a embroidery frameAnd you can start sewing. It is best to use yarn in the same colors that your child also used to draw. You can give away the finished fabric as a cloth or leave as it is. In the framework, such DIY gifts are then wonderfully suitable for hanging as wall decoration or to set up. You can easily cut off the excess fabric on the sides.

Pendant made of craft tone with fingerprints

From a simple handicraft tone you can make such beautiful pendants as a gift for grandma and grandpa. For this craft idea for children, the sound only has to be rolled out thinly, whereupon you can cut out any shape. For this purpose you can use cookie cutters for cookies. You can also cut out a simple circle with a glass.

Then press your child's finger diagonally into the tone and then again in the other direction to get a heart. Don't forget to add a hole that fits a key ring or a chain for attaching. Bake the sound to harden according to the package instructions.

Tinker coasters as gifts for grandma and grandpa

Coats always arrive well and if they also made of natural materialsLike wooden disksexist and have also been made by their own grandchildren, they are all the more beautiful. This is how these jewelry is made:

  • Wooden
  • Children's drawings
  • Napkin
  • Sixmight's swing
  • Craft knife

Take a wooden disc and place it on the motif you want to transfer to you. Draw your outline. Cut the obtained circle a few millimeters smaller than recorded. Then use the sponge brush to apply napkin adhesive on the wooden disc, put the drawing up with the picture upwards and seal with another layer. So that the image is really sealed, you should then apply two to three more layers of glue. But always let every layer dry well.

3D greeting card with pine cones and rose leaves

No matter if you are oneTinker birthday presentOr want to give away something homemade for another occasion, a greeting card is always welcome. How about this loving and pretty idea?

  • Small pine cones
  • Rose leaves (or other leaves)
  • Twigs
  • Acrylic
  • Paint brush
  • White paper and envelopes
  • Adhesive (e.g. hot glue)

After collecting the natural materials on a walk, you can make the gift for Grandma. Place newspaper as a surface and fold a white sheet in the middle to get a card. With brush and acrylic paint, paint the pine cones in a color typical of roses. Then paint the branches with a green color.

As soon as all elements have dried, you can put a blob on the front of the card and stick a pine cone. Then glue a stem tight and then the leaves. If you do not find rose leaves, you can also use other leaves that cut out of paper or even paint with acrylic paint. Now you can still label the card as desired andWrite congratulations in. In addition, you can make a different gift for grandma and provide the card.

Creative ideas - plates as a shelf for jewelry

Omi certainly wears jewelry that she puts in the evening? Then you can use such a platemake useful gift. And the fact that it is homemade makes it even great. So you can easily make a jewelry plate as a gift for grandma:

  • Terracotta plate of any size
  • Origami or srapbooking paper
  • Acrylic paint matching the selected paper
  • Napkin
  • Paint brush
  • Color palette or alternative lid

First, cut out a circle from the paper that fits inside your plate. To do this, you can simply put the plate on the paper and trace the floor with a pencil. Then paint the plate with acrylic paint in any color. This should best match the design of the paper. Paint one side first, let the color dry and then color the other side. If necessary, two layers of color are necessary. They only apply the second after the first has dried.

Push the bottom of the plate with the glue, put the cut out paper and seal the entire plate with a layer of glue. After the glue could dry overnight, the gift for Omi is ready to be given away. You can also make other plates as a gift for grandma, because they are not only great for jewelry.