Easter gifts ideas for adults: 30 fast handicrafts

There is no family around gifts at celebrations like Easter. Whether for the parents, for friends or for adult children: homemade gifts are always well received on the special occasion. We will show you 30 Easter gifts ideas for adults who are guaranteed to put a smile on the face of the recipient. From fragrant bathing ballsfragrant bathing balls, to stylish candles, to delicious homemade cookies: there is something for everyone. Let yourself be inspired by the ideas and surprise your loved ones with homemade present!

Easter gifts ideas for adults: homemade gifts are always well received

Big and small is happy aboutHomemade gifts. Sweeten the life of the recipient with homemade chocolate eggs. For the hollow body you need a shape for eggs made of chocolate and for decoration - edible flowers, sugar pearl, glitter sugar and food colored pencils. Simply melt the chocolate in a water bath and then pour the tempered chocolate mass into the mold. Put the chocolate eggs cold, it is best to leave it in the fridge overnight. If you don't trust yourself to make your hollow body yourself, you can buy finished hollow body. Then decorate them with edible tortendeco.

Easter gifts ideas for making yourself for friends: pour Easter bunny soap

When it comes to Easter gifts for adults, most people face a challenge. If the present should be funny and practical at the same time, the Easter bunny soaps are available. Surprise the family or adult children with youfragrant soapsIn happy colors. You need raw soap (as a soap base is best suited glycerin soap), soap colors (blue, yellow, orange and lavender), soapping frames (best use essential oils such as lavender, rose, almond and grapefruit oil) and a silicone mold. Divide the raw soap into several pieces, each piece should weigh about 50 grams. You can pour two soaps from a piece of 50 grams. Then melt the first piece of raw soap, then add the desired soap color and 2-3 drops of soap scent and stir them. Then fill the soap mass into the silicone shape and have it hardened there. Clean the pot in which you melt the soap and give the second piece in it. Then create labels on which you write the ingredients and the date of validity.

Ideas for Easter gifts for the parents: design Easter eggs with stickers

An Easter gift should not necessarily be expensive or large.Homemade little giftsAt Easter, the parents are perfect. You can surprise them with a traditionally very popular fellow souvenirs:Lovingly decorated Easter eggsAlways get well. You can find numerous DIY instructions from handicraft enthusiasts from all over the world on the net. Most are too complicated for beginners, for them there are different paint sets such as:

  • Creative sets with soft and creamy paint paints with stencils, sponge and brush.
  • Eggmal machines and water colors
  • Marble colors
  • Easter egg set with Painter, sponge stub brushes and creamy paint paints with a slight shine
  • Stickers with Easter motifs

Homemade Easter gifts ideas: bubbling bathing balls in egg shape

Pure relaxation promise they promisenext gift ideas. These bubbling bathing balls in egg shape are an excellent example of stylish homemade Easter gifts for adults. For eight bath balls you need the following materials:

  • Soda and citric acid in a ratio of 2: 1, in this case 300 g soda and 150 g citric acid powder
  • 80 g cornstarch or potato flour
  • 80 g almond oil
  • Other fragrance oils
  • Dried herbs and petals for filling
  • Easter egg forms made of acrylic (you can also use a shape for chocolate eggs, but you have to wash and rinse thoroughly after that)

First mix the dry ingredients, i.e. soda, cornstarch, citric acid and the dried herbs or petals in a disposable bowl. In a separate bowl, mix the liquid ingredients, i.e. almond oil and fragrance oils. Mix the contents of the two bowl very slowly and then add them to the egg forms. Press the bombs slightly with your fingers, close the egg shapes and put them cold for 4-5 hours. Only then can you carefully remove them from the shapes.

Make Easter gifts yourself: ideas for the grandparents

Are you planning a visit to the grandparents at Easter and would you like to surprise you with a creative gift? Then we have two Easter gifts that are guaranteed to harvest compliments. Surprise your grandmother with a lovingly decorated wooden spoon.With the service technologyyou can beautify the simple gift. This is how the present is made: first apply an acrylic paint, for example white, as a surface on the spoon. And let them dry. Then separate the top napkin situation (best choose a napkin with natural motifs), apply a thin layer of napkin adhesive over the white color and then press the napkin on it. Wait 5 minutes and wear a second layer of glue over the napkin. If it also dries completely, you can coat the spoon with clear varnish.

Easter gifts homemade: ideas for nature lovers

You can make numerous decorations from air -dry white modeling mass. Also thisstylish coastare ready quickly. You need the following materials: white modeling mass, fresh rose and fern and petals, clear lacquer, rolling wood and a glass. First roll out the modeling mass with the rolling pin for about half a centimeter thick. Cut the round coast with the glass. Then put the leaves on top and press them lightly with your fingers. Let the modeling compound dry in the air and then carry a thin layer of clear lacquer on it.

Tinker Easter gifts: Candle in Easter egg shape

This is a puristic candle in egg-shapedPerfect Easter giftfor your friend. Even if it is not lit, the candle looks very decorative and will also bring variety to the interior after Easter. The concrete details make them a real eye -catcher on the Easter table. And best of all: you can make the candle yourself quickly and without much effort. You need wax lenses, candle -hocht, metal shish lock skewer, aluminum shell, pot, a large and a smaller plastics, concrete, lighter, cutter knife.

This is how the candles are made: Open the large plastics and place the small plastics in the lower half of the larger one. Fill half with concrete. Close the large plastics and drill a hole with the Schaschlickspieß. Then insert the candle into the hole and fix it with tape. Let the concrete harden. Melt the wax lenses in a water bath and then pour the liquid wax into the large plastics. Let the wax harden for 2-3 hours and then remove the upper half of the Easter ice. Then warm up the lower half of the plastic ice with a lighter and then cut it into pieces with the cutter knife. Remove the plastics and the candle is ready!

But it is also faster and more uncomplicated. You need a gift box, tissue paper, egg shells (the lower half of the eggshell) and tea lights. Arrange the egg shells on the tissue paper so that you do not tip over. Then put the tealights inside and the Easter gift is already finished. Our tip: buy fragrance. Or arrange tealights in different colors in white egg shells.

Easter gifts ideas from the kitchen: bake cookies

If you afterEaster gifts ideasFind out of the kitchen, then the next suggestion is the right one for you. Invested in cutlets with Easter motifs such as Easter bunnies, carrots or chicks. So you can bring nicely shaped cookies on the table or give your guests as a gift. Our tip: The cookies look great when they decorate them with icing. Fill a jam glass with it and decorate it with decorative strap or homemade Easter card.

Easter gifts ideas to do it yourself: tinker tea bags from coffee filters

Are you looking for ideas for small gifts for Easter for adults? How about homemade tea bags from coffee filters? So you can mix the tea yourself and determine its aroma or effect on the body. Beautiful tea blends are, for example:

1. Refreshing herbal tea mixture in the morning: Linden flowers, blackberry, currant and peppermint leaves, woodruff herb and orange blossoms in a ratio of 1: 1: 1 0.6: 0.6

2. Fruit tea for the afternoon: apple, rosehip bowls, fruit sage and flowers of the marigold in a ratio: 6: 1: 1: 1

3. Thirst quenchers for the evening: apple shells, lemongrass, raspberry, strawberry and peppermint leaves, hibiscus flowers in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1: 1

So that you make the tea bag made of coffee filter yourself, follow the step-by-step photo instructions above. Since coffee filters are made of about thicker paper than ordinary tea bags, you should leave the tea a little longer. The advantage of coffee filters, however, is that they can cut them into the desired shape. For example, you can cut out the tea bags into star or heart shape and then sew the ends together.

Of course, a homemade etiquette with spring motifs should not be missing. Create a template for butterfly and cut out two butterflies made of colorful packaging paper. Brush the back of the first butterfly with glue, put the thread of the tea bag on the back and put the second butterfly on it. Press the two butterflies together, then fold them in the middle. Cut a strip so that you can later attach the paper butterfly to the tea cup. Complete!

Tinkering gifts: paint the clay pot

Other Easter gift ideas for making yourself are, for example, colorful flower pots that you can paint yourself. There are no limits to the imagination. For example, you can marble the clay pots with acrylic paints or beautify using the service technology. Our tip: Choose happy spring colors such as pink, yellow or orange. So you are guaranteed to ensure a festive atmosphere at home and on the terrace or on the balcony.

Skillful handicraft enthusiasts can also paint the flower pots. Special painting pins are available for this purpose. In any case, you have to work with great attention, because mistakes can only be painstakingly removed. But the colors are very resistant and can defy heavy sun, rain and even frost without any problems. For safety, you can seal the surface with clear varnish. However, let the colors dry completely, otherwise you can smear them.

Creative the seasonal flowers in vase in vase

You are forEaster brunch invited? Bring a spring bouquet in a creatively arranged vase. You need: a glass vase, a plastic cup, seasonal flowers of your choice and fruit gums in different colors. Our tip: If you coordinate the flowers and the fruit gums, the flower arrangement looks particularly attractive.

This is how the colorful bouquet of flowers is made: first put the plastic cup in the middle of the vase and fill the free room first with yellow, then with white, then with pink fruit gum. Keep on until you completely hide the cup. Then fill it with water, cut off the flower stems and arrange the spring flowers in it. Flowers like yellow and pink roses and lily of the valley look particularly beautiful. Then fill out the gaps with binding green and foliage.

Not only children are looking forward to colorful Easter gifts, adults also appreciate a homemade gift for Easter. In the photo gallery below you can also find further suggestions for creative gifts. Let yourself be inspired!

Vanilla cream and gingerbread in the shape of the rabbit ear

Easter baskets for mom: bouquet of flowers, chocolate buns, painted Easter eggs and cosmetics

Easter baskets with flowers made of fabric, cookies with filling and chocolate eggs with icing

Flowering branch and chocolate egg eggs

Homemade labels with Easter bunny motifs

Easter basket for coffee lovers

Homemade vase/ plant pot made of two metal cups

Bake and paint sweets

Easter egg cookies with jam

Let the serving tablet label

Easter gift ideas for making yourself: label chocolates

Make Easter gifts yourself ideas: fill jam glasses with sweets

Gifts from the kitchen: jam

Fill the Easter basket with gifts from the kitchen

Bake cookies and surprise parents at Easter