Making lanterns for toddlers: Beautiful and simple ideas for the very little ones for the St. Martin's parade

Lanterns for the lantern parade bring great joy to the children, especially if they are homemade. The little ones can also take part in this and then proudly present the finished work to their friends. There are really very simple craft ideas that you can even do with small children and that is exactly what we have prepared for you today. An adult does the cutting, while the little rascals can glue to their hearts' content. This is how you can make a simple lantern for toddlers:

Danger!No matter what type of lantern you make for small children, only use it with LED candles afterwards, as there is a high risk of fire! Also, do not use dangerous materials such as glass.

Design plastic bottles with tissue paper

Instead of making a complicated DIY lantern body, use a ready-made container (although that's a great option too). A lanternmade from PET bottleFor example, it is very quick and easy to make and small children's hands are ideal for the project. The finished St. Martin's lantern is also very light and can be easily carried. This is what you need if you make such a lantern for small children:

  • Plastic bottle of any size
  • Punch, hole punch or other tool for punching
  • Pipe cleaner or other wire or string for the handle
  • Tissue paper
  • Napkin glue, brush

Cut the neck off the bottle. All you need is the stomach. Poke holes in the bottle at two opposite points below the rim. You will attach the handle to this later. However, beforehand, the following is designed:

The tissue paper is torn into pieces (what fun for the kids!). But you can also cut out motifs. If you use different colors, the lantern will not only be colorful, but you can also try to create simple motifs. Prepare the glue and brush. Glue is always applied to one area of ​​the bottle with a brush and then the paper is glued onto it. There is another layer of glue on top to seal the paper. Continue like this until the entire outside is covered.

Then let your work dry thoroughly. Finally, if necessary, cut a piece of wire to the desired length and thread the ends through the prepared holes (puncture them if you covered them with the paper). Tie the ends of the wire together and the lantern is ready.

Make a lantern for toddlers with a paper bag

In a similar way, you can also make this lantern forChildren under 3. Tissue paper is simply shredded and then glued to the outside of the bag. Then place the candle inside. Instead of tissue paper, you can also use leaves or have the children paint them. The bag should ideally be white to allow more light to shine through. But if you can't find one, the classic beige is also suitable.

Tipp:An LED tea light would always slide back and forth in the bag. A lantern stick is therefore more suitable or you can stick the metal part of a real tea light into the bag and place the LED candles there.

DIY idea with popsicle sticks and parchment paper

Of course, the lantern shouldn't be too heavy for a small child and with this project you will also get a suitable model.With the help of popsicle sticksmake a frame that you then close with paper. Learn how to make the lantern for toddlers:

  • ice styles
  • Parchment paper
  • Materials for decorating: scraps of paper, colors for painting or mandala for tracing, glitter stones, etc.
  • Washi-Tape
  • Glue and hot glue
  • LED tea light
  • Hole punch and string or wire for the handle

Make four frames from the stems by gluing four of them together like a square. Then cut parchment paper squares that are the same size. You can now design the paper however you want. A great idea, for example, is to place any motif underneath and trace it. Then you can glue the frames together to make a cube. To do this, stick adhesive tape (washi tape) to two touching stems inside the cube.

Now stick the parchment to the outside of the cube to seal it. Just leave the top open so you can put the candle in later. Now punch holes in the paper on two opposite sides directly below the popsicle stick. Tie string or wire to serve as a handle.

Tipp:If you want the tea light to be stable in the lantern and not slip back and forth with every movement, you can also glue the metal container of a real tea light to the bottom of the lantern, in which you then place the LED candle.

Also read:6 quick ideas on how to make a lantern for the St. Martin's parade

Make a quick lantern for toddlers out of lanterns

The project will be even faster if you make oneLantern a Saint Martin lanterncraft. It's best to get a white model and then design it to your heart's content. However, you should not draw with felt-tip pens as the paper on the lantern is very thin and could quickly tear under the pressure of inexperienced hands. Instead, it can be easily painted or glued on. It is perfectly illuminated with a lantern stick, on which the finished St. Martin's lantern is hung directly.

Or how about this:Make a quick lantern with a paper bag for any occasion