Want to make some lanterns with the kids this fall? You've definitely found what you're looking for with us! Today's project is really easy - take a look at how you can make a lantern - out of a balloon.
Making lanterns in the fall is one of my kids' favorite activities! That's why every year I try to find a new idea that we can try out together. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but there is a method that always works well. Since we particularly like the papier-mâché technique, today I'm going to explain how you can make lanterns out of balloons.
Making a lantern out of a balloon: it's that easy!
In preparation for St. Martin's Day, we are making pretty lanterns! There are so many materials you can use for this: from paper plates and PET bottles toempty milk cartons– There are no limits to creativity. Today's craft idea isn't exactly new, but it's very easy and fun to make. All you need are simple materials that you may already have at home. Let's go!
This is what you need for a lantern:
- 1 balloon
- Tracing paper, colored or white
- marker
- Paste (or a mixture of white glue and water in a 1:1 ratio)
- Paint brush
- something sharp, e.g. B. scissors, a needle or a knife
- punch
- String or cup
- craft wire
- battery operated LED light
Craft instructions:
First, inflate the balloon and tie it with a knot. The bigger the balloon, the bigger the lantern will be.
Draw a line a few inches below the knot that marks the top edge of the lantern. The opening should be large enough for your hand to fit inside.
Cut or tear the paper into pieces and prepare the glue.
Hang the balloon from a string or secure it in a cup.
Then start with the papier-mâché: apply some paste or diluted glue to the balloon with the brush and start gluing the pieces of paper to the sides. You can use just one color or make the lantern colorful. You can also create any pattern you want. Continue this until the entire balloon is covered up to the line. It's best to apply a few coats.
When finished, let the balloon dry completely, preferably 2-3 days.
Then comes the fun part. Pop the balloon and remove the remains from the lantern.
Punch two holes on the sides and add a piece of string or wire for hanging.
Then put the tea light into the lantern and you're done. You can use the lantern as a decoration in the house or garden until the St. Martin's Day parade.
Also interesting:Make quick lanterns with milk cartons and cheese boxes
Decorate the paper mache lantern
The simple balloon lantern is very beautiful in itself. But if it is made for the lantern parade in November, then it is worth embellishing the simple round shape and making it a little more interesting. For example, you can paint a face or glue different facial features onto the lantern. This means your creation can be transformed into any animal you like.
Or how about this:Make a quick lantern with a paper bag for any occasion
The St. Martin's goose is a must at St. Martin's, but not necessarily on the table. You can transform a simple white papier-mâché lantern into a goose by adding a paper neck, head, tail, and feet. If your child has a favorite animal, try designing the lantern like that animal. This is a really fun and creative activity that is great for rainy days in the fall.
And who said that lantern making is only for children? Adults can also have fun with it and make a beautiful autumn decoration for the garden. This idea with pressed flowers and leaves, for example, is a beautiful decoration that anyone can make themselves. Just make sure you spray the lanterns with clear varnish and hang them in a place protected from the rain.
Also read:Make a jack-o-lantern without a pumpkin: 5 simple ideas for fall or Halloween decorations
2in1: Idea for a bee lantern made from a PET bottle and balloon
We've already shown you how to make oneLantern made from plastic bottleand can make one out of a balloon. But how about a creative craft project made from both? TikTok user Lidomi-DIY shared a cool video in which he makes a cute bee lantern out of a PET bottle and a balloon. Watch the video to see how easy it is!
Also interesting:Making a lantern for the St. Martin's Day parade: 6 quick ideas that anyone can do