Make a dragonfly with children from different materials: 5 simple and fun DIY ideas (+ templates)

There is something wonderful about dragonflies, they are magical and fascinating. Want to try these cute and super quick crafts? You can make a pretty dragonfly with kids this summer and it's so easy!

Summer is a season for playing and crafting! There are numerous ideas for what you can make with your little ones and create joy for the children! Here are some colorful and fun dragonfly ideas from different materials that you can make yourself.

Make a simple 3D dragonfly out of paper

You can use this 3D paper dragonfly as a wonderful gift or as a beautiful wall decoration.

Materials required:

  • Template
  • Cardstock paper (makes 2 dragonflies)
  • Glue or double-sided tape
  • Scissors
  • Lineal
  • Good
  • cutting mat

DIY instructions:

  • Print the dragonfly template on paper of your choice. Cut out the dragonfly parts.
  • Place a ruler on the wing so that it splits the wing. Press the awl firmly along the ruler. Then fold the marked lines. Repeat the same with the other wings of the dragonfly.
  • Then put some glue between the wings of the second paper part of the dragonfly. Glue the other wings to the dragonfly's body.
  • Now bend the wings up to get the 3d effect. You can also bend the tail.This is a great craftand it's so easy to make this cute dragonfly!

Make a dragonfly from maple seeds

You know those helicopters that come out of the trees? These are maple seeds with wings and they ensure the reproduction of the maple. Maple seeds are not hard to find and they are perfect for making a dragonfly. Collect as many as you want and make this awesome dragonfly!

What you need:

  • Maple seeds (4 for a dragonfly)
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Color marker of your choice
  • Beads of your choice
  • Glue

Instructions for crafting:

  • Take the pipe cleaner and string beautiful beads onto it. You can bend the end of the pipe cleaner to prevent the beads from falling out.
  • Decorate the maple seed wings with a paint marker by drawing any shapes on them in your favorite colors.
  • First glue the two pairs of wings together and then glue the dragonfly's body on top.
  • You can use two small branches that you stick on your head as feelers. Listen, it's already flying!
  • Use the craftas a decoration for your home!

Colorful cellophane crafts for children

This easy dragonfly is fun to make for kids toopromotes fine motor skills. The dragonflies are great for playing with!

You need:

  • Colorful cellophane
  • Spoon (wooden or plastic)
  • Color
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Glotzaugen (optional)
  • Glue (for goggle eyes)

How to make the dragonfly:

  • First, paint the spoon. Use your favorite colors or let your children paint the spoon themselves. This will definitely be exciting for them.
  • While the spoon is drying, you can prepare the dragonfly wings. Of course, you needed pipe cleaners and cellophane. Cut the cellophane to make the wing shapes. There is no fixed size that you should use. They can be approximately 20cm x 30cm, but try to find what fits your spoon size.
  • Pinch the rectangular piece of cellophane in half and wrap the end of a pipe cleaner around the center to secure it in place.
  • When the painted spoons are dry, add a little glue and stick on big googly eyes!
  • To attach the wings to the (now dry) painted spoon, simply wrap pipe cleaners down the length of the spoon handle. This gives the dragonfly a nice, decorative element.

Make your own dragonfly out of glitter paper

This is asimple craft workto cut out, and using the template makes crafting much easier.

What you need:

  • Dragonfly template
  • Glitter paper
  • Craft foam
  • Goggle-eyed
  • Scissors
  • Marker
  • Glue
  • tape
  • Pipe cleaners

How to make the dragonfly:

  • Print and cut out the dragonfly template.
  • Trace the wing template onto the back of the glitter paper and cut it out.
  • Then trace the body template onto the craft foam and cut it out.
  • Glue the wings to the body parts.
  • Cut the pipe cleaner to a suitable length and glue it to the back of the body (near the top so you'll make the feelers).
  • Finally, glue on the goggle eyes and draw a smile with the marker.

Make a pipe cleaner dragonfly

Make a dragonfly out of pipe cleaners. This is a great craft for kids that doesn't take a lot of work! It's super easy to make and you really only need basic craft supplies!

Here's what you need:

  • 3 pipe cleaners (sparkly or regular)
  • 11 Plastik-Ponyperlen
  • 2 small goggle eyes
  • craft tape
  • Scissors

Instructions for crafting:

  • Fold one of the pipe cleaners in half and add about 10 plastic pony beads halfway down the pipe cleaner, leaving about an inch of pipe cleaner at the folded end.
  • Take one of the other pipe cleaners and shape it into a circle, crossing the ends about half an inch. Then twist the ends over the pipe cleaner circle so they are secure and slightly hidden.
  • Press the top and bottom parts of the circle inward until they meet.
  • Slide the “wings” onto the dragonfly’s body (just like you slide a ring onto a finger), centering them so that the wings are even on each side. Then twist the wings twice as close to the body as you can (while squeezing the center to keep everything in place).
  • Then turn the wings twice on the other side
  • Take the third and final pipe cleaner and cut about 2 inches off the end to make another circle with it. Bend and shape the pipe cleaners so that they are even and in the shape of wings.
  • Slide the last plastic pony bead onto the dragonfly's body so that it lies on the head side of the wings.
  • Pinch the two loose ends of the dragonfly's body together and gently roll them into a spiral to form the dragonfly's head.
  • Finally you can attach the two small goggle eyes. And the pearl dragonfly made of pipe cleaner is ready!