Making penguins with children: These simple DIY projects and templates are here to help!

If you're looking for easy craft ideas for kids, consider making a penguin! Here are some of our favorite crafts for kids to make! You can incorporate these into a penguin theme for toddlers, kindergarteners, or preschoolers, or just craft for fun!

Make a penguin finger puppet

Today we're going to show you how to make this cute DIY penguin doll. It's easy to make and perfect for an afternoon of make-believe play.

Necessary materials:

Cardstock – black, orange and white
Circle punch (optional)

Crafting instructions:

  • First, cut out all the parts you need for the penguin finger puppet from the cardboard. You will need a penguin shape made of black cardboard, a halved black circle for the penguin flippers, a white circle 5cm in diameter and an orange beak.
  • Glue the white circle to the center of the penguin's body. Then use the punch to punch two holes in the bottom of the body. The fingers are inserted through these holes and serve as cut-out little penguin feet.
  • Finishthe manual work, by gluing a black fin on each side of the body, and then gluing on the goggle eyes and beak.

Cotton ball craft for kids

This adorable cotton ball penguin craft is easy to make for preschool and kindergarten kids. With different templates to choose from, your kids will love this easy winter craft.

Materials required:

Cotton ball penguin template
cotton balls
Black and orange craft paper
Optional: goggle eyes and foam stickers

DIY Instructions:

  • Cut out the penguin from the template.
  • Cut out the penguin's feet.
  • Place the body on a piece of black construction paper. Trace the outline on the construction paper and cut it out.
  • Place the feet on orange construction paper, trace the outlines and cut them out.
  • Cut out the penguin's face and belly.
  • Optional: For the eyes and beak we use goggle eyes and a foam sticker.If you do thisIf you don't have one at home, you can also use black and orange construction paper to cut out the eyes and beak.
  • Glue the white neckline and orange feet to the body.
  • Glue the cotton balls to the penguin's face and belly.
  • Stick the goggle eyes and the foam sticker onto the cotton balls.

Make a penguin toilet paper roll

You can use toilet paper rolls, kitchen rolls or even craft rolls to make this cute paper roll penguin. This penguin is fun to make and play with!

What you need:

paper roll
black paper (or black paint)
orange paper
Goggle eye stickers

Instructions for crafting:

  • Let's start cutting! First, cut a strip of black paper the same width as the paper roll - it needs to be long enough to wrap the paper roll. Naturallyyou can use the paper rollalso paint it black. Cut a “semi-oval” shape out of white paper. Cut out two wings from black paper. Then also cut out a beak shape and two feet from orange paper.
  • Tape the black paper around the paper roll. Glue the white paper. Stick on two goggle stickers.
  • Glue on the beak. Then glue the legs – you can glue them to the inside of the paper roll.
  • Last but not least, glue on the wings. Allow the glue to dry completely before using the toilet paper roll penguin to play with.

Penguin Heart Crafts

This penguin is easy to make and can be used for Valentine's Day celebrations or as an extension of penguin lessons.

Materials required:

Penguin parts stencil
Black craft paper
White craft paper
Orange craft paper
Glue stick
Black colored pencil
Pencil for tracing


  • Print out the penguin parts template and cut out the parts.
  • Trace the penguin body on the black construction paper and cut it out.
  • Trace the heart belly along the fold on a piece of white construction paper. Cut it out and glue it to the black body.
  • Draw the four small hearts on the orange construction paper and cut them out.
  • Gluetwo of the small hearts as feet on the lower part of the penguin's body.
  • Cut two strips for the penguin's arms from the black construction paper.
  • Fold the strips like an accordion and glue one end to the back of the body on each side.
  • Glue the remaining two hearts to the ends of the arms.
  • Cut out two eyes from white construction paper.
  • Glue them to the top of the body and color in the eye.
  • Cut out an orange triangle for the nose and glue it below the eyes in the center of the heart.

Let your children get creative and use different colored paper. Maybe they'll surprise you with alternative arm, eye and body designs! It's so fun to make a penguin with your little ones!

Or how about these ideas:Make a penguin with cotton wool, toilet roll, paper plates and cups