Parents and children can create true works of art using paints, paper plates, colored paper and modeling clay. With these craft ideas for preschoolers you can encourage creativity, curiosity and inquisitiveness in your little ones. Crafting is not only a lot of fun, but also contributes to the development of fine motor skills in preschool children. The children also learn to solve problems and work together on a project.
Craft ideas for preschool children: How to promote the development of 5-year-old children
Crafting is fun for young and old. But for children, working fulfills several functions:
1. Crafting helps to teach children core skills and abilities in a playful way.
2. Espromotes fine motor skills.
3. It promotes learning ability.
4. Through crafts, the child learns to communicate and work together with other people.
Crafting with preschool children: Promoting color understanding in 5-year-old children
Every child is different. While some of them are already three years oldKnow colors, the others continue to mix up certain colors at the age of four. You can help your children learn the basic colors and also distinguish the individual nuances. For this purpose, you can opt for a craft idea with rainbow colors. For example – painting a rainbow with watercolors and fingers.
You can also cut out a cloud from white cardboard and glue six wooden sticks to it. Wood can beperfect with watercolors, markers and various coloring pens. Mix the basic colors to create new colors or shades. Through experimentation, the child can get to know the variety of colors better and recognize different shades of color.
In order for children to learn to distinguish different shades of color, different ones comeWashi tape projectsto help. The adhesive tape is available in all possible colors and shades. With a little skill, you can use washi tape to create a rainbow background for creative images.
Craft projects for 5 year old children that promote their development
At age 5, children cannot concentrate long enough to learn a lesson. Even reading fairy tales and short poems is constantly interrupted by questions. One way to help preschool children acquire new knowledge is to choose a craft project on a specific topic. For example, make different insects with the little onesfrom clothespins, pipe cleaners and rhinestones. While you're making crafts, you can tell the children how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly.
And then you can make colorful butterflies out of plastic plates, flowers, wooden stems and pipe cleaners. This craft idea makes you even more excited for the coming spring.
To explain the change of seasons to children, you can make a stencil with the child's hand silhouette and then trace it four times onto brown cardboard. Then let the children paint or decorate the hand depending on the season. For winter, decorate them with self-adhesive snowflakes and stamp them with white fingerprints. For spring, stamp them in all sorts of colors with flower stamps. For summer, cut out green leaves from cardboard and glue them onto the picture. In autumn, decorate the hand silhouette with autumn leaves made from salt dough or modeling clay.
The next craft idea promotes concentration, fine motor skills and trains imagination. Make a cloud and raindrops using a white paper plate, white crepe paper, and decorative beads.
You can also tell the children about the flowers, seeds and how to care for houseplants and then “plant” beautiful flowers made of colored paper together in disposable cups. To make it more exciting, you can stick a photo of one of your children on each flower and then label the flowers with their names.
Alternatively, you can sow seeds directly into a plant pot and decorate the pot with paint.
How to design a flower pot with fingerprintsfind out here.
Crafts for preschoolers: painting paper plates
You can make all sorts of things out of paper plates. All you need is a disposable plate, feathers, paints and a black marker to create a parrot.
A pirate can also be made quickly. In this case, the children first have to paint the paper plate with yellow paint and let it dry. Then paint the mouth, eye, an eye patch and the beard. For the nose you need a button, for the headgear - blue paint and two details made of blue cardboard.
You can also make a mermaid without much effort. You will need cardboard, a marker, paint and yellow knitting yarn. Cut out all the details and let the children put the mermaid together and glue everything in place.
You can also make a ship out of paper plates. For this purpose, you can cut out the details from cardboard and glue them to a wooden handle.
Craft ideas for 5 year old children: ideas with shells
Maybe you have collected seashells after a long walk on the coast and would like to make a beautiful decoration for the children's room? The next craft ideas are just for you. We offer you several ideas for painting shells and showcasing them effectively.
You can make a beautiful wall decoration for the children's room or perhaps a charming wind chime for the terrace using twine, a wooden handle and shells. Painting seashells is not an easy task. The children have to work very precisely. Therefore, this craft idea practices fine motor skills
Craft ideas for preschool children: pictures with buttons
Not only shells, but also buttons offer creative freedom. You can make a sheet of modeling clay and glue several yellow and brown buttons on it. A pom-pom, two googly eyes and the caterpillar is ready!
To make a cute snail, you will need a paper plate, purple cardboard, a googly eye and a 10 cm long piece of pipe cleaner. Have the children glue the buttons onto the plate. To make it easier, you can draw a spiral with a paint pen.
You can make numerous charming pictures from buttons. The next idea is very simple and works well for children aged 5 years. Make a meadow with field flowers. For this purpose, you need plain plastic buttons in green, pink, yellow and purple.
A circle of yellow cardboard, eight wooden sticks, yellow paint and yellow buttons are all you need to conjure up a beautiful sun.
Craft ideas for preschool children: This is how you can encourage 6-year-old children
We have the second part of our articleCraft ideas for childrendedicated at the age of 6. Here are several suggestions for what to do with preschoolers on rainy days.
A good idea is to fold origami animals and figures. You can make colorful mobiles out of them, or maybe organize a zoo of origami animals.
Craft ideas for preschool children: This is what six-year-olds can learn
Children as young as six years old are interested in the world. You can make various insects such as wasps, butterflies, beetles, etc. from toilet paper rolls and colored paper.
The solar system explained simply - stick plastic balls with papier-mâché to create the planets. The children can paint them.
Every little astronaut needs his spaceship. You can make cute rockets yourself out of toilet paper rolls and modeling clay and of course then explain to the children what a spaceship is made of and where it can fly.
You can make a mobile with the solar system out of white cardboard and colorful paper clips. To do this, you can print out templates for the planets (the templates should be to scale) and the children can cut them out and paint them.
Craft ideas for preschool children: Painting Kandinsky circles
Wassily Kandinsky is a painter famous for his painting “Square Color Study”. His artwork offers the perfect opportunity to explore the effects of different colors together with the children. Watercolors are suitable for this purpose for preschool children. First, the children draw circles of different sizes inside each other. Then the circles are arranged on a pin board. You can not only discuss the color effect, but also explain the differences between the square and circle shapes.
Painting with wax and watercolors is a lot of fun for preschool children. Simply first draw a picture with a wax pencil, then apply watercolor over the picture. The children can observe how the wax lines remain unchanged and only the empty areas on the page change color.
Craft ideas for preschoolers: 6 year old children learn to sew
From the age of six you can start teaching children how to sew in a playful way. The next craft idea is the perfect skill exercise. You will need a disposable plate, a wooden handle, sewing thread, cardboard, scissors, a thick needle and a sewing template.
Let your imagination run wild and try out different craft ideas. Once you have poked the holes in the plate, the children can pull the needle through and create colorful patterns. You can also decorate the paper plates with bows, cardboard or cotton.
This quickly creates a sky with clouds and rainbows, a snail, a flower, a sun or perhaps a sweet lollipop.
Craft ideas for 6 year old children: decoration with shells
At the age of six, children also enjoy making crafts with natural materials. Shells offer numerous possibilities. For example, you can build ships from large shells. Cut out the sail from colored paper and glue a drinking straw onto it as a mast. The children can also paint the shells with fineliner and markers.
Various decorations for the children's room can be made from modeling clay and shells. This craft idea helps children to better assess the size and shape of the materials and practices their skills.
Crafting with felt fabric
Preschoolers really like cutting out details from felt fabric. To do this, you can use a cookie cutter or draw designs on the felt fabric and then ask the children to cut them out with scissors.