Crafting for Mother's Day in elementary school

And another special occasion is approaching to do crafts with the children - Mother's Day. If you would like to make something special for Mother's Day with your class in elementary school to honor mothers, you can take a look at our ideas. We have found simple and creative craft ideas for you that all children will surely master successfully, no matter how skilled they are. In this way you will help the little ones say “thank you” to their mother for everything and how much they love her.

Making Mother's Day crafts in elementary school - a wreath made of hearts

Simple paper hearts and a bit of glue - that's all you need for this simple but beautiful idea. You can prepare the strips or let the children cut them themselves. That depends on how old your children are. Instead of glue, you can also use a staple gun. Make the hearts as follows and preferably in bright colors.

Take a strip and fold it in half. Then form a heart shape with the two ends and glue or staple them together. Make several such hearts and then place them together in a circle to make a wreath. At the points where the hearts touch, glue them together. Then tie string or a ribbon to hang it anywhere and your Mother's Day wreath is ready. You can also punch holes for the ribbon.

Make Mother's Day gifts in elementary school - necklaces for mom

What woman doesn't love necklaces? The perfect idea for a quick and above alleasy craft project. The necklaces can also be turned into key rings using key rings. You need the following materials:

  • cord
  • round wooden plates with a hole
  • Heart stickers (or other shapes)
  • felt-tip pens
  • Wooden beads
  • Scissors

First, stick the sticker on the wooden tag. The children can then paint the wood around it and let the paint dry a little. Then remove the sticker. What remains is the unpainted motif. Then tie string long enough for a chain. It is best to place the knot in the middle and the two ends of the cord are approximately the same length.

Now thread beads in any color and order and finally tie the ends of the string together. If you want, shorten the cord and tie on a key ring to make a key chain.

Greeting card with colorful noodles

Not only farfalle are ideal for making greeting cards with a spring character for Mother's Day in elementary school. Pretty flowers and other motifs can also be achieved with other varieties. Definitely arePasta is a wonderful ideato make original Mother's Day cards. Here are a few creative ideas that you can implement with colored pasta (painted with food coloring or acrylic):

  • Frame the front of the card with Farfalle.
  • Shell noodles (also called snail noodles) forShaping hyacinths.
  • Maccheroni for the petals of a daisy flower.

In principle, a wide variety of motifs can be created by dyeing or painting the noodles in the respective color. Wool cord is also a good material because you can use it to make flower stems or blades of grass. Since the large amount of pasta makes the card quite heavy, we recommend using cardboard instead of normal paper that you can paint beforehand. The back can be decorated with a greeting and a thank you to your mother.

Frame made of colorful pasta

Cool Mother's Day card with an egg carton and tea bags as a gift

Actually everyone likes to drink tea. It is also healthy and is associated with cozy moments - perfect for making a sentimental gift for Mother's Day in elementary school. This tea bag greeting card also hasa great 3D effect, which is sure to impress mom. Here's what you need:

  • Craft cardboard in white and another color of your choice
  • Egg carton (one cup per card)
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Teebeutel
  • Glue
  • Any decorations such as flowers, sequins, stickers or others

If you would like to make this Mother's Day card with children, cut out a cup from the egg carton. One side should be cut straight so that it can rest well on the card. Fold the white cardstock to create a fold-out card and cut a rectangle out of colored cardstock and glue it to the center of the front of the card. Now glue the cup to the middle, form a handle out of the pipe cleaner and attach that too. Place the bag in the teacup you received and stick the label in place as well. Now you can design the card around it with any decorations you want.

If you would like to write a few nice words on the cards, you can ask the childrenwith our ideasand make it easier for them to find the right words. Our sayings can also be printed out and then easily stuck into the card.

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