Making mushrooms: 3 DIY projects for home and garden

We always enjoy staying at home in the fall. And when the first leaves fall, the beautiful nature awakens your creativity. Let your imagination run wild and make a wonderful decoration with a natural look: for example, you can make mushrooms out of felt and wine corks and decorate your self-made diorama with them. Or paint the old clay pots and turn them into mushrooms - the autumn decoration for the terrace and garden is ready in no time. Or you can conjure up mushrooms out of paper and toilet roll with the children. We'll show you 3 ideas and DIY instructions to imitate.

Build an autumn diorama

Surprise family and friends with an imaginative decoration - and build itautumnal diorama. Scatter moss on paper, let it dry. Arrange gnomes made of felt and hedgehogs made of pine cones on top. Cut butterfly silhouettes out of paper, paint them and glue them to toothpicks.

Pictured above: hedgehogmade of feltand pine cones, paper butterflies and the ladybugs are made from small fabric-covered buttons. The absolute highlight in the diorama – the mushrooms made of Styrofoam and coffee filters.

Difficulty: medium. Suitable for adults and teenagers. Requires skill.

Crafting time: 1-2 hours, depending on how many mushrooms you want to craft.

In order to make the mushrooms pictured above, you will need small Styrofoam cones, Styrofoam balls, crepe paper, fine brushes, scissors, knife or cutter, paint, glue. Simply first cut the balls in half, then make a hole in the middle, insert the cones into the ball and secure with glue. Allow to dry. Then cover the mushrooms with crepe paper and, if desired, paint dots with white paint.

The end result looks so fascinating. Our tip: Coffee filters can successfully replace crepe paper. If desired, you can glue the ladybugs made of buttons to the mushrooms. For this craft idea you only need a little skill, a free hour on the weekend and patience. It will probably only work after two or three attempts at sticking crepe paper. So give yourself time to experiment.

Make mushrooms out of corks and felt

Beautiful mushrooms can be made not only from paper and Styrofoam - corks and felt are also used. The instructions are extremely simple, sewing skills are required, but you can also make the mushrooms yourself using a hot glue gun or felt glue. You can arrange the finished mushrooms under a glass dome together with moss and a bird's nest made of felt and sewing thread and display them on the dining table.

Difficulty level: easy, suitable for adults and children aged 7 and over.

Craft time: 1 hour

Caution: Never leave children unsupervised when handling needles or glue. Children are not allowed to use the hot glue gun as there is a risk of injury.

The necessary materials are wine corks, wooden thread spools, felt sheets in red and white, white sewing thread, stuffing or other suitable filling for the hat of your choice, needle. Optional: felt glue or hot glue gun.

The first step is to cut out a large circle with a diameter from the red felt - depending on your choice between 6 cm for the small mushrooms and 8 cm for the large mushrooms. Cut out three very small circles per mushroom (diameter no larger than 8 mm - 1 cm) from the white felt and one large circle with a diameter of 4 cm for the small mushrooms and 8 cm for the large mushrooms. Cut the ends of the red felt circle with scissors at a distance of 1cm (see photo above).

First sew the small white dots to the red circle, then sew the white and red circles together up to the middle and fill them with the cotton wool. Sew the circles together until the end. Optionally you can glue all the felt details together.

At the end, attach the hat to the stem (wine cork or spool of thread). Here you can either glue the two parts together, or cut a hole in the middle of the white circle and insert the wine cork into it.

Cool decoration for the garden made from old plant pots

The next project is super easy.

Difficulty level: easy, it is suitable for children of kindergarten age.

Caution: You just have to be careful when choosing the colors that they are suitable for outdoor use.

Project duration: The craft time is a maximum of half an hour (although depending on how long the paint takes to dry, the project may have to be done in two days).

Materials: Clay plant pot. Paint – depending on your preferences, either paint spray in white and red, and acrylic paint in white, brush, glass, pencil, special waterproof coating for clay pots, glue for clay. Or you can simply buy suitable paints for outdoor use from the craft shop and first apply the base color with a large brush, and then use a fine brush to paint the dots.

Make the mushrooms: First apply a layer of white paint spray, then let it dry and spray again with the paint spray if necessary. Paint the coaster in red accordingly.

Draw three circles on the coaster. You can use the glass for this purpose.

Now paint the circles with the fine brush.

At the end, place the saucer on the plant pot and glue it. Complete!

Two ideas for children with household items

If you have small children, the next two projects are perfect to make - pictured above are mushrooms made from painted coffee filters and ice cream sticks. You can use these as part of an imageon the theme of “Autumn”..

But it's even easier - cut out dots from construction paper, paint the coffee filters with watercolor, and then glue the dots to the filters. For example, toilet rolls can serve as a handle.

Whether made from felt, fabric, crepe paper, coffee filters or wood – the homemade mushrooms are guaranteed to attract attention.