Polaroid photos decoration tinkering & designing: 17 good mood ideas

Even though the good old polaroid photos were more popular due to the practical digital cameras, the likeable pictures are coming back. It was recognized relatively quickly that a “real” photo is great than a photo on the computer or telephone. In addition, the polaroid is developed faster than the usual photos. And that in turn makes it possible to immediately use the pictures for decorative purposes. If you have also discovered the polaroids for yourself, we would like to give you some inspiration for polaroid photos decoration with which you can provide liveliness in any room.

OnePolaroid photos decorationis not only original. The advantage is that you can take new pictures at any time and replace the older ones from the decoration. So you have your latest activities, excursions or other occasions at a glance without having to wait for a longer development time.

Depending on the type of images you choose, you can also choose a specific topic for the compilation. Design, for example, an arrangement from pictures that were made on your friends or a birthday of your friends. Choose the last walk, excursion or a spontaneous photo session.

As is well known, the best pictures are these that were created spontaneously because they do not appear. You can get such on an important occasion, such as a birthday, a wedding or another kind of party, by creating a polaroid camera that everyone can use. This triggers a surprise effect and offers the best pictures for your decoration.

A classic among the decoration ideas is to attach the pictures close together on the wall and create a photo wall. Various forms can be created here. If you want to put together memories with your loved one, for example, a heart shape is very suitable.

It is certainly no longer a secret that geometric shape has been very trendy for some time. Use this trend to make your personal decoration yourself. Put pin charts into the wall and then connect it to cord so that a network of geometric shapes is created. There you can now attach the Polaroid pictures, expand or exchange ideas at any time.

If you are on originality, then make a particularly interesting photo stand on which you can show your pictures. For this polaroid photos decoration you only need any book, the pages of which you roll up. Repeat this several times. You can now stick the pictures between the roles created in this way.

Magnets are a popular decorative idea for the fridge or other metal surfaces in the house. With your help you can make a great fake decoration yourself and design your apartment or give away the decoration. This is practical if you don't have polaroids at hand, but you absolutely want to have the look. We show you instructions on how to make great polaroid magnets.

You need either self-drying handicrafts or those for the oven, Washi tape, adhesive tape or insulating tape, a sharp and pointed knife (e.g. carpet knife), a ruler and small magnets. If your sound is baked, you should also store baking paper if you want to make the polaroid photos decorative.

The sound is first rolled out like dough. Depending on the photos you want to use, you should estimate the size. Since you cannot get a perfect rectangular shape, you can easily cut the excess with a knife and ruler. Check beforehand whether the piece is enough for the photo.

Then cut out the inner area of ​​the clay piece. If you are satisfied with the result, let these polaroid photos decoration dry or bake in the oven, as described in the instructions of the packaging, and then let it cool well.

Then stick a small magnet on the back and upstairs. You should also let the glue dry as well before you continue. Incidentally, you can also stick magnets directly onto a polaroid image and then hang it on the fridge without homemade frames. However, keep in mind that this is no longer easy to remove later. Now add the photo with the help of adhesive tape and you are ready.

This idea is particularly easy to implement. Here the pictures are glued directly to the wall. So that you do not ruin the wall, it is best to use insulating tape or patterned Washi tape because they do not stick too firmly. A colored band also makes the wall decoration look happier. The idea is well suited if you don't want to drill holes.

Design such a ring and decorate the wall with it. Use any material: paper, cardboard, wire or what else you have at hand. There are no limits to you for the way hanging. Whether ordinary cord, a chain or a crocheted band, the choice is entirely with you.

It is very modern to decorate the interior with branches. That gives a touch of nature. With a branch you can also make a decoration yourself. Hang cord at a sufficient distance to the branch and distribute the photos. For a nice degree and as weight, also use decorative pearls.

You can also match the idea with the branches to the different holidays. Use for a decorative idea for Christmas, for example, fir branches and the colors green, red and white. You can also choose forsythia at Easter. The pictures can also be put in a small frame or simply imitated by a frame.

Hang a cord on the wall for these pictures, so that the look of a clothesline is created and then clamp the polaroids with small laundry or other brackets. The whole thing also reminds of a darkroom in which the photos are hung on a cord for developing. Decorate the cord with any elements. Artificial flowers are very suitable.

Instead of a cord, a chain of lights can also be used wonderfully. This immediately gives the room a romantic mood. You will receive an impressive decorative idea, which also serves as an insulated lighting. The light chain also offers plenty of space for many photos. Use clamps, stickers or adhesive tape to hang it.

Collages are undoubtedly very popular. If you don't want to stick your pictures once or just try something else, use a larger picture frame without the glass. Hang up from one end to the other again and distribute your favorite pictures. The picture frame can now be hung on the wall or placed in any place.

This idea is also very original, in which an old window is used. The photos are glued directly to the glass and are better protected. The old window frame is wonderful for a facility in rustic or shabby chic style and can decorate any space. Are you looking for an original gift idea for a friend or relatives? Then choose this or one of the other polaroid photos decoration ideas!