Make jellyfish with children out of cardboard and egg carton, paper, wool or pipe cleaners

If you have ever been to an aquarium with your children, you will have noticed how excited they are to watch the jellyfish swim. No wonder, because this lightness, combined with the interesting look of these molluscs, can really captivate you.

Bring these interesting creatures into your own four walls by making cute jellyfish together with the children. You can use different materials for this. Maybe you can come up with a few creative ideas of your own in addition to our instructions.

Simple idea for toddlers with paper and wool

Those:@raisinglittlejess/ Instagram

With paints and a squeegee (yes, you read that right), as wella few threads of woolIt's really easy to make some beautiful jellyfish. Whether you use a certain color for the wool, combine two colors or make everything colorful is of course up to you.

  • white paper
  • Acrylic paints
  • puller
  • Scissors
  • punch
  • To want
  • Googly eyes
  • Pencil or marker
Those:@raisinglittlejess/ Instagram

Here's how to make the sea creatures from the materials given:

  • Place any color in a row on a piece of paper.
  • Place the squeegee over it and slowly pull it downwards to spread the colors. This creates a beautiful pattern.
    Tipp:You can also cut the shape out of regular cardboard and paint it.
  • Allow the colors to dry.
  • Cut out a jellyfish body. You can do this freehand or use our template, which has different sizes to choose from.
  • If you are using the template, cut out the design, trace it onto the back of the colored paper and cut out the jellyfish body.
Those:@raisinglittlejess/ Instagram
  • Punch holes in the design several times along the bottom edge.
  • Cut wool threads.
  • Thread the threads through the prepared holes and tie a simple anchor knot.
  • Glue on the googly eyes and draw a mouth.
Those:@pirate.mama/ Instagram

Made of cardboard and yarn

Those:@teaching_juniorexplorers/ Instagram
Those:@ikigai.earlyyears/ Instagram

You can also use the same principle to create a jellyfishfrom paper platesand make pipe cleaners.

  • Cut the plate in half and arrange it however you like. You can also cut the straight edge (the cut side) in a wave shape.
  • Punch holes in the bottom edge several times.
  • Insert pipe cleaners through the holes and bend them down at the back.
  • For eyes, you can use large googly eyes or cut circles out of paper and glue them on.
  • Draw a mouth.

Use colored egg cartons and strips of fabric or paper

Those:@twinkletwinklelittleparty/ Instagram

You can create so many things out of egg cartons! Jellyfish can also be made very quickly and easily from this material. You can use Styrofoam egg cartons, which are often available in bright colors, or paint them, as desirednormal Egg cartons.

  • Eierschachteln
  • Strips of fabric, strips of tissue paper, strings of beads, bubble wrap and/or ribbons
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • String/ribbon or magnets

Different parts of the boxes are used in the two examples.

  1. The cups of the boxes.
  2. The tips of the egg boxes, as well as curved elements from the remaining cardboard.
Those:@bebucreations/ Instagram

In both cases you must:

  • cut out the elements.
  • Then you can paint them however you want (subtle with watercolors like in the picture above).
  • Poke a hole through the cup/cardboard tip and thread a loop of string/ribbon through it. Tie a knot on the inside so that the cord cannot slip upwards.
    Tipp:Instead of using string, you can also stick magnets to the back (inside). Then you get funny magnetic figures for the refrigerator (see next picture).
  • For variant 2, glue two round cardboard shapes together and onto the top.
  • Paint faces. You can also use googly eyes.
  • Cut paper, fabric, or chains to the desired length and glue them to the inside of the bodies to give the jellyfish their tentacles. Bubble wrap can also be cut into strips and, if you want, even decorated with colors (acrylic paints).
Those:@yuvalzommer/ Instagram

Make jellyfish with coffee filters and food coloring

Those:@supersimpleofficial/ Instagram

The absorbent paper of filter baskets as well as their shape make them a perfect material forCrafts with children. How to make these pretty jellyfish:

  • Filter baskets, preferably with a wavy edge
  • Food colors or watercolors
  • Plastic balls for shaping (or small, inflated balloons)
  • Cup with water, brush
  • Scissors
  • cord
Those:@supersimpleofficial/ Instagram

How to make these pretty jellyfish:

  • Shape tipsfrom the filters, with the tip being the center of the cup.
  • Prepare cups of water in which to dissolve the desired colors.
  • Line a larger bowl with kitchen paper.
  • Dip the tips into the paint and let the paper absorb the paint.
  • Place each colored filter in the dish with the paper towels to dry.
  • Place three filter baskets one inside the other and immerse them in clear water.
  • Place the wet paper neatly over a ball (or similar object) so that it can take on a round shape.
Those:@supersimpleofficial/ Instagram
  • Dye the wet paper in a desired color.
  • Set the ball and paper and the sharpened papers aside to dry.
  • Now cut the sharpened filters into strips in a spiral shape. You can create strips of different thicknesses and combine them later.
    Two of these paper points remain uncut per jellyfish!
  • Carefully remove the rounded paper from the ball. It should now remain in this form.
  • Carefully poke holes through the tips of the remaining paper filters and through the round jellyfish body.
  • Take the strips together, cut them at one point with scissors and thread long string through the hole, which you then tie together. The tentacles are now attached to each other.
  • Then thread the same string with the tentacles through the two filters and through the paper hemisphere in order to be able to hold and hang up the jellyfish.

You can find a few ideas for other sea creaturesin this article.